Our weekend hike

edited July 2008 in General
Since everyone has shared there weekend adventures I figured I would too...

Today we hiked in the Sangres, hit 10k feet in altitude! It was neat because we hiked by the Buddhist monastery so we *think* we heard them praying and we saw a TM!

We survived with no Mountain Lion attacks too! [There have been a few in this area this summer - one guy was pulled off a mountain bike!]

Here are some pics...

The drive to the trail:


[ignore the bad hair in that one, I am trying to grow it out]

On the trail:





The biggest dandelion we have ever seen - and what Loa had to say about it:


*sniff, sniff*


Some scenery [my ISO was WAY to high on these]:


Kona and his pack [I have decided to take a pic of Kona w/ his pack in every place he packs]:


That's it!



  • edited November -1
    Loa and the dandelion is sooo sweet. I just love her!
  • edited November -1
    Looks like a great hike. I agree, Loa and the dandelion is precious. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Kona is getting so big. He's looking huge, you know, compared to a few months ago.

    I love the "heads out the windows" shots.
  • edited November -1
    Great pictures! The one with dandelion is superb!
  • edited November -1
    LOL! Loa and the dandelion! How did Fuji like the hike?
    Tell more about the TM!
  • edited November -1
    Looks like a lot of fun!
    I saw a TM on Sunday too. And 4 Leonbergers :-D!!! We went to the Mediterranean winner 2008 show. Kuma couldn't get in because he only turns 6 months next Sunday, so I went there to see the Leonbergers.
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    The dandelion cracked me up too... I was just going to get her head by it as a size reference then she was like "What's this? CHOMP!".

    Kona has grown a bunch in the last few weeks, I think he is getting close to full grown - I think his nose / head will just fill out a bit more now. He has really changed, he is a little man now - oh, he lifts his leg to pee now too!

    Lani did great on the trail, she is starting to really like hiking. She was not sure of it for a while. She was funny, she spent the entire time hunting butterflies - they would fly out of the grass as we walked through it and she would freak out and try to grab them. It was pretty funny. We really want to start packing her too - but we need to let her mature more first. She and Kona are amazing watch dogs on the trail, its rather comforting w/ all the Mountain Lion attacks around her recently.

    As for the TM, it was kinda cool - I tried to get a pic but that dog wasn't having it at all. I started to walk that direction and he did his job very effectively - the warning bark from a TM just makes you stop dead. Anything you were interested in before the bark, after you are like - uh, that's not a good idea, I'll move on...

    It was cool tho, he was living with a buddhist man that lived in a small camper at the foot of the trail. The TM was just sitting out front all proud and noble and his master was walking around tending to things in his campsite in his buddhist attire. Really cool! It was very shady (dark) where he was parked so the pics I took didn't come out at all. :o\

    Rui - 4 Leonbergers? (!) Must have been a big place! That's cool - did you take some pics? What color was the TM at the show?

  • edited November -1
    Yeah, it was kind of big. It's the show that grants access to Cruft's so loads of people bring their dogs from all over the world.
    The TM was kind of liver coloured, with yellow markings. Very cute!
    Being stupid as only I am I forgot the camera at home, and only took one photo with my cell phone and that is crap.
  • edited November -1
    Interesting : After talking to Brad about the colour of that TM, I went on the FCI standards page to check something that was confusing me. Turns out the liver colour is a fault. So either I made a mistake and it was a reddish reflection on the TM's fur, or that dog wasn't there for showing. Or was and didn't get a good result.
  • edited November -1
    Yea, that color is a fault but the TM that won westminster was a sable which is a fault also - so it doesn't seem to matter.
  • edited November -1
    Great pics Brad! That trail really looks beautiful! The Loa pick with the Dandelion is hilarious!
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