The happy thread...

edited September 2008 in General
Ok, the forum is starting depress me a bit - to many sad stories about stupid people hurting innocent animals.

So I figured I'd make a "happy thread" for all of us to post cute & happy things - stories - pics - etc.

I'm not saying we need to stop posting the other things, I think that provides education and awareness, we just need to offset it with some happy stuff too. :o)

I'll start... Who doesn't like looking at sleepy pups?

Ahi sleeping [no joke, she was really sleeping like this]:


Couch potatoes:

Jen knitting with her knitting partners:



  • edited November -1
    Okay, Both the dogs on the couch are bigger than Jen! Very cute pics though.
  • edited November -1
    Lol, Ahi sleeping is so funny and cute! Jen must have a good time knitting
  • edited November -1
    God, Lani is so beautiful!
  • edited November -1
    I have to admit, I was shocked at how small shikoku actually are. I had only really seen Ahi next to Jen, and I didn't realize what a dainty little flower she is.

    The Ahi pictures are too precious.

    I will repeat myself for the nine millionth time, I love your pack.
  • edited November -1
    I love Jen's knitting partners! I've got a question - do they try to play with the yarn? Jazz goes nuts trying to get the thread when I cross-stitch.
  • edited November -1
    Funny Ahi pictures!
    No tea for the knitting party? Knitting always has to have tea :-)
  • edited November -1
    Oh yea, they mess with yarn non-stop... when she is out there knitting all i hear is "no!", "leave it!", "guys, come on, stop!"... lol. Knitting isn't a very peaceful thing around here.

    It's the Shibas and Shikas that cause all the problems - the Akita just sit on her.

  • edited November -1
    I would like to contribute to the happy thread. Here are two shots I just clicked off my phone the other day...

    This is what I wake up to, it always makes me smile (you should hear the snoring, that makes me laugh)
    And this is how Miko sits. I think it is hysterical. She is so gangly and silly looking right now.

    I need to get a cute one of Moto now.
  • edited November -1
    Haha I can just imagine... knitting party at the Anderson house would be a blast. Not very productive, though. :)
  • edited November -1
    lol - that's hilarious... Jay and Piggy spooning. lol!

    Miko is really cute! Her muzzle is getting a lot lighter, huh? She is very pretty. I think all Shikoku have that silly lazy sit.

  • edited November -1
    Typically Piglet is spooning me. But that particular morning she wanted her Papa. God I freaking love that dog!

    Miko gets bigger and prettier every day. She still has some puppy fur on her head. I can't wait to see her in her full adult winter coat. Probably not til next year I suspect. I also have never met a lickier dog than Miko. All she wants to do is lick you, any part of you, and she is unrelenting. She is almost affectionate to a fault. But I will take smooching overkill over a cranky pup any day.
  • edited September 2008
    No amazingly awesomepup pictures like Brad & Jessica, but here are some of my babies :p

    Introducing...Shinra! My Iguana image
    He's not very photogenic.
    Valentine HATES the new cam & tries to attack it every time, so all the pics I have of him look like this;
    Sephiroth looking pretty :)
    Mesa; the youngest. EVery shot of him is SO dramatic :)

    I had taken some pictures of some nice fluffy blue clouds that were pretty happy, but they didn't come out so well. I will try again tomorrow! ~
  • edited November -1
    Osy, Shinra is adorable! And judging by the second picture, I'd say he's pretty photogenic. :)

    The picture of Valentine attacking the camera cracks me up. (Btw, is he named after Vincent?)
  • edited November -1
    Just yesterday I discovered that the breeder that sold me Koji added a link to her website where you can view pictures of some of her past puppies. I happened across some pictures of Koji when he was one month old.

    What a big fuzzball!
    Koji at 1 month

    And with his siblings. Geesh, he is so much bigger than the others. No wonder he is growing to be such a big boy. Already 22 lbs at 7 1/2 months.
    Koji and siblings at 1 month
  • edited September 2008
    CUTE puppies!!!!! :D Shiba puppies = LOVE.

    Thanks Kyla! :D He's my big baby :) I remember when he use to fit in the palm of my he's over 4 feet long.

    Lol, yes,
    Shinra from Rufus Shinra FFVII [ Giant Green Iguana ]
    Valentine from Vincent Valentine FFVII [ Normal Grey Cockatiel ]
    Sephiroth FFVII [ Whiteface Pearl Cockatiel ]
    Yuki from Gravitation anime, also means snow [ he's all white ] [ Latino Cockatiel ]
    Lulu for the lulu from FFX [ though ours is a boy, we thought he was a girl when we got him lol ] [ Normal Grey Cockatiel ]
    Gackt named after a famous Japanese singer [ Pied Cockatiel, though he's not show quality, he has grey on his face that disqualifies him ]
    Mesa is named after myself & my sister. My other nickname is Mema & my sister is Sarah. So Me + Sa = Mesa. My dad named him. [ Pearl Cockatiel ]

    We mostly tend to name off video game characters haha. We also had Cloud [ ie; Cloud Strife ] though he's passed on, & Dahlia [ named after a cool song by the band X Japan ] who is also no longer with us.

    Though I've decided to pick a more "real" name when I get a dog ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Video game naming is awesome. :D My list of future pet names includes Serge (Chrono Cross) and Jaster (Rogue Galaxy), and a few others I can't think of right now.
  • edited November -1
    Serge!!! I loved Glenn from that game :) & the magician in white, I don't remember his name :x ~
  • edited November -1
    Anderson pack spam = pure bliss!!

    And Jessica, who couldn't love Piglet, really?!?! What amazing dogs!

    Osy - thanks for sharing! We had birds when i was little - good memories. I always wanted an iguana, but my mom refused to have anything in the house the dogs might be tempted to eat/kill (even though my room was upstairs and unaccessable to them - i'm pretty sure she had a thing against scaly creatures...)

    Kojichan - How adorable!!
  • edited November -1
    Robert - That first shot may be the cutest puppy pic I have ever seen!


    Osy - Your Iguana is amazing! I had an Iguana when I was in high school but I couldn't get him to eat - I tried everything. I eventually got in touch with someone that had several Iguanas and he suggested I let him have my Iguana since he was such a picky eater. This guy said he was very comfortable with that situation since he had 2 other Iguana that were very picky too. I gave him to him and he immediately started eating - the same exact thing I was feeding him! WTF? I guess he didn't like me. :o\

    I got to visit him a bunch and he seemed a lot happier w/ him and his other Iguana buddies - so I was happy even tho he hated me. :o)

  • edited September 2008
    Iguanas are awesome! :) My boy isn't picky at all, he'll eat ANYTHING. Though he absolutely loves sweet things. Bananas are his favorite, we don't feed him from our hand any more because when he goes into his "feeding frenzy" he'll accidentally bite our finger along with the fruit! [ it hurts! lol ] But when he sees something sweet, his pupils contract and he tears into it like the dinos in Jurassic Park.

    At least he went to a good home Brad, & you got to visit :p Animals are just...strange sometimes. That's ok though, you have a whole pack that loves you now ;)

    My Boy's really feminine looking for a male iguana though. & small. Typical male iguana should look like this;

    Amber, quite a few of the relatives are cmpletely terrified of him. They remember him when he was only a few inches long so when they see him now they're always, "WHAT have you been feeding him??" lol~
  • edited November -1
    Jessica, I love that pic of Jay and Piglet. So sweet. Of course....YAY Miko spam!
  • edited September 2008
    Jesus, those are big lizards.

    Jen and her knitting partners are pretty funny.



    DCHS Dogs 09-18-21-2008-4755

    They came in as a stray pair, they are really sweet, hyper as hell. Adoptable as of yesterday, I named them Bonnie and Clyde and the kept it!
  • edited November -1
    Brad, That's a funny story about your iguana. I guess it proves that animals, even the cold-blooded variety, can be particular about whom they associate with.
  • edited November -1
    the piglet pic! adorable!

    Osy - my husband wanted to name kitsune Sephiroth, but after seeing what he looked like, I promised him when we get a black dog we'll name it Sephiroth. And I broke that promise with Hachi, obviously. Oh well, no FF names for me! :))
    the pic of (vincent) valentine is hilarious, I literally LOL'd!
    = = = = =
    Well since my computer got a virus a few months ago and I lost ALL of my pics b/c I didn't have any backup files (I'm a superstar), these are the only pics of Tsuki as a young pup I have left. And I didn't do a birthday thread when she turned a year (in June) so this is a good a place as any to post them (because they make me happy!):
    From Tsuki 3 months - 7 months
    Tsuki at 3 months at the shelter headquarters right after we picked her up
    From Tsuki 3 months - 7 months
    Tsuki, 3 months
    From Tsuki 3 months - 7 months
    first time I held Tsuki
    From Tsuki 3 months - 7 months
    God awful trouble maker at 4 months
    From Tsuki 3 months - 7 months
    I think around 6 months?
    From Tsuki 3 months - 7 months
    Definitely 5-6 months with Linus..
    From Tsuki 3 months - 7 months
    Tsuki's first snow! (probably 6-7 months)
  • edited November -1
    I am SOOOO excited for the first snow this year!!!! I'm betting that Honey will LOVE IT!

    AWESOME pics!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Here's our little lap dog....



  • edited November -1
    Oh my! You're gonna need a bigger lap! :D
  • edited September 2008
    look at all those ORCHIDS!!! do you ever get them to bloom again? I have the hardest time *with that...
  • edited November -1
    Ooooh! I love the happy thread! I am going to have to find some happy pictures to post. :)
  • edited November -1
    Jen. All the blooming orchids are closer to the light, but yes, I do get them to rebloom. You can't go out and grow a collection of nearly a hundred orchids and not get some or hopefully all to bloom.
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