Dogs + Lots of Rain + Lots of Dirt [mud] = Huge Mess!

edited October 2008 in General
It rained a lot today - I mean a LOT - and when you live in the desert, where there is mostly just dirt around you, in this type of situation you end up with a lot of mud...








Thank goodness we have concrete floors!

This particularly sucked because this rain was supposed to be snow, that is what the forecasted last week. No snow, just mud. :o(



  • edited November -1
    lol! But, but, they had so much fun Brad! :)

    Be Glad you don't have carpet ;)!~
  • edited November -1
    Whoa! I guess they really loved it. And I bet you guys didn't love cleaning it, but it could be a lot worse.
  • edited November -1
    Wow. Hmm. I think you should go with a vaccum or a mop. A broom isn't quite gonna cut it. Hoorah for concrete.

    Do you and Jen get to sit on the couch? I remember a pic where Jen was on the floor and Hilo was on the couch begging for food, but I don't remember too many pix of you sitting on the couch, lol.
  • edited November -1
    Brad-Your floor turned white! How long did that take to clean up?? They are thinking 'whats the big deal??'
  • edited November -1
    I bet you are so glad you have leather couches! :) Sorry that it rained and did not snow. But I bet the pups had a blast!
  • edited November -1
    That's what my laundry room looked like before I moved into my house(along with holes eaten through the walls). The previous owners had a lab that they only kept in the laundry room, it would come straight in from outside and they baby gated it in that room. It spent most of it's time outside, digging holes in the the mud and covered that room in pawprints. My dogs don't really dig and thank god the muddy holes regrew grass over them. Looks like mop and swiffer time at your house!!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    I have always dreamed of concrete floors. Maybe one with a slight grade to it and a drain in one corner!

    To think I was appalled at what I got out of the vacuum this morning! You've got me beat by a factor of 3!
  • edited November -1
    We still have not cleaned it up since it is going to rain tomorrow and Tuesday. There is no point in cleaning if its just going to get dirty again in a day. After Tuesday it looks like no rain for a while.

    Usually this doesn't happen because the rain is short and we can keep the dogs in till it dries [which is pretty fast here], but this time it started pouring Friday night and poured all day yesterday and into the night. So at some point we had to let the dogs out to use the bathroom. All that mud was from about 30 minutes of being out side - not digging or playing... they just went out and used the bathroom and came right back in.

    Our technique for cleaning is to sweep up all the big chunks, then vacuum, then mop. It sux.

    Yes, we do use the couches, but not when they are covered in mud. The couches are super easy to clean tho. Jen spends about half her time out there sitting on the couch knitting or spinning. I'm always in the office, I rarely sit on the couch, but that is because I work 24/7.


    Look at the first pic, at the side of the couch... How does that happen? They get dirt everywhere! lol.


    We actually just [on Thursday and Friday] had some fence added to our yard to make a smaller area where we can put gravel down. Our hope is that we can keep the dogs confined to the smaller area, and on gravel, during these types of rain storms. We didn't have time [or the $] to have the gravel delivered yet. :o\

    Here are some pics...




    *See all the dirt in the pic? That's all mud now. :o\

  • edited November -1
    Wow I'm glad I'm not your cleaning lady lol
  • edited October 2008
    Too bad the doggies can't be trained to swab the deck (LOL). looks like you need a footbath/wash trough since so much dirt gets clumped in between the toes of the pups. There is a company by the name of Paxton that makes them.

    We used those for cows/livestock with a small ramp area for the barn area. My husband set up something similar for the dobermans in/outside our last house. Before any dogs were let in they were walked through the trough and paws gently hosed (if they got too mud messy or they rolled in horse poop or whatever). We had a small holding area by the door, basically a small fenced yard for the dogs. I dried everyone off with towels in a mud room/saddle room that had a door separating from the main house.

    Hope this gives you some ideas. I know cleaning mud up with a broom is not good if you have allergies. The silica and other stuff can really give asthma suffers a problem..A wet mop is much better after a vac. A whole house vacc works great for getting the main stuff up before mop and the vac canister can be set up outside if covered from the elements.

  • edited November -1
    Have you guys thought about a Hoover Floor Mate? I would think it would do well on the concrete floor.
  • edited November -1
    and I thought Tsuki tearing up a box of tissues left a mess! Holy wow!
  • edited November -1
    Brad, perhaps you guys should add a Scooba to your Christmas list. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Actually, come to think of it. Given your 3 pronged approach, maybe a Roomba too while you're at it.
  • edited November -1
    Dave - LOL - I have looked at those before. I just don't think they would be tough enough... but maybe just a regular Roomba would help keep things clean on non-mud days. Good call!

  • edited October 2008
    Looks like you need to powerwash the inside of your house. For some reason it had never crossed my mind what your place would look like when it rained, but now I know.

    Also, I think one of your dogs would want to destroy the Roomba, one or more would be terrified, and the roomba would only last a month before it crapped out because of all of the hair.
  • edited October 2008
    Brandon is right, a woman I know who breeds Doberman's (she has about 6 dogs in house at any given time) preaches against the Roomba b/c the first one was "killed" and the second couldn't handle the hair on the hard wood floors.
  • edited November -1
    I was getting interested in the Roomba...but if it can't handle hair well, not so much.
  • edited November -1
    I have a friend with two dogs (a GSD mix and a Pitt mix) and they've done fine with their Roomba for almost two years now. It doesn't prevent them from having to vacuum by hand, but it keeps things under control and extends the time between hand vacuums. It would take some work I'm sure, but I bet you could train them to ignore the Roomba.
  • edited November -1
    Holy Moly! That is not going to be fun to clean up! But that is kind of funny - hehehe...gotta love dogs and mud :)
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