Shiba Inu/Cairn Terror (terrier) Playdate!
Today we had an extended playdate with a male (Murphy) and female (Eva) cairn terrier at the tennis courts. Everyone did great! We brought them back to our house when it started raining, and everyone did great then too!
Murphy (male, ligher color) is available for adoption through Col. Potter Cairn Terrier Rescue.
Murphy (male, ligher color) is available for adoption through Col. Potter Cairn Terrier Rescue.
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Looks like everyone had a great time at your place.
How do you get such good action shots? They wouldn't stop moving AT ALL!!! And these were taken AFTER a 2 hour romp in the tennis court!
they CAN bring the ruckus! not that a shiba can't - little terriers just bring it in a whole new way. Eva and Tsuki have been play buddies since we adopted Tsuki and Murphy has been with Eva in foster for about 3 weeks so it was a nice day to see how he would be too. He was such a lovebug once he was tired!
it was a really a big test for Kitsune, because this time they came over, it was with me and not with their owner.. if anyone could piss him off it would be an intrusive, energized terrier. But he loved it! both the male and female! loved every minute!
At the behaviorist suggestion we had this kind of playdate because its unfair for me or the shiba rescue or anyone to assume Kitsune has a temperment problem with intrusive male (or female) dogs because I could not have asked for a better playdate. I can't wait to report this to the behaviorist and take on the next hurdle!!
I think we need to upgrade our manual to digital SLR.. these shibas are too photogenic.