Tojo's sneezing!

edited September 2007 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Tojo keeps having sneezing fits.  About once or twice a day for the past few days he will sneeze violently about five times, especially when we're outside or if he's just been outside.  Our other dog Loki did it for a bit, too, but stopped.  Other than the sneezing he seems fine... I wonder what it could be.


  • edited September 2007

    Sounds like something airborne to me.

    What's blooming in your area?


    Tasha has slightly puffy, red eyes. Gave her some Benedryl. I've even had hives lately. Something's bloomin' here besides idiots. We're all allergic to them - no matter where we live. Saw several on the roads today, but I think Tasha is probably just allergic to either ragweed or something. 

  • edited November -1
    Hmm... well, it rained recently, so just about everything!  That and all that wild grass has begun to blow its seed.  I don't think I'd have any luck narrowing it down, there are way too many different types of plants on our property... maybe I'll just give him some benedryl and see if that works.  Thanks for the tip!
  • edited September 2007
    Ragweed is in bloom bad in Georgia right now - it's killing me! Hilo has been sneezing a lot lately too; all our pups seem to sneeze a lot around this time... I always figured it was due to ragweed or because they are blowing their coats and breathing in a little more hair and dander than normal.
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