Take your Shiba to work?

edited February 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Luckily I work in a place where the owner is really cool an allows employees to bring their dogs to work. (People friendly, shots, house broken, don't bark, etc.)

I take my shiba with me every now and then, but I feel bad since he basically lies there and isn't really "free".

I think he'd rather be at home alone. :(


  • edited November -1
    But when he's at home alone, he's probably just sleeping the entire time so in a sense, wouldn't it be the same exact thing besides the fact he'll be with you?
  • edited November -1
    i want ur job! i wish i cld take my shibas with me to work!
    they give me the sad pitiful look when i leave for work in the morn, and i so wish they cld come with me!!!
  • edited November -1
    I wish I could take my dog to work.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I work at home so technically my dogs are at work with me. Believe me, you guys have it good :) Either you get nothing done because you're playing with your dog(s) or you feel terrible because you're too busy to play with them! :D
  • edited November -1
    I wish OTHER people would bring their dogs to work with them! I'd never ever get anything done, but I bet I wouldn't be so angry all the time [ at work ] either! lol

    For now I'll settle for the occasional pup that strays in with his owner :) ~
  • edited November -1
    I think Ike and Beebe benefit from comming with me to work occasionally, even if they are sort of enclosed in the reception area for a few hours. It beats the monotany of home routine. Plus, they get to meet some nice people and work on socializing and manners.
  • edited November -1
    I definitely wish I could bring my girls to work with me! But unfortunately, the fur would get in the way. However, I do get to do some training sessions with the K-9 dogs, so it makes up for it. :)
  • edited November -1
    My friend owns her own business and takes her Shibas to work everyday. When Nemo stays with them, he gets to go to. He kicks Turi (his brother) out from under the desk and takes over the comy dog bed there. Nemo's boss.
  • edited November -1
    I only brought Kuma to work once, and it was a very slow day that we only worked the morning. He was a huge success.
  • edited November -1
    I would love to bring Miso to work. Sometimes on Saturdays, when Chris has extra work to catch up on, I bring the dogs to visit. They love running shiba 500's around the office, especially because there is carpet that they can dig in and push off of.

    I used to work in a real estate office that we could bring our dogs to work. There was always 3-5 dogs in the office. It was GREAT.
  • edited November -1
    My office is dog-friendly, I'm hoping this place holds together in the tough economy long enough that I can try to train my puppy to be good enough to hang out quietly in my cube for hours at a time.
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