? from an old post
Since I am relatively new to the forum, I've begun to read older posts (for those who know about my OCDness - yes this is probably part of that) and I feel I'm learning alot (therefore justifying my need to have all of the posts show in one color). There was a post a year ago (by Britain) that said "One more thing;I give both of my dogs powdered or pstled nettles as that's a non invasive way to promote antihistamine soothing." This was in relation to vaccines and allergies within dogs. Jazz has been sneezing a fair amount - the vet feels it's due to lovely pollen season here in the South. I take a prescription for my allergies & sinus problems.
My question is - has anyone here tried the powdered nettles with their dogs for spring/fall allergies? How do you give them this powder? What dosage? What kind of success have you had? Where do you get this?
i have nettles and thyme for a skin condition on a dog in the past - but not a shiba. I would add them (nettles) to their meal every other day and use thyme (boiled thick and cooled) on skin for flakes.
Where did you find the nettles?
Tho it sounds like Jen may have this Q covered. :c)
Is a good source for all sorts of natural healing herbs and what not. For making teas or medicinal applications, you know, whatever.
LJ - Whole Dog Journal is really into this type of stuff also (where do you think I found out about Jeans Greens), so you might want to try a word search in their back issue database.