


  • edited November -1
    Such beautiful dogs!!!
  • edited November -1
    Great pictures, you are fortunate to have so many good looking Akita around you. :o)

    The pic of Tomi and Alabay does a good job of showing the size difference between a Central Asian Ovcharka and an Akita - pretty big difference!

    Tamashi and Asahi look like that could have some Kansha bloodlines in their pedigree. Do you know if that is correct?

  • edited November -1
    Tamashi's great-grandfather is HOKUUN NO RYUUSOU GO WATANABEE from Shun'you kensha
    Asahi's grandfather is also from Shun'you kensha, his name is Ryuu-Go
  • edited November -1
    Whoa Brad! You have an amazing Eye :o ~
  • edited November -1
    Well... It seems to me, almost every perfect akita has some bloodlines from Silvia's kensha :)
  • edited November -1
    Is Asahi directly related to Silvia's Asayake?
  • edited November -1
    No, she is from Russian kennel, Izumi Gai
  • edited November -1
    The Akita world is so small!

    All three of our Akita are from litters sired by RYUU-GO SHUN'YOU KENSHA, who's father is HOKUUN NO RYUUSOU GO WATANABEE. So they all share the same grandfather, one of the greatest Akita EVER, imo.

    I knew those little faces look familiar! :o)


    What kennel is Ouka from, she has a striking resemblance to our female named Lani [in the middle]:


  • edited November -1
    If not the greatest, Brad. Hokuun was a really gorgeous dog.
  • edited November -1
    Lani and Ouka have similar faces too :)
  • edited November -1
    Asahi comes back from Budapesht, European dog show. She takes the 3d place in her class!
  • edited November -1
    wow! Congrats to Asahi!!!
  • edited November -1
    Akebono new photos
  • edited October 2008
    Trying to stand
  • edited November -1
    MOM! Somebody is walking around our car!
  • edited November -1
    Oh man, I love that last pic! He is so handsome and noble looking! Thanx for the updated pics! His face in the second one is great too. :o)

    How much does Akebono weigh?

  • edited November -1
    LOL, I love the last one too. For some reason I get a big smile when I see dogs looking out the window like that.
  • edited November -1
    Bars, You have beautiful dogs and their friends are beautiful too. Thanks so much for posting pictures.
  • edited November -1
    Thank you guys. We were on the dog show last Sunday, and take the second place in our class. But Akebono didn't do well, he was too nervous.

    Brad, he is nearly 40kgs now, 69cm tall.
  • edited November -1
    Second place in your class and you say you didn't do well? Wow, you must be more of a perfectionist than I am. I'd say second place is well worth a congratulations. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Yes, but it was in the first half of show. We waited for second half about 6 hours and he was not in good condition, that's why in this part of show his behaviour was very bad. So, he has sat down and began to look at other dogs, and when it was time to run around, he has tried to leave a ring. He also tried to jump and lick the judge and organizers of show. That was not good idea...
  • edited November -1

  • edited November -1
    Wow, his gait is beautiful! So smooth and effortless.
  • edited November -1
    He looks like such a happy pup :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Great video, I really like him! He is one of the few white Akita I really like! :o)
  • edited November -1
    What a beautiful boy! Congratulations. Having the video is such a good thing so you can look back and see what’s going on. You should be really pleased with him regardless of your own view about Akebono’s placement.

    Here is my unbiased thoughts from reviewing the video:

    It looks like you were very tense too in all the excitement and dogs pick up on that, adding fuel to the fire.

    I would agree he was stressing. The heavy panting is a real indicator that he is reaching his threshold limit. In many cases the stare down of the other dog is something the Shibas, Chows, and Akitas do when they want to bust some boredom or relieve pent up stress. The second indicator is he was losing interest in the treats, which is sign that he may have had enough of the ring activities. Knowing when to stop on a high note is a positive thing in young dogs that have a short attention span.

    Another thing, maybe stacking the dog without touching his legs and luring him into position would be easier for you physically. As a female and given the size of your dog sometimes it is difficult to reach the legs of a large breed dog when showing, so its better to have them position themselves. It might help if you get a shorter lead too, so you have less line to bunch up in your hands.

    Also, when your boy decides to do a face off with another dog it is good to body block, but a with a lighter weight person it isn’t always successful as it is with a big guy holding the dog. Going immediately in a bee line facing the opposite way is good (in this case 12:00 away from the other dog/boxer whatever it was that went by). Over handling grabbing his head may just stimulate/aggravate the situation more. His hackles were really up after that point so he needed a new focus, direction, or activity. Yeah I know easier said than done (LOL).

    He is young so I am sure over time it will all fall into place for him.

    Have fun and enjoy!
  • edited November -1
    Right there with you, Brad.
    I'm not very fond of whites, but Akebono is a great looking Akita.
  • edited November -1
    I want a white Akita!!
  • edited November -1
    It's ok Rachael! One day you will have him / her!! :)~
  • edited November -1
    What beautiful dogs!! I have never seen a white Akita. Akebono is an amazing looking dog!
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