how old to neuteur my shiba

edited May 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
i have a 3 month old shiba and a 3 month old boxer. male and female.the shiba is the male and is already trying to have sex with the boxer.the vet says we cant have either fo them done till 6 months.what can i do till then if anything. or should i ask another vet. can it be done safely earlier?


  • edited November -1
    You definitely do NOT want to do it any sooner. A lot of those hormones are essential to your puppys development.
    A lot of times, what appears to be sex is simply yout shiba attempting to establish dominance over your boxer. That is why dogs hump peoples legs. They don't think we are attractive, they just want to show who they think the boss is.

    Romi on the forum has a male shiba and a femal boxer.

  • edited November -1
    Hi Welcome to the forum!

    We have the same mix! My pups do great together and im sure your's will too! Please post pics when you have a chance! You must be pretty tired raising 2 puppies at 1 time!

    I agree with Jess - I don't think that it is a sexual thing, probably more dominance. My Shiba boy is 8 months and my Boxer girl is 19 months. We had the boxer first, she was spayed at 6 months. I got my Shiba when he was 4 months and he was neutered at 6 months also. I don't think the testicles have even dropped at 3 months have they? I don't think you have much to worry about - just make sure they are seperated when you are not home.

    As for your boxer's spaying - It is VERY IMPORTANT that your vet DOES NOT USE - ACE (acepromazine) - as a sedative. Boxers are VERY SENSITIVE to this particular sedative and can get low blood pressure or low heart rates while on this medication. This is a common sedative used in veterinary practice, and hopefully your vet will be aware of the problems experienced by Boxers.

    hope to see pics of your pups soon!
  • edited November -1
    my shiba was born on Oct, and I just got him Neutered last friday, Drop him off to the vet THursday pick him up the next day. I wait 6-7 months before getting it done. He still lock in the house recovering. The vet said he has to stay inside and no exercise till he come back latter this week to get the stiches removed. I think best to have it done at 5 or 6 months, the lighter your dog weigh the cheaper it is too. THe longer u wait it cost more too if your dog bigger.
  • edited November -1
    I generally wait until 9 months. Simply because your dog at that point shouldn't get much larger. And I continue to exercise my dogs, just no rough housing.

    I would strongly discourage doing it very young as their little bodies have a hard time with anesthesia.

    I also try my best to avoid letting finances get in the way of what is healthiest for my dog. I would rather not buy something for myself and insure that my dogs are the healthiest they can be then run the risk of taking a less expensive route with their health and it having severe repercussions in the long run.
  • edited November -1
    Well said, Jess.
  • edited November -1
    Hmm, from everything i've heard from working in a pet store, and from my boss' husband ( who is a vet ) and works with the clinic at the store, i've been told that early neuter/spay was very safe and had quicker recovery from the procedure. Toby had no trouble at all. I got him done a few weeks ago at 5 months old.
  • edited November -1
    To play the devil's advocate I think the term "very safe" all depends on the species, breed, size and age. I have known animals (not just dogs) who flat-lined on the surgery table due to sensitivities to anesthesia.
  • edited November -1
    I gotta go with 8-9 months in agreement with Jess, being one who also agrees with the fact that hormones are vital to our dogs' health and they should keep them as long as possible before aggressive male/female reproductive signs begin to truly kick in, which is not at 3 months. There are many different theories and opinions. Personally, I wouldn't have had mine neutered at all, allowing him to keep those essential hormones, but I also knew he couldn't enjoy life that way without mating 3-4 times a year and that's where I had to make the decision for him 'cause we ain't going in that direction.

    My male Shiba was neutered at 8 months.
  • edited November -1
    My shiba female was spayed at 6 months and my foster males neutered at 6 months of age and all are normal happy dogs. I have fosters and an adopted male that were neutered into adulthood (after 1 year old) and I think that makes the recovery a bit more difficult.. but thats just what my personal experiences have been.

    It's between you and your trusted veterinarian what is best for your dog.
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