Ozzy's aggression

edited September 2008 in General
Taking Ozzy and misy for a walk today, we bumped into a dog that they have met before, Missy started to play with the dog and Ozzy went over to sniff him, the other dog was very tense and all of a sudden Ozzy's hackles went up and he started to snarl at the other dog, this did not bother missy at all. Another dog came down the alley Ozzy was fine with her. We carried on walking and too very eager labradors rushed towards Ozzy wanting to play again Ozzy became aggressive. This has worried me as this is the first time this has happened. A staff approached Ozzy and Missy but his time as Ozzy was starting up My son stroked the staff and then Ozzy just wanted to play. I think it was him protecting us or he may have felt threatetened because this was well out of character for him. Can anyone help me with this


  • edited November -1
    What do you mean by aggression? Hackles up and snarling isn't necessarily aggression.
  • edited November -1
    actually going for the other dog tring to bite the other dogs, this was meant on Ozzy's side
  • edited November -1
    Let me see if I understand correctly.

    1) Ozzy went to sniff another dog which was tense, and then he reacted by getting tense as well?
    2) Two dogs impolite labradors approached Ozzy head on rambunctiously and he got snarly with them?

    Perhaps I'm over simplifying this, but it sounds like he was behaving normally. Maybe not appropriately, but normally. I suspect in the first case Ozzy was reacting to the tension of the other dog and probably felt threatened. In the second case, I suspect Ozzy was telling the rude dogs that they should be more respectful when they approach.
  • edited November -1
    spoke to ozzy's trainer tonight he said that it is Ozzy feeling threatened, we took him into puppy club and he was fine with all the dogs there all but the same dog as the tense dog yeserday so it must be a dog thing, like us humans there is something we may no tlike
  • edited November -1
    Dogs have a language of their own. Little tiny movements prompt reactive behavior that we don't always understand. Some dogs are more sensitive.
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