Ryu and Roxy Adventures (New Spam 8/18)



  • edited November -1
    Cool spam. (sorry about the pun :-P)

    Ryu looks sad indeed, poor guy.

    His face on that photo he's jumping is priceless, and the last action shot is really good!
    I like Roxy's expression in the last photo, very cute!
  • RyuRyu
    edited July 2009
    Thought it might be time for a R&R update.

    Roxy is doing great. We went to the Shiba meetup on Sunday (her second time) and we were really surprised that she didn't hide like the last time. She stuck to Ryu's side almost the entire time. The great thing about that is that Ryu has this certain routine every time we go to the dog park. He runs up to the humans first to see if he can sucker anyone into loving on him. Then he walks a perimeter around the park, stopping to potty and watch the other groups (both dog and human). This was really great for Roxy because she got a feel for being in the human group for a few seconds and then was able to stay far away from "everything scary" while doing the perimeter with Ryu. By the time he's ready to come back and demand more petting, she's a little more comfortable with "the scene". It went really well and we are super proud of her!

    Roxy Spam:
    From July 2009
    Cute "Head Cocking" Sequence:
    From July 2009
    From July 2009
    From July 2009

    Ryu is doing OK - I'm convinced that something is going on with him though. He just isn't acting the same as his crazy self. At the park, he had spurts of Crazy Ryu but he was generally really stressed (Brad, LJ - remember the drooling and queasiness he had in ATL?). It was really hard to see how uneasy he was because he LOVES to be around people and dogs. It's so strange. We stayed for awhile but then he really started acting weird so we left. At home, he is strangely attached to me. He has always been a somewhat cuddly Shiba but it has gotten to the point where he HAS to be right next to me. I feel bad for the poor guy because I'm constantly moving around and he can't get any rest. His appetite is great, poops are great, overall healthy but I have that gut feeling that something is wrong. We're taking him for a check-up on Thursday when Roxy gets her annual shots. I just hate that I have no concrete evidence other than "mommy instinct".

    Ryu Spam:
    From July 2009
    From July 2009
    From July 2009

    Anyway, the REAL reason for this update is........ GROSS SPAM!!!

    Ryu and Roxy were both out in the rainy backyard all morning (it has been unusually cool the past few days so they have been loving it outside). When I let them in, Roxy turned around and reached for (what looked like) a soggy toy. I yelled "Ah Ah - No" and she left it to come inside. Once they were in, I looked closely and it was a DEAD MOLE. Ew. I almost vomited in my mouth. LOL Then I made Tim go take pictures and dispose of the "thing." Roxy went BERSERK when Daddy took her "toy" away. I get the creepy crawlies just thinking about it. YUCK.
    From Ryu and Roxy's Kill!
    From Ryu and Roxy's Kill!
    From Ryu and Roxy's Kill!
  • edited November -1
    Ryu probably knows you are moving again, that could be causing the stress.

    That is gross spam.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Ya know, he's probably feeding off of MY stress. I'm feeling really crabby lately because we haven't heard anything. Dogs are amazing.
  • edited November -1
    That is so gross...Look at the size of those claws.
  • edited November -1
    grossness a la mole. I wonder if they dug him up?
  • edited November -1
    You know Pam, the other day I said to Chris "I think there is something wrong with Miso". Not physically wrong, but he just is acting weird. Won't go outside, doesn't play as much with Sake as he used to, etc. I was freaking out a bit, but then we took him on a nice LONG walk and he had so much fun we realized he is probably just growing up and not wanting to be a super active shiba in the house anymore! He does play still for a bit, but he would rather just chill out and relax.

    I hope everything with Ryu is A-OK!
  • edited November -1
    Beautiful, yet gross spam! Way to hit both sides.

    You know dogs pick up on so much. I'm amazed at how Jazz reacts when I have a migraine, so Ryu picking up on your stress would be totally normal.
  • edited November -1
    Yuck... I never realized moles were so icky looking.

    And I agree, Ryu is probably picking up on your stress. I am sure everything will be just fine once you have a definitive future. (I would HATE to have things in limbo like that!)
  • edited November -1
    Moles are much nicer looking when alive and dry. their coat is sortof a velvetty look- not shiny, like they are too deep black even to shine. I met a woman one day in the store who asked me if the 50 lb bag in my cart with a picture of a turkey on it meant I was feeding the turkeys. (Sorry... ah, yeah, I'm feeding them...to my DOGS. wa-hahaaaa!) She had a good sense of humor, and said she didn't know much about animals. She had recently moved to the area and when she was pregnant and her mother was staying with her in the new house, they were really suspicious of their water quality being that the house was built close to a landfill, and she was close to emotions all the time being worried about that and her pregnancy. She was in the basement getting laundry and looked out the basement window into the well the window sits in and screamed- she called her mother down and was crying and said there was this mutant mouse with NO eyes and vicious claws in the window!! Her mom looked and said "Honey, that's a mole..."

    Nice job, shibas!
    I bet everyone is right about Ryu picking up the vibes from you. It is easier to see when you come out the other side of events.
  • edited November -1
    I definitely burst out laughing when I saw the mole. What an animal. Freaky looking things.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I lied down today to take a nap after lunch. Midway, I find a shiba on my chest. Ok, I get that Ryu wants to comfort me because I'm stressed out..... but c'mon!! Seriously???
    From Ryu and Roxy
    From Ryu and Roxy
    And these were just too cute not to share:
    From Ryu and Roxy
    From Ryu and Roxy
  • edited November -1
    LOL don't you love that you ALWAYS get the butt end when they want to cuddle??? (At least I do!)
  • edited November -1
    Ryu is a very sensetive little boy.
  • edited November -1
    what a silly man. I love the first pic, his expression is so funny. "Hey daddy...don't wake mommy up...I just farted!"
  • edited November -1
    Awww, Ryu just wanted to give out those elusive Shiba Snuggles! Cherish them! He is too cute.

    Roxy looks so big!

    They are adorable and Im sure Ryu will get himself back to normal once everything has worked itself out.
  • edited November -1
    Those are adorable pictures! I envy your cuddle time with the pups. Mine gets too obnoxious and destructive before he gets that way.

  • edited November -1
    Aw, Ryu is really sensitive. Two days ago we had a death in the family and I think the dogs you live with really do sense your emotions... Kitsu was laying on my feet and Tsuki was laying on my lap. Too bad it was also 80 degrees and humid! But still, I appreciated it.

    Love the mole!
  • edited November -1
    Wow! Those mole feet are scary!!

    I'm glad Ryu is doing such a good job taking care of his momma!
  • edited November -1
    Sleeping Shibas are the most precious thing in the world.

    Especially when they strategically place their butts in your face. :-P

    And I must say, your couch looks crazy comfy for a mid-afternoon nap!
  • edited November -1
    Awwww. Shiba snuggles! Cherish them. I'm still warming Mylo up to the concept. Yesterday he lasted 10 minutes before he decided that the floor was probably going to be more comfy... Silly Mylo, he should take some tips from Ryu lol.
  • edited November -1
    hehe..is that what Shibas do..I always thought the butt in my face was disrespectful, but maybe it's their way of saying I love you lol :) Cute pics :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    lol The butt in the face is always fun. :)

    Casey: That couch is my sanctuary. I love how deep it is. I was trying to explain to Brandon how getting a couch that Tim and I could both lay on comfortably was of supreme importance. He isn't sharing the same sentiment. :)

    Ryu has always been a snuggler but it has reached an all-new extreme lately!
  • edited November -1
    That's so sweet of Ryu!! I was home sick yesterday and Yogi took naps with me either on my chest or wrapped around my legs under the covers. He could totally tell that I felt bad. Tiny sweethearts.
  • edited November -1
    LOL, I always say Miso is my nursemaid, always near and dear and sweet when Im sick. Sake is more like an orderly, grouchy and just wants to give you a shot...what a pain :P
  • edited November -1
    I hope he didn't have any gas while you guys napped. :ox

    He's very cute.

  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Haha. No gas - that time anyway! Ryu is infamous for snuggling right next to you, letting one rip, and then moving to the other side of the room for the rest of his nap. LOL

    Kristin- SO TRUE!! LOL Roxy would never willingly cuddle.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Poor guy :(
    From Ryu and Roxy
    From Ryu and Roxy
    Also, I've been meaning to share this for awhile. I went up to Kansas City several months ago and there was a small shopping center connected to my hotel. They had a dog themed store so I popped in to get Tim a souvenir. I picked up this cup and now it's MY cup. I won't drink my daily tea in anything else!
    From Ryu and Roxy
    From Ryu and Roxy
  • edited November -1
    That's a cool cup. Dawn's mom got us some shiba collectibles. We have a christmas onrament, a figurine, dawn has shiba socks. I really want to get the life size statue but it's kind of exspenive, plus we have a life sized brat so it's a little unecessary.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Time for new R & R spam!

    The kiddos are super sweet lately. Roxy is becoming quite the cuddler. Ryu is relaxing a bit more. He's not following me around as much anymore... but I just looked down and noticed that he's sleeping beneath my chair. :)

    On to the spam!

    For Brandon - not only does Ryu not use dog beds, he doesn't quite get the concept of pillows either!
    From Ryu and Roxy
    Chillin' w/ Daddy
    From Ryu and Roxy
    From Ryu and Roxy
    These were taken today after our long walk:
    From Ryu and Roxy
    From Ryu and Roxy
    From Ryu and Roxy
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