Shake it off kid....

Miko had been shaking her head more than usual lately. We took her to the vet to have her ears swabbed, and little miss had both a bacterial AND yeast infection in BOTH ears.

The vet thinks she developed it from rolling in the snow.

Also she is going through another fear phase. Poor kid is spooked to walk into any new place. Once she gets in she is fine and happy to see everyone, but she gets herself so worked up that she throws up in the car.

Took her to her first dog park today too. That was a hoot! She was nervous at first, but warmed up as soon as she saw a pit bull there. She also buddied up with a white shepherd/australian cattle dog mix who was completely smitten with her. She had a lot of fun. And I will bring her back soon. Especially since Piglet is a snuggler, not a player.

So those are my Miko updates today.

Here is a cute picture to appease the SPAM junkies.


  • edited November -1
    Poor Miss Miko. Hope her ears heal quickly. Hate those fear stages, but at least she gets past them quickly!
    She looks BEAUTIFUL in that pic!
  • edited November -1
    Awwww! Poor Miko! She'll get there in the end! Hope she feels better soonish <3

    We don't get enough of Miko [ or Piglet! ] spam Jess! You deprive me :( ~
  • edited November -1
    She's such a pretty girl! That face.
  • edited November -1
    Ear infections suck. Sake finally is clear of all her ear infections. Hopefully Miko doesn't put up too much of a fight when you try and squirt things in her ear.

    Glad she liked the dog park. It's always funny to see them for the first time. It's like they are saying "Mom what is this place, hey those dogs are playing, I might want to go play, can I go play? YAYYYYYYYY!"
  • edited November -1
    Ah, poor girl with the ear infections. But at least you know now and can treat it.

    Glad she enjoyed the dog park. I bet she will grow out of the timid phase. Kuma was never as timid as that, but he was afraid to jump into the truck (extended cab) for a long while. Then it got to be he would jump in when leaving home but not when coming back. Now he hops right in. I bet she will grow out of the fear of new places when she begins to realize that often new places are fun! :-)
  • edited November -1
    I just have to take her on more car rides and take her fun places so she starts to equate the car as something that leads to fun.

    She is such a boob when she meets new dogs. She will play bow, growling and licking. Then run and hide behind me. Then come back out, licking the muzzle of the new dog, still growling mind you, then run again. It is kind of her "let's be friends dance".
  • edited November -1
    Wishing a speedy recovery for Miko's ears.

    She sounds like she would be pretty funny to watch at the dog park.
  • edited November -1
    Get well soon Miko!
  • edited November -1
    Poor ears! They'll clear up fast.

    That is a beautiful picture! But... we need more.

    ps. love the tin foil stair case :)
  • edited November -1
    I didn't even notice the tin foil! Hilarious!
  • edited November -1
    It HAS discouraged chewing on it, although it is not exactly glamorous...
  • edited November -1
    Sending good ear vibes out to Miko! And where oh where is the doggy park spam??? ;-)
  • edited November -1
    we have tin foil couch arm rests (they were I love lucy-esq wooden originally...)
  • edited November -1
    FAIL...on my part. It was a spontaneous decision to go to the park. And while my phone has a very nice camera, I was not going to risk dropping it at the park.

    I will do better next time. Promise.
  • edited November -1
    Get well soon Miko! Poor girl must be all out of sorts with both ears wonky. :-(
  • edited November -1
    Here's wishing Miko a speedy recovery! And such a pretty pic of her, even if we didn't get dog park spam :)
  • edited November -1
    Awwwww, poor baby!!
  • edited November -1
    What age is Miko? When do they go through the "fear stages?" What should I expect with my 16 week old, Taro?
  • edited November -1
    Shiba2shikoku, Taro might never go through a fear stage at all. Completely depends on the dog. The only thing Kuma was slightly afraid of when he was between 6 and 9 months old was jumping up into the tall truck; otherwise that that, he never had a fear stage. Miko seems more reserved and less dominant than my Kuma (and I think that that might have been the type of puppy that Jessica wanted because of Piglet?).

    So I would just be aware that it may happen to Taro, but it might not too! If it does happen and gives you pause and you have questions, then ask here :-)
  • edited November -1
    Miko is 11 months. She will be one year on Feb 13th. Kris is correct, I specifically requested a more reserved puppy to keep the peace in the home. At the time she was the third member of my pack and I wanted to do my best to ease the transition.
  • edited November -1
    OK, thanks. I'll watch for that. We are trying to expose him to as many different things and experiences as possible right now. He is doing well.
  • edited November -1
    How is Miko doing? Ears feeling any relief?
  • edited November -1
    She was shaking even more yesterday. But it is a ten day cycle of meds and has only been 3. I know I initially feel worse when I start a cycle of meds.

    She is also blowing her coat in GIANT CLUMPS right now. I know they are supposed to look kinda sad while blowing, but this on top of the ear infection, I look at her and feel like a bad mom.
  • edited November -1
    Silly Rabbit! Ever get an ear infection? It's uncomfortable, but doesn't really affect you too much cuz you get busy with everyday stuff. Miko might be shaking her little head, but I'm sure she barely notices when she's licking your face off or playing with her toys. You're the best doggie mom I know. I ASPIRE to your doggie mom greatness!
  • edited November -1
    Awww, Jess. Miko doing just fine. I'm sure this is harder on you than it is on her. Coat blowing does make dogs look pretty pathetic. At least Joey does right now, so Miko is in good company.
  • edited November -1
    Obviously, I am late to this... but...

    Poor little Miko, ear aches suck! Fear stages suck too... but at least she is not an Akita - they go through a year long fear stage [0 - 1 years]. lol

    She will get better, and she has you as a mom, so that puts her way ahead of most of the pups in the world! :o)

  • edited November -1
    Poor Miko. You're an awesome doggie mom Jess! You only feel like a bad mommy because you care soooo much. I'm sure she will pull through this like a champ and it will be gone a done with before you know it. Keep us updated!
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