Remodling and Kayden (+misc spam)

edited January 2009 in General
So its been a while since we got some Kayden spam on the forum, sorry, but you folks do such a good job of keeping us updated on you i think us posting would be redundant.

We have started remodeling our bathroom (we ripped it down to the studs and decided to start over) you see it was raining in our basement if you showered, that is nicely put; an issue. Kayden has decided that in whatever capacity he can he will help. This includes laying in dust piles, trying to walk on wet mortar and licking your hands as you haul in heavy sheets of durarock. That being said he seems to be very happy, and i cannot imagine life without him. My dog rocks


  • edited November -1
    That's cool he is so well adjusted and can take demolition. Be careful what he inhales, drywall dust, molds, and particulates can irritate.

    I know I know.....I seem like stacey safety, so forgive me (LOL)

    Hope your complete project comes out awesome.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks for the update on Kayden. He seems like one of the coolest dogs on earth!

    I'm impressed he's taken so well to the remodeling.

    How is he doing with the separation anxiety?
  • edited November -1
    Awww! I missed this little...not so little...guy! :D ~
  • edited November -1
    Kayden is such a cool guy! He can't hide it either, it's splattered all over his face.
  • edited November -1
    Kayden has management potential. He could be a construction foreman.

    I should be getting to my new Kayden pictures this week.
  • edited November -1
    Kayden looks like he's home! Congrats!

    SnF does have a point, though - be careful what he is exposed to and make sure its all ventilated!
  • edited November -1
    We remodeled our bathroom the summer before last (07)... So we know how wonderful it can be to have a pup there to help... But Bella was just kind of bossy about us putting things back where they belong. She did not adjust quite so well as Kayden seems to have done. :)

    Now, we must see pictures of the aftermath of the remodel. And do not be such a stranger, we LOVE Kayden spam!
  • edited November -1
    Kayden's separation anxiety has distilled to separation excitement, his days of destruciton are (knock on wood) pretty much over and reserved only to his water tub (the poor thing never stood a chance). He has an entire mud room and dog run to himself which seems to be enough space for him to roam/patrol and kill time till we get home, once home he is all smiles and excitement and quickly settles down into a good routine, feed, water, play, walk, sleep, repeat. He has definetly come out of his shell and is now the worlds biggest goof ball. He roams our backyard in search of small creatures to anhilate, ( i feel sorry for those bunnies but one of these days hes gonna get one and well we all know how thats gonna go) other than that hes great. As far as the bathroom remodel goes he wasnt really allowed in the room when we were doing demo, so his exposure to any dust, mildew and harmfull materials has been minimal now that we have all the framing in its just trying to keep him out of there so we can work, two adults, and one 100+# akita makes for cramped working conditions. Thanks for all the well wishes
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