Fun this weekend!

edited August 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Heres a few photos. :) Toby and I visited the dog park ( as usual ) this weekend, he loves going there. Hes so social with all the other dogs. :D


And we went for a hike on Saturday afternoon in the local park. Toby was packing it out, cool as usual. 8)


... and today it rained. ... and hailed. including thunder and lightning. It was scary. D: Today Toby had tooons of energy from being cooped up most of the day. The cat got him started, and he went wild like normal and ran around the house all crazy. After I caught him, I figured it wouldn't hurt to start working on training a recall. The other day, another Shiba owner suggested that I choose a short, random word to recall Toby with, and treat him ... every single time I call him and use that word. So, Toby actually began to come when I called him and treated him. He did the usual begging and jumping and sniffing. I kept turning my back and he'd eventually get bored and wander off to the other room. He was getting pretty good at it. :) Except. He'll only do that with me. I tried it with my mom, and every time she said it, he looked at me.

We visited this cool pet store in Wayne. :) And bought a bag of Orijen to try out. So, the sunset tonight was really different. Very beautiful. I snapped a few photos. ( of course, the suburbs aren't as pretty as other places, shame theres houses in the way )


I'll be putting up a few videos soon, just gotta upload them to youtube.


  • edited November -1
    Awesome photos!

    Toby is just such a handsome boy :D!~
  • edited November -1
    Here's one of the videos. :)

  • edited November -1
    Toby has such a handsome face!
  • edited November -1
    lol! So cute :D

    I love how every time you ask him to bring it back he's like, "Uh...OK mummy." Until in the end he decided to just keep it haha :)~
  • edited November -1
    He looks so cute when he goes to try and catch it. He actually caught his first ball yesterday! 8) I was expecting him to catch it again, but he didn't. I guess we'll have to do that another 1,000 or so times before he catches onto the ... catching part.

    He's decent at fetch, but if hes in a playful mood, it normally turns into 'I wanna play chase and run away from you and hide behind the pool'
  • edited November -1
    And heres the video from the dog park on Friday. :)
    The dog in the front of the chase took Toby's Kong Wubba, and then all the dogs wanted it! It ended up getting demolished and Toby didn't even care. I ripped the squeaker out, and now use it as a way to get his attention. ;D

  • edited November -1
    lol too cute, my car growled at that video it was kinda funny, and roxy just stared at the screen as if to say why are you paying attention to that other dog and not me cause she went and got her soccerball as if say hey play with MEEEEE I'm right here! toby is so cute....I need a video camera
  • edited November -1
    very handsome guy! he looks like he's having fun
  • edited November -1
    Awww. Run Toby RUN! :D~
  • edited November -1
    Great spam!
    Toby is such a cute boy. And he has a gigantic tongue! (another thing to fuel the "is Toby a Shiba or a Shikoku?" ;-P)
  • edited August 2008
    Isn't it great going to the dog park and knowing that you have the best looking dog there?

    Nice pictures. I like the sunset one with the fence.
  • edited November -1
    LOL Brandon - I just got done telling myself "it's ok to tell Keiko she's the cutest pup in the world, because you believe it's true" ... I always think she's the cutest dog in any room we enter... unless her lil Shiba friend Bear is there ;o)
  • edited November -1
    Toby is SUCH a gorgeous dog! Definitely the best looking at the dog park!! But I got a little misty lookin' at that basset..
    i would love to have a playdate with my crew and your handsome boy! We have to figure out a way!
  • edited November -1
    Lol. Toby is a Shiboku. :0
    Yeah, everytime i'm at the park, I feel like hes the prettiest one there. At least the majority of the owners in that video visit everyday. Their dogs are super nice and socialized.

    Somedaaay, Toby will meet your Shibas. ;3 We just gotta plan ahead for when i'm home. D:
  • edited November -1

    lets do plan for it! or you can come up here, we think near the early summer we'll have the fence job done and we can release the 'hounds' to play!!
    *Also, Monica - the Philly Shiba meetup organizer - might be planning on bringing the shiba meetup closer to allentown for one or two meetups since there are a lot more people north that do not have a meetup (me included!) that want to meet everyone else and their shibas!
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