Nail Biting

edited September 2009 in Behavior & Training
Has anybody ever had a dog that did this? Ike has recently been seen (and heard) to be biting his rear toenails. I keep them short normally, so he is intentionally biting them. There doesn't appear to be anything physically wrong with his feet or toes that would be causing pain. He mostly nibbles the ends of the nails (loudly) when he decides to groom himself.

He didn't used to do it that I noticed-just it in the last couple of weeks. Is this from boredom? Deficiency in diet? Just because he can?


  • edited November -1
    Does he do anything before chewing on his nails, like scratching his ear with his back leg?
  • edited November -1
    Remy chews his sometimes, I think it is just their way of trimming them.
  • edited November -1
    Once in a while Shira sticks her whole back foot in her mouth, but not specifically bitten any nails. Hopefully he's just grooming. It'd be wonderful if we could train them to trim their own nails! :)
  • edited November -1
    Haha, you're lucky he is doing it himself!! LOL, none of mine have done this, but I guess I wouldn't be too worried unless it was obsessive/compulsive, they were bitten to the quick, or if the nails were a funny color or clearly infected or something. They are pretty picky groomers, I wouldn't be surprised if he just found a new way or new part of himself to groom and is just being really thorough.
  • edited November -1
    Sachi used to chew on any nails she could get in her mouth easily, I wish she still did it because she is such a b*tch when it comes to nail care. Akira likes to chew on his dew claws, he pulls at them like he is trying to get them off. It doesnt hurt him so I let him do what he wants to them. Its just annoying when he does it in the middle of the night because it is definitely loud.
  • edited November -1
    Reilly does this. I dont know why. She has had claws crack before (stupid labrador genes!) from hiking and I wonder if she is just managing her nails, or if she has something stuck in her teeth. I was actually listening to her last night as she settled in bed, lights out,and I could hear her stomping her nest just right, laying down, licking, nibbling her nails, scratching her ear, and sniffing the claws, then another scuffing sound and a big GACK! I said "will you get your foot out of your ear and go to sleep?!"
  • edited November -1
    Ha ha- it sounds like someone is cracking nutshells. I look down thinking to myself, was I just biting my own nails and didn't realize it? No, it's Ike again. I don't think he is digging for ear wax or anything-that's a good idea though. His nails and toes are healthy.

    That has me thinking-I wonder if it started because of a recent hotspot he has behind his ear. It evolved out of a couple bad ant stings about 2 weeks ago right behind the left ear in the collar area, where he has been sratching a little (and then nibbling toes). Perhaps the infection smell was on the nails?

    The trip to the Vet for the hotspot is a (aggravating) story in itself.
  • edited November -1
    Ki tends to chew on his nails and lick his feet when he's having allergies. He also scratches the inside of his ears sometimes. It gets worse in the heavy pollen seasons but I have some medicine from the vet that helps and I also use doggy wipes to try to clean any pollen and the like that gets in his fur after a walk.

    I am so glad to hear that other dogs pull on their dewclaws too so I don't have to worry that Ki is neurotic. Ugh that always scares me because he really looks like he's going to pull it right off. >_<

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