When to walk my puppy Grizzly?

edited September 2009 in General
Hi everyone! I have been hearing different information about when you are able to walk a puppy. Grizzly is now 11 weeks, but the vet says we can't walk him until 6 more weeks because he hasn't had all his vaccinations. He just had his second round of shots today, and we are supposed to go back in 3 more weeks for more shots. I'm just really anxious to start walking him because he runs circles around us! Any tips on how to kinda exercise him? We've been playing fetch in the house but he learns after a few tosses =]


  • edited September 2009
    Hi Janet,
    You should be able to walk your dog already. Just watch out for areas where other dogs have pooped (intestinal parasites like Giardia, are common at around that stage), and also limit your dogs interactions with other older dogs. Vaccinated dogs can be carriers of parasites and diseases that your own dog isn't vaccinated against yet. This is likely why your vet suggests you refrain from walking your dog until his shots are done.

    However, as long as you can avoid the two situations above, I don't see why you can't begin taking short walks (15 min or less) with your adorably cute puppy!

  • edited November -1
    He is too cute-second what Jesse says.

    It's more important, in my opinion, to get the pups socialized and exposed to lots of (positive) sights and sounds as early as possible. Avoiding crowded areas and places where sick dogs might go are the easiest ways to avoid making your pup ill. Try a sling and take puppy when going into buildings or on more crowded streets that way he should still benefit from hearing all the noises, sights and getting pets from friendly strangers without worrying so much about picking up parvo or getting frightened from rough play.
  • edited November -1
    Third what everyone else said. I would begin walking him around the neighborhood a couple times a day for short 15 minute intervals. You can also bring Grizzly to dog friendly places to shop. I would bring Koda everywhere including the grocery store. No one ever said anything to me, but Home Depot and stores like that are good too.
  • edited November -1
    It really depends, I would ask my vet if there were recent cases of giardia, parvo or anything else in my area. Maybe the suggested to not take him out because of that.

    Otherwise, Akira was out at 8 weeks, our vet said it was ok and I think he benifited from the early socialisation.
  • edited November -1
    Great ideas everyone! Today I put him in a carrier and walked to CVS and he was great. He didn't make any noise and I'm sure the mental stimulation is great for him. =]
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