Happy Ichi Day (1/1/09)!

edited January 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
So, today was kind of weird for us since it was New Year's Day and all the stores and shops were for the most part closed. We decided to treat Ichi to his day and take him to a park.

We took Ichi out of his crate and the first thing he decided to do was pee on the carpet. After we got that mess cleaned up, we went to a park and there was a man-made pond in there, which Ichi fell into after chasing the floating geese (he was on a 20ft lead so I was able to pull him out). Damn shame I can't give him a bath until the weekend per the Vet's instructions...

We had a great time with Ichi, and he slept through the afternoon. In the evening, he peed inside the apartment on the kitchen floor this time (sigh) after we fed him. This makes peeing mishap #3 so he's had some bladder control mishaps post cone-removal. We're monitoring him to see if his broken-house-breaking is behavioral (rebellious adolescent) or physiological (post-op neutering made him lose all sense of bladder control). He did end up peeing in his crate when he was a recoving conehead and I'm hoping that him doing that (and me missing my chance to correct him) has given him the green light to pee inside the house...

Either way it was a great sunny day (wish I brought my camera), but I just thought I'd share the trials and tribulations of the day.



  • edited November -1
    Yikes! Hope things turn around in the coming weeks.
  • edited November -1
    Call your vet, just to make sure that he isn't having a physical issue. That can happen. Hopefully he is just having a growth spurt but to be on the safe side.
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