Potpourri poison alert

This alert is from another forum:

Subject: Poison Alert!
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 9:25 AM


Please read this, a big danger for dogs and kids.
Karen is doing something to try to stop the sale of this, also the
USA needs to be strict on what is imported from India and China and
we need to be very cautious.
We have suffered a terrible, terrible tragedy last Wed. December 3rd 2008 !!
Two, beloved Cavaliers of mine, Haley and Zoe both ate potpourri from
a decorative basket in my living room . Within hours, they were
vomiting it, convulsing and going into total body rigidity and shock.
We took them to the after hours cli nic, they had no idea what it
could be and wouldn't listen to me about them vomiting potpourri at
home and how I had such concerns about the toxic effects of it. They
treated symptoms. We transferred them to our day vet. He also
wouldn't listen to me about the potpourri theory. He said they
had "strychnine" poisoning symptoms. I kept telling him that the
potpourri was Made In India, sold by a company in California and sold
at my local WalMart. My heart told me that it was the culprit of
their condition. They declined rapidly throughout the day and we
transferred them back to the after hours clinic for a second night.
At midnight, I made the agonizing decision to put them to sleep.
Haley was in constant seizures that wouldn't stop, fluid was filling
up in her lungs, body temp was dropping on both of them, Zoe was
lying almost lifeless on the table, struggling with every breath she
took. Every muscle was completely rigid, you couldn't even move her.
I have devoted the last couple of days (now that I can get out of bed
and function) to researching my concerns with the potpourri and have
since found out I was right............there is a lab in England that
has case studies on toxic potpourri from India!! The
toxin....strychnine, which in it's commercial source, comes from a
certain tree grown in India. I am completely heart broken over this.
Please be aware of the potential toxins in any and all stuff like
this in our homes. I would've never guessed this could happen but
when I saw them both "playing" in the potpourri and then after
about two hours saw the symptoms of a poisoning. I just put two and two


  • edited November -1
    Ugh... that's a horrible way to discover something.

    I feel like I've read before that potpourri could be poisonous - which is why I've never bought any.
  • edited December 2008
    So very sad. My heart goes out to this family.

    When my 18-year-old dog, Woodie, was experiencing kidney failure, it was at the very same time that there was a National outcry against all the sick animals caused by the Melamine in pet products from China. In as much as I believe that this is the true reason I lost him, his age was what the vet ruled on. Since the Melamine incident there were also the product recalls on our human children's products from China as well. When are we going to accept the fact that Cheaper does not overrule our need for Safety? When are we going to take the stance of NO MORE!

    I have been personally boycotting all Indo-Chinese and Chinese products. Personally I reach for an American product far sooner than any other. I have not boycotted Walmart personally, because in most cases this SuperStore has pushed out locally owned outlets, and I really do not have much choice in most things. So instead I spend twice as much time shopping and I read every label to find out where the product is made. It is quite shocking the amount of products made in China. They say that this is how "we can offer such low prices" and I say get lost. I do not care, my heart is broken and there is no way I will allow anyone to convince me to EVER trust those of a country like China who cannot value people let alone animals. There are many products that I would buy otherwise, but have been conscious in all my choices and I put most back on the shelf and wipe my hands of them.

    Sam Walton used to have labels on alot of his products "Made in the USA".... what in the hell happened?

    Sorry, it really does piss me off and I truly believe the moment we all begin to scrutinize all of our products and make a conscious effort to reach for our own, our own will grow stronger, and we can finally begin to stimulate the economy on a more positive level.

    I am really so very sad for this family and I will think of them with Love through this Christmas Season.

    Thank You for sharing Harlow.

  • edited December 2008
    Thanks for the info. It's the industrial revolution all over again, but in another location. I had the misfortune of reading Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" in highschool and that's what I think of when I hear of this stuff. I'm a zealot when it comes to where food (human and dog) and pet stuff comes from. Anything east of Germany is a no-go.
  • edited November -1
    Your story brings a tears to my eyes and coldness to my heart.

    Why would a company or a government allow toxic chemicals in a substance in an item that very well could be consumed by a pet or child. If this has happened to these poor pups it has probabley happened to many other pups possibly with owners who could not put two and two together.

    If there is anything I can do to help get this product of the market and recalled please post it. I.E. Email's, Petitions, Ect.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the warning <3 ~
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