Indy goes fishing (Updated 4/27/09)



  • edited November -1
    omg so cute
  • edited November -1
    ADORABLE!! you might wanna put that stuff on the couch away.. you never know. he might be interested in chewing on it! ;oP
  • edited November -1
    I think we tired him out in te yard ;)

    Well that will do it for now. He's doing GREAT! Been playing great with the other dogs/people, responds well to commands, and has had 0 accidents inside so far :)

    I can't begin to express how happy he has made me. After wanting a dog for the past few years, settling on a breed, waiting for the right time and finding the right breeder it is here. And I couldn't be happier. Thank you all so much, and I hope to see some of you in May!
  • edited November -1
    DAW :D im so jealous. :3
  • edited November -1
    Love the pics in the yard. Now I can't get the Indiana Jones theme song out of my head!!! :)
  • edited November -1
    Haha same here Melissa. Indy is on my lap as we watch Raiders of the Lost Ark. Kid's gotta learn his namesake right? We might skip the new one
  • edited November -1
    AWWW! He is super adorable. I know I am a little late, but CONGRATS on bringing him home. I can not wait to meet him in May. :-D
  • edited November -1
    YAY, Epic Indy Spam! I have to say Dr. Jones is pretty freaking cute. Can't wait to meet him in person in May.

    Congrats Jason, welcome to the wonderful world of being dominated by a will love it :)
  • edited November -1
    Indeed, epic Indy Spam! You've got yourself a very handsome little pup. Congrats!

    May can't come soon enough!
  • edited November -1
    LOL!! Awesome!! What a wonderful homecoming, he's totally adorable!!
  • edited November -1
    So 1 week later and Indy is already the most incredible and amazing dog I've ever met. Shiba personality is so unique compared to other dogs i've known. I can't begin to describe how much I love the little guy. I was a bit concerned at first because of how quiet he was and how much he slept. It was very unpuppy like. He'd play a bit then nap. Well around Wednesday that changed haha. He's a beast now and I love it. When work would get tough he'd be ready to play ball and wrestle. I was also worried because I never saw that adorable Shiba smile, but again, around Wednesday it popped out and hasn't gone away yet. He is absolutely adorable and always smiling! He has also had only one accident inside since I got him home. Just one! He gets along well with my families dogs, neighbors dogs, friends dogs etc. He makes fast friends with everyone it seems. I'm so happy by how things have gone. He is still shy around new people, but not fearful. Cautious I guess I would say.

    One question I do have is weight. He is 10 weeks old and already weighs ten pounds. I see other threads people say their shiba weighs this much around 6 months! Now, he CERTAINLY has some puppy fat left which we are working on through diet and LOTS of play, but he's young so I'm not concerned on that. Just wondering if anyone else had any bruisers I guess. Sorry, no new spam, my camera is out of commission right now :( (did you know you can't wash a camera? weird right!) If my friend comes into town tonight I'll be sure to borrow hers though :) Indy sends his love!
  • edited November -1
    Hey Jason,
    Don't worry, I didn't pipe up because my dog was not small. He's a wuss attitude wise, but he's well over 23 lbs. at 8 months. He was at 14 or so at 6 months.

  • edited November -1
    Your fine. ;) Toby was 12 lbs at 10 weeks old ... aaand now weighs 40 lbs. Toby is special. xD
  • edited November -1
    Toby is a Shiboku!

    Hopefully we will get some Dr. Jones spam soon. I wouldn't worry about his weight, some shibas are chubby puppies. Just keep him healthy and active and Im sure you will be fine.
  • edited November -1
    haha. I wish. There's no other way to explain his size. xD
  • edited April 2009
    That's great news he is doing so well.

    It looks like you have a really healthy puppy so count your blessings! : )

    As far as his weight I would not worry about that for quite awhile so forget putting him on a "diet". He should be able to eat his fill at each feeding until a 10 or 12 months or so. Shiba puppies should be somewhat chubby at his age and by 14 -16 weeks that chub starts to go away as the structure changes. Also it depends on the genetic lines as to how big he will get as an adult. He should be around the same size as his parents. Some dogs have a heavier bone structure also and usually it is little more pronounced in males.

  • edited November -1
    I agree with SnF about his weight - he's a puppy. Relish it. It won't last very long :(

    But he certainly sounds all shiba! Glad he's getting along with everyone, and cautious is exactly how shibas are, "aloof" is the word used in their standard. He'll go through some fear stages as he grows, too. Just keep on socializing him - he'll be a great companion!
  • edited November -1
    want more spam!!! :) love your little guy :)
  • edited November -1
    Yay! The camera was fine after drying out, just needed a new SD card. I'm so lucky haha. And so are you, that means a few pieces of spam ;) This weekend I really wore Indy out outside playing and getting him used to the leash. When I was changing my car tires he napped under the picnic table before going back to chasing the other dogs. He has REALLY buddied up with Chunk, my parents one dog.





    I got some more pics on my DSi but I can't figure out how to transfer them to my SD card. Indy is doing great with me and the fam since he sees them so much but he is still very shy around new people. I've been having new visitors give him a treat and praise him when they get there and continue giving pieces of kibble to get used to strangers. Any other suggestions to work with meeting new people?
  • edited November -1
    Just keep meeting lots of people and dogs. He may be scared at first but it will really pay off in the long run. Maybe if new people had really special treats (cheese, etc.) he would associate new peeps with yummy noms!
  • edited November -1
    Indy and Chunk are too cute together. Kristin is right, socialize, socialize, socialize. A lot of dogs when they are young go through multiple fear stages, it is normal. Human kids do it too.
  • edited November -1
    he's such a cutie!

    agreed with the above, just keep getting him out there and meet all kinds of people, places, things.
  • edited November -1
    Get him used to other people touching/holding him. It will go a long way for your socialization as he gets older!

  • edited November -1
    Wow does he hate the leash. I'm searching the forum right now for old topics...but wow. So the last two days I let him just roam the yard free with the leash attached to get used to where it hangs. He was fine. I grab the leash and as soon as there is slight resistance when he walks he FREAKS OUT and screams. My neighbors probably think I'm beating him :( I've tried leading him with treats but no, as soon as there is pressure he stops dead. I'm picking up a puppy sized harness today to see if that is any better.

    Also the little jerk dug his first hole. Which I filled in. Which he dug out again. It is ALMOST adorable ;) I knew when he came around the house with a muddy nose I was in trouble haha

    He has a playdate this weekend with his first "new" dog since moving in with chunk and cocoa. We'll see how this goes.
  • edited November -1
    Sake is a cream so when she digs, I know it. She is always muddy. I keep thinking she is trying to turn into a black and tan or something!?!?!?

    Keep working on him with the leash, I think most of the puppies hated the leash at first, mine sure did, but they get used to it after a while.
  • edited November -1
    I think a harness is a great idea!
  • edited November -1
    Tetsu used to flop around like a fish whenever I walked him on the leash. I found what helps is to be a follower instead of a leader. Have you tried holding the leash and following Indy around the backyard, with out applying pressure? Try that for a little bit, then work your way to calling him to you while holding the leash without applying pressure.
  • edited November -1
    Beth's suggestion is a really good one. Just make sure that once he is comfortable walking on lead, you take control again. You don't want him dragging you around thinking he is the boss. Don't let the cuteness win! :)
  • edited November -1
    Haha never! He's getting better. I walked him around the peremiter of the yard today. This is an upgrade over 0 feet yesterday. Still alot of struggling and yelping but at least he didn't just plant his butt and refuse to move. He had a vet visit today and was on leash the whole time and was fine, but then again he never strayed to far from my side because he was a bit nervous. clean bill of health and only the 2nd Shiba the vet has ever seen. I'm heading to the "mall" an hour away tomorrow to get a harness. The local Wal-mart didn't have any. Maybe the pressure off his neck will be better for him.
  • edited November -1
    Great news! Indy decided yesterday you know what, that leash isn't so bad. He did great, we did one one lap around the block without too much trouble. He got distracted but that is to be expected. He is growing SO FAST. he is around 18 pounds now I'd say. He goes to the vet tuesday so I'll find out for sure.

    Spam time! In order to test out his knack for a leash we took him hiking a bit today. He likes the water, and because of the location he even got a littl eoff leash time. He did great and never went more than 10 feet from my side. If only he'd stay that way haha. Enough talk, more spam!

    It is a giant water dish!
    bein handsome
    Muggin' for the camera
    This was adorable, my sister was fishing crouched and Indy ran up and stuck his head under her arm.
    Don't blink!
    Much better
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