Everyone thinks they are the dog whisperer!

edited October 2008 in General
Hi everyone!

Sorry it's been a long time since I've posted but between school and my two jobs it's hard to find time!

But, I just had to vent about this to some like minded people.

So today after I get home from work and school my girlfriend and I take my 4 month old shiba puppy Kenshin out for a walk. When we get back I see the resident manager of my condo building. She loves Kenshin and Kenshin loves her and gets super excited when he sees her. Unfortunately, she has some bad habits with him of having him jump up onto her when he sees her and gets him all riled up. She is extremely nice and loves him to pieces and is now trying to get him to sit at least before doing anything with him as I showed her.

The problem today was we had just finished visiting her at the end of our walk and Kenshin was all riled up. So we are entered the building and I had Kenshin sitting waiting for the elevator when two women that live in the building that I have seen on occasion came out of the elevator. Kenshin loves people so he got really excited and was trying to jump up to say hi to them. I was holding him back, but them one of the ladies who was wearing the pirate shirt from Seinfeld put her hand down to touch him. So I allowed him to go up to her a bit, but he was so riled up already he tried to grab the frilly pirate shirt cuffs of her sleeve and play with it so I told him NO! and he stopped and then she tried to touch him again and he grabs her sleeve again so I told him NO! again he let go and I pulled him back. Then the lady tries again to pet him and he goes for her sleeve again this time before I could do anything she grabs him by the neck and back and flips him around so his face was away from her and sits on him pushing him to the ground and he's trying to bite her of course as some strange woman is pinning him to the ground holding his neck. I told her NO! several times but she continues doing it while her companion is saying she's like the "dog whisperer". I know these people don't even own a dog! Eventually he calms down and she lets him go and he runs right behind me.

I was so pissed off I could not even speak. Im sure the glare I was giving could burn through skulls. I know Kenshin is not perfectly trained yet as he is a hyperactive puppy, but no one, especially someone I don't even know has the right to lay their hands on him without my permission. You would hardly go into a supermarket and pin down someone else's kids by the neck for being hyper and grabbing your clothes although you may want to.

I hope he now doesn't develop a fear of people and I am ashamed that I did not protect him better, but she simply was not listening to me. If she would have given me another second I could have called him off again and she should have gotten the point that he was to hyper to pet and stopped. So not only did she offend me by manhandling my puppy who is like a child to me, but she also by doing so insinuated I was a bad owner who had no control over my dog!

I can deal with all of the people stopping me on the street telling me how to raise my dog but this was went way to far. Sorry I just needed to vent! Why does everyone think they a dog whisperer?


  • edited November -1
    Firstly, your little baby ran to you afterwards, so you did protect him and he obviously felt that you were his gaurdian and next time you know what to do, but your pup won't hold any grudges at all towards you. Secondly, that woman had no right to terrorize your dog, that's horrible! How dare she. Especially a pup, they are learning and exploring with their mouths so frilly pirate shirts are fair game. She was not reading your pup's signals well and in any event, if she had been bitten, she would have deserved it. I hope he isn't afraid of pirates from now on, that would be terrible :)
  • edited November -1
    WOW!!! Some people seriously need help!
  • edited November -1
    That kind of people will never understand what they're doing wrong, even if crack their skull open to pour the knowledge in. And the worst part part is they don't even know enough to realize they don't know.
  • edited November -1
    Don't feel bad Andrew. I know how fast these things can happen. By the time your brain processes the absurdity that is taking place in front of you its over. In some way it may be a good thing that you didn't think to act in time. If it had been me, there's a decent chance I would have used some force to get that women off of my puppy and that could have led to an even bigger mess.

    But, on the bright side, now you know what to expect from this woman. Next time you see her, don't allow her near your dog. If she goes to pet him, explain to her that the dog whisperer has one way of dealing with dogs, but there are many many more that are much more effective that don't require terrorizing them. Also, inform her that manipulating an unfamiliar dog in the way that she did is a recipe for a bite and it would totally be her fault when it happens. Then, kindly ask her to refrain from interacting with you puppy until she has learned how to be kind to it.
  • edited November -1
    Next time you see her, grab her by the back of the neck, throw her on the ground and pin her. Then maybe punch her in the throat.
  • edited November -1
    Get a pit bull.
    People cross the street now.
    Nobody touches my little dogs.
    Of course the funny part, if any of my dogs were to bite someone, it would be Moto or Miko (they wouldn't but if I had to choose)
  • edited November -1
    Wow! Just Wow. After she let your pup go did she SAY anything??? I like watching the dog whisperer......but it's a TV SHOW! I take it for what it is. ...... One man who has a method that works for him. (on TV).

    I'm glad you were able to keep your cool. I know it must have been hard!
  • edited November -1
    Wow, Andrew. That is all I can say. I agree whole-heartedly with Dave and Brandon. If someone had done that to one of my pups, someone would physically have to restrain me.

    But I actually think you reacted fairly cooly, and props to you on that. I am sorry your pup had to go through that, but I am sure he will probably let it roll right off his back. I am glad that neither you or Kenshin were hurt. But maybe next time you see that woman, you should ask her to refrain from coming anywhere near you or your pup.
  • edited October 2008
    Here's some helpful Dog Whisper based techniques to help you communicate better with that woman next time you meet her.

    Now you can be a 'Dog Whisperer' too!
  • edited November -1
    People are crazy :( I don't see why human adults see such a need to dominate a puppy ? Avoid her like plague lol
  • edited November -1
    People totally disregard the disclaimer at the beginning of the show, and even during the show when they say to not try these techniques without a professional. Cesar's methods seem to work for him. What's more important is that it works for the dog (at least on the show). What people don't realize is that just like humans, dogs respond to different stimuli. Some like to be coddled and others like it rough.

    Anyway, that lady's ignorant and one day, it's gonna get her.
  • edited November -1
    Shigeru, that is freaking hilarious! I love the cone .....
    Thanks for sharing...

  • edited October 2008
    Andrew keep your dog away from persons who insist on wrestling an unknown dog to the ground. That is just stupid on her part. "Know it all" people who barge up are usually the least knowledgeable. I am sure your dog will be fine but unless some one asks permission to pet and I am on ground level with the dog and my hand in the collar it is a no go. If you can't do this with your dog at this point, then remain away from high traffic areas such as elevators or common pathways as people flow through. Nut balls like this lady cause all sorts of problems.

    If you have to step on the leash to keep it short and the dog beside you do so, just keep crazy folks like that away.
    If something should happen it will be your dog that suffers not the clueless idiot.

    Lessons learned...at least no one was harmed.

  • edited October 2008
    OH MY goodness Shigeru! That is HILARIOUS!!!!! ahahahhaahaha.

    Andrew, let us know how it goes if you try these techniques on her next time.

    I wanted to add that once at the dog park, this guy was manhandling a lab that just entered the park and was already corrected by another dog for his rambunctious nature. After the dog-dog correction, this guy 'alpha rolls' the pup to calm it down. The lab's owner simply went over to the guy and said something like "That is my dog, my responsibility. Let go of him this MOMENT and go attend to your own dog. Thank you very much." he let go, and was trying to explain himself but she wouldn't have it. She said "I will teach him what he needs to know."
    It was simple, but powerful - her dog to train and protect - not his.

    And who picks on a 4 month old pup? Geez.
  • edited November -1
    That lady should have been harmed. That would teach her not to grab a strange dog.

    Anyone seen the South Park episode with Cesar Millan?
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Jen for the good example. I know when something like this occurs it can make one speechless. I almost had my Shiba dropped (a long time ago) by some idiot who picked her up by one hand and underestimated her weight. No one gets that far now at all. People get bold/take liberties when it comes to dogs. If it were a kid there would be screaming by many at the park.

  • edited November -1
    "Hello Mrs. Cartman, the child needs exercise. You must dominate him, like this. Shh."
  • edited November -1
    Shigeru - that video was great. lol. The cone killed me too Patrice. lol!!!!


    Lindsay - That is one of my favorite South Park episodes.


    Andrew - that sux, I dunno that I can add much to this thread. So I will just say: I feel your pain w/ the Cesar Milan crap. I think we all have experienced some assbag trying to get all "Cesar Milan" on our dogs, it sux.

  • edited November -1
    Kyla, I wasn't sure whether to put up the Southpark episode or this :P But yeah, the Southpark episode was pretty funny.

    I agree with people needing to pay attention to the disclaimers. Seems nowadays there's a disclaimer for everything, so we tend to just ignore them all together. Some of the disclaimers are actually important!
  • edited November -1
    Do the southpark!! I havent seen it!!!! I LOVE southpark! I need to start to dvr it again.
  • edited November -1
    Just a short clip off Youtube:

    For the full episode go to:

  • edited October 2008
    Edit: Shigeru beat me to it. :)

    Here's the second Marriage Counselling one, I thought it was even funnier than the first.

  • edited November -1
    I freaking love it! I will have to watch the whole episode tomorrow.
  • edited November -1
    LOL all those video's are hilarious!
  • edited November -1
    Those videos are hilarious! Why do people think they can just touch or grab other people's dogs at all? And then feel they can handle them better than their owner? I've never understood that, even before the dog whisperer. And you bet if it was a kid there could even be legal action.

    And, a puppy!!! Seriously, I would have had to restrain myself from hitting her when she didn't stop as she was asked her to. I'm sorry Andrew, for you and Kenshin!
  • edited November -1
    I'm late on this, but bravo that you didn't lose your temper. I will admit if someone had done that to me, they wouldn't have made it without at least a broken nose :( [ which would be bad for me ]

    The Cesar Milan South Park Video...was so accurate! haha~
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