showing dominance

My little terror Kiyoshi is 5 months old now and i've noticed that he will stand next to our yorkipoo and put his head over her shoulders. when she snaps at him he whips his butt around and tries to hit her in the face. he has been doing the whipping around of his butt thing since we got him though. does the putting his head over her shoulder thing mean that he is trying to show dominance over her? When he gets bigger i don't want him thinking that he is in charge of her. I don't see her submitting to him though, she is a little fighter who thinks she is the one who is suppose to discipline him.


  • edited December 2008
    Its called a Shiba Butt Slam in our house and I view it as an invitation for some play. Shiba play can be rough for most other small dogs.

    The dogs, since they grew up together, should be able to sort it out as they get older. She might be disciplining him and that is perfectly normal canine behavior. Do you plan to spay/neuter them? That will help keep attitudes in check.
  • edited December 2008
    lol @ Shiba Butt Slam! I want video evidence! :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Ah yes, the "butt" attack. It is well known in our household. As Jen said, it's usually used to say "HEY PLAY WITH ME!" Most dogs figure out their pecking order themselves, you can't really decide who the dominant one is going to be.

    I will see if I can get some butt slam video tonight, just for you Osy :P
  • edited November -1
    haha It would be much appreciated! Please, do not deprive those of us without dogs, nihon ken particular ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    It's a butt check for sure! Jazz does it to Sally whenever they play together....right off the bed if she times it right.
  • edited November -1
    I've normally seen the head over the shoulders from most dogs as the beginning of the, "Prepare to be mounted" maneuver. Maybe your Yorkie is thinking that is what is about to happen hence why she's snapping when Kiyoshi is actually using it as an invitation to play?

  • edited November -1
    Jesse - you make a great point. Our dogs only do the mounting thing during play - that and the butt slam is probably Kiyoshi's special play invite for the other dog.
  • edited November -1
    We call it the hip check, and Nemo can floor a dog with his. Sometimes I think he's gonna hit is head with his rear end.

    Unless there are actual fights breaking out, I would let the dogs work out their own thing. To me it sounds like he is trying to stir up some play, not be dominant.
  • edited November -1
    I agree that is sounds like play and not something you need to worry about.


    I think this article has been posted before, but it's a good one:

    Debunking the Dominance Myth

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