Kayden Road Trip spam

edited September 2008 in General
Here are some pics of Kaydens first road trip. He did great in the car (it fit him pretty tight, we have a yaris). He loves having his head out the window, I am pretty sure the sensation of his cheeks flapping in the breeze that and i think he likes seeing possible prey items i.e. cows, sheep, deer and other large animals go by at a high rate of speed. He likes to think he can give me pointers on driving, or he is afraid for his life, not sure i will let the pics say it all.


  • edited November -1
    here are the pics
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    sorry i am a ham fisted moron and i posted some ridiculous big photos sorry
  • edited November -1
    LOL - it happens to all of us.
  • edited November -1
    Ha Ha --- dogs love that head out the window stuff, and I can't figure out why. Here is a favorite pic of mine with my daughter and our (former) dog with heads out simultaneously... always make me laugh!

  • edited November -1
    He looks like he's doing great! I love the one of him giving you driving instructions. :-)

    How are things going with his separation anxiety?
  • edited November -1
    Those pics are great!!! He is so cute!!!
  • edited November -1
    Kayden stopped by our house on his road trip. I have some pictures of him, but I still need to work on them. Kayden is a big boy, and really could not be sweeter.
  • edited November -1
    He looks like he's having a blast and the photo with the lips flying is very cool.

    A word of caution, if you don't mind. Be careful with letting him put his head out the window. Something can hit him or he can get an ear infection from the wind being forced in his ears.
  • edited November -1
    great photos! looks like he is just loving life!
  • edited November -1
    AWW! I love it! He looks like he is having an awesome time. Bella likes to give driving tips, too. :) Mainly to my husband, she seems to be saying, slow down when you go around that curve. :)
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