An adopter for Cobalt and some SPAM

edited July 2008 in General
I knew it was going to happen someday. I knew that Cobalt wasn't going to stay with me, that first day that I brought him home. The rescue found a potential home for him, but they adopters have cats, so they decided to do a trial adoption first, to see how he would work out. The rescue told me that if I wanted to keep him, now was the time to decide. On one hand, I've become so attached to him, and Sasha loves him too. But rather than saving one and keeping one, I wanted Cobalt to be the first dog of many that I will help and foster. So, despite the fact that I want to keep him so badly, I am letting him go. He's over at his potential owner's place, checking out the cats. I think he should do ok, he goes after squirrels but just sniffed at my friend's cat.

My camera broke and I'm too broke to get a new one, so I dug up some pics I took before.


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