Grr to pet stores



  • edited November -1
    See, the UK is setting the path for us to follow again (I should really just move to England). Why can't we freaking ban pet stores here? Hollywood, that's why.
  • edited November -1
    Lindsay the answer is even more simple than Hollywood it's $$$. We are a society based on if someone wants someone will find a way to make a buck off getting it to them.
  • edited November -1
    we're also a society dedicated to instant gratification, which for that doggy in the window is fatal.

    I've not been to the UK nor studied any of their animal control practices, but if that is how they govern it - then they really are setting a great path to follow.
  • edited November -1
    Also in england if we do not take our pets to the vets on regular basis it is classed as neglect and we can be banned from owning a pet. We are also thinking about bringing back the dog licence so that it can trace how many dogs there are and that you get fined for not having one. The only thing that I do disagree with a little is that if you knock a dog over you have to stop which is right and i would do so. But if we knock a cat over we don't have to stop as they are classed as a pest but i would and have stopped and taken the cat to the vets.
  • edited November -1
    Carol, that's amazing!
  • edited November -1
    As in, if you hit the dog with your car you have to stop? or literally, if you knock the dog over as you walk by, you must stop to make sure it's alright, but you may kick a cat or drive over it with a car (becuase it's a pest) and that's not illegal?
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