How much will change? (added cuddle pictures!)

edited July 2008 in General
I haven't had my baby very long, but I'm just wondering how many of her habits will change as she ages.

I love that she wants to sit on my lap and be involved in what I'm doing, but I know Shibas aren't really "lap dogs"... I hope that part of her will still want to cuddle on the couch while we watch tv.

She sleeps curled up in my arm everynight... and gets mad when I have to change sides because she has to get up and change to the other arm. She's a little heat machine!!! She also wakes me up at exactly 6:30am for her food and play time... I like it - keeps us on schedule (plus... what's better than puppy breath as an alarm clock!?!)

One thing I'm a little concerned about is her attachment to me. We have areas of the house set up so that where ever we are Keiko and Belle are always in sight... if I step over a divider to run to the fridge she whines as soon as my body isn't in the same area as her. I'm lucky enough right now to not have to work for the summer (one of the main reasons we got a puppy... I can give it constant attention) - but I don't want her to become too attached. If she falls asleep in her crate and I shut the door and go away she's totally fine. She'll wake up and play with a toy and everything is great - but if she's awake and see's me walk away it's non-stop whining. I just ignore her - which is the advice I was given... but the whining never seems to stop. We had to keep both dogs in crates last night during dinner (we had fondu and didn't want them playing near the 375degree oil!) ... for 2.5 hours she didn't let up once... never seemed to wear herself out!!!

Anyway, I know she's still a puppy and I know things change - just wondering what your thoughts are! :o)


BTW - sorry for the wall of text! lol




  • edited July 2008
    sometimes my shibas will cuddle but its rare, more so they want attention on their terms, most times they'll sit still for a good petting.

    to prevent separation anxiety when you have to go back to work, try creating a routine and stick to it now with the pups.
    Here is info on crate training - its a real life saver when dogs see a crate as a den rather than solitary confinement:

    she will change, they all do, they are like children who gain independence and fear and rebellion as they grow and experience more of the world. She will try to test your limits and she will need real boundaries, its a learning process, especially with shibas! They are nuts.
  • edited November -1
    Jen and I have raised a few puppies, and I can say that whatever their core personality is as a puppy will exist in them as an adult too just might show up a little differently. If your pup is a snuggler now, she will be a snuggler later too - tho I would not be surprised if the snuggling stops for a while, like between 6 - 12 months.

    The separation thing is a big deal, imo, you need to work very hard to control that. The last thing you want is a Shiba with bad separation anxiety - it can lead to other insecurities that can cause big issues. Most of the problem I have seen in dogs come from a lack of confidence or insecurity. These problems I am talking about are serious behavioral problems, not little things.

    What changes puppies personalities as they grow is YOU and their experiences - the more socialization and confidence you can build in them the more likely they will maintain the care free attitude that you love.

    I hope that helped a little.

  • edited November -1
    That helped a lot - the separation is really my main concern at this point. We're trying to find friends with dogs small enough to socialize with right now... but our closest friend has a Great Dane... don't want her to be terrified of him lol (our Dachshund is best friends with him... so maybe it would be ok). As soon as we get more immunizations we're going to go to one of the puppy pre-school classes near us.

    The link on crate training was great - there were a few things I hadn't though about before (like feeding her in the crate).

    Hopefully I'll still have my little cuddler!! :o)
  • edited November -1
    On the cuddler note - our Shibas are SUPER snuggly... they LOVE to snuggle. Maui was like that as a pup too... so I think she will probably always be snuggly.

  • edited November -1
    I'm jealous of your cuddly shiba. Mine is only cuddly when she's not feeling well, or while being apologetic for misbehaving.
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