Shiba Redecorating.. post-post modern.

Today, for the first time in at least 6 months I decided to really sleep in. I've not been feeling much like myself this past week and really needed the extra snooze time.. so usually, our schedule is 5am dogs pee, 7am dogs walk, 7:45am dogs eat, 4pm dogs pee, 5:30pm dogs eat, 6pm dogs walk, 10:30pm dogs pee.
So this morning I slept in until 11am. In 4 hours, they can destroy a room.
And I woke up to total destruction of my living room.
It was mostly Hachi, she has a chair she snoozes under and most all of the shredded books and papers were under the chair. Tsuki had fluff and pieces of furniture stuck in her teeth and Kitsune is the king of remote chewing.
A team effort:
The receipt I left on the computer table
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
My new Ikea catalog:
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
All the stuff I pulled out from under the chair... RIP book covers
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
The guilty one:
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
Yes, yes... my couch
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
My dvd remote, complete with pics of the battery acid burns in the carpet
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
From Recent Pack and Hachi's destruction
They haven't been this destructive... well... ever! I mean, Tsuki has gotten into things, and Kitsune would work on a whole in the carpet if he was nervous, but this is beyond anything they've done! No more sleeping in for me.


  • edited November -1
    oh my! lol I'm sorry to's terrible....but wow!
  • edited November -1
    Poster child(ren) for why you should crate dogs when you're not there to supervise. :)
  • edited November -1
    Not much you can do but laugh and take pictures. Dogs will be dogs. At least they didn't wake you up, right?
  • edited November -1
    hehehe! I'm with Brandon - at least they were quiet so you could get some rest!
  • edited November -1
    Agreed. I laughed so hard I thought about crying... They did let me sleep, no noise, all silent, usually they run shiba 500's over my bed to wake me up or Hachi will lick my ears, but not this morning! they are so thoughtful.

    Kyla - I agree most dogs should be crated, ours are not because we feel they are old enough, they never fight with one another and have never been THIS destructive. I'm not even saying that to pacify myself - they really never did anything like this. Thats why I'm posting, for kicks and because I'm utterly confused. . .
  • edited November -1
    Wow... Just wow. Maybe Hachi has taken her mimmicking a little too far this time??? ;-)
    But look on the bright side... at least they did it as a family, and even little Hachi was included. (if not the instigator!)

    Sorry about your couch, that looks painful.

    Thanks for the pictures though, as much as I hate to say it, it makes me feel better about Nola eating dish soap. :)
  • edited November -1
    I must be blessed, because my dogs let me sleep all day when I need it. If they decide to get up before I do, they amuse themselves on the floor around my bed, but haven't destroyed anything. Usually they'll sleep as long as I do. I have to be honest though, I'm always pleasantly surprised if I accidentally nap on the couch and wake up to nothing destroyed.
  • edited November -1
    Jen - I wasn't questioning your non-crating ways, I agree that if the dogs are old enough and can be trusted (or you're willing to deal with any destruction with good humour!) they don't need to be crated. I was just pointing out that this would be a good way to convince a non-believer to use a crate. :)
  • edited November -1
    Wow, it was a busy 4 hours for them.
    Sorry about the redecorating.
  • edited October 2008
    I totally agree Kyla!

    **Casey! LOL! Having your back turned for 2 seconds or sleeping in a few extra apparently screams OPPORTUNITY to a shiba!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    I showed this thread to my boyfriend, I thought he might get a kick out of it. All he had to say was "You're not allowed to have one of those unless you're going to train it." lol!
  • edited November -1
    Those trained dogs are also mischievous.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Shibas are professionals at taking advantage of ANY opportunity! (No matter how well trained they are, or small the opportunity is! lol.)

    Now if only we could teach them to clean up after their re-decorating trials...
  • edited November -1
    Every night when I get home from work I wonder what waits behind the front door... It's funny and scary all at the same time.

    My two have never destroyed anything (although there is still time) but Miso loves to tip over the toy basket and take everything ALL over the living room... Most of the toys are stuffing-less now thanks to him...
  • edited November -1
    We found that while we were outside for only a moment Honey thought that eating potpourri would be yummy. We have since REMOVED all traces of it throughout the house. lol
  • edited November -1
    I guess they sure told you. "That's what you get when you make us miss our morning pee!" Sorry about your couch and the acid burned carpet. Everything else was kinda funny. Are all the members for the furry redocorating committee ok?

    They're "silent but deadly" (to furnishings and ect.).
  • edited November -1
    They seem OK, a little bit o' fun in their twosies, but for the most part just fine.

    Although, I think Hachi is going through a... well... puppy stage? I mean, she's just learning to be an inside dog even if she is 2+ years, is it possible that she missed some phase and is now just letting go and being free and to us it is destruction? I'm probably way over analyzing, but that is how I am interpreting this out of the blue destructiveness she's exhibiting.

    We left for dinner today, stayed on their routine, was gone for an hour, came home and she chewed apart the mat that their water bowl is usually on.... I think I need to crate her like I would a puppy!
  • edited November -1
    Jen...see my post on Jazz being crated tonight.
  • edited November -1
    Saw it! Maybe Jazz and Hachi are more connected that we thought...

    You should cross post them here, the more Shiba decor the merrier. :)
  • edited November -1
    Here's that post:

    One should never brag about how great one's dog is....

    This is what happened after Jazz was crated and left for two hours. Her normal blanket and bed were being washed and she HAD a pillow. The crate was in a different spot than usual - it was being vacuumed. Keep in mind that she had just been out to do her business and went in to the crate.

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

  • edited November -1
    haha Look at all the naughty children :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Wow, I feel really lucky. Tojo stopped wrecking stuff pretty much as soon as he turned two. He still licks me pillow, but at least I can just wash the pillow case. Actually, all my pups are good. Even if the kids have scattered their toys around before we leave (and I don't feel like picking them up) they stick to their own toys and leave the kids' toys alone... with the exception of anything wooden.
  • edited November -1
    So what do you guys do when you noticed what they have done? Is there any "Bad Dog!" yelling or spanking going on? Or just dirty looks?
  • edited November -1
    Nothing, you can't do anything if you have not caught your dog in the moment. I blame myself and take him out since he usually does that when he does not get enough exercise.
  • edited November -1
    Im so sad for your couch ): wahh its so prettyful. Hachi's head looks so prosh peeking out there :) What on earth is going on in the last photo? Is that the calling car/mark or something? hahaha
  • edited November -1
    As far as correction went for Jazz - what she had done was over and done with by the time I got home - she would not have associated any type of timeout with the events. I would never "spank" my dog - she's a rescue and has had some very bad experiences before me.

    While I was cleaning the mess up, Jazz was as close as she could get to me. Whenever I would look at her, she'd look away.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks, LJ. It makes me feel better seeing your pics!!! ;)

    corrections? I'll be honest and say I first said "Oh come ON!" But then I laughed really hard and grabbed the camera because I didn't think my husband would believe me if I told him about the amount of damage. I probably gave them dirty looks too, but in a moment like that - where the damage is already done, I do not believe that there is a thing you can do to teach them - catching them in the act is the only way to turn something into a positive training session.

    There is no hitting, spanking or yelling at the dogs in this house. Its unproductive.

    When I catch someone, like Tsuki sneaking away with a flip flop, I will give a firm "NO, leave it" and take it away then give her one of her own toys.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, Janaki - the last pic is battery acid burns in my carpet, I assume, b/c its where Kitsu killed the remote and there were bite marks on the batteries.
  • edited October 2008
    LJ - Maybe Jazz just wanted to see some fluffy snow? :) Either that, or she was just not happy about her new crate spot or pillow.

    Silly pups. Maybe the full moon a couple of nights ago is just now starting to show its effects?

    Edit: I just now noticed this... How in the world did Jazz get the tray out of her crate and toss it across the room??? Does she have some sort of super powers that we are not aware of?
  • edited November -1
    I am praying it was the full moon. I move her crate around once every 2 months or so. When family comes to stay, I usually give up my room which means Jazz's crate has to be moved. I try to get her used to the fact that it doesn't matter where it is, it's still her crate. The odd thing about the pillow is that was her favorite pillow to have outside the crate.

    Jazz mos def has super powers...we are just learning her complete abilities.
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