Funny face

edited July 2008 in General
I was talking to Barbara last night and she pointed out that I have not posted any new Miko pictures lately. Which is totally true. With Piglet being in pain and all her treatment my energy has been elsewhere.
My girlfriend shot a ton of Miko pictures and I am just waiting to get them. Soon she claims. Once that happens I will spam the hell out of all of you.
BUT since I did do a whole shoot with Piglet I have tons of her and two in particular make me laugh and I wanted to share them.
She was crying when these pictures were taken. She cries when she gets bored. And the hard floor didn't feel too yummy on her knees.


  • edited November -1
    piglet! what a character! i hope the photo shoot was fun!
  • edited November -1
    Hahaha. That's hilarious, crying due to boredom. Could be worse, she could get destructive!

    Nice shots btw.
  • edited November -1
    She's has a very cute face! That second photo is hilarious!
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