Little Koda Update



  • edited November -1
    Nice name ;) I am new to any breed outside of siberians.. what breed is he?? He is so cute, if you get tired of him send him to AZ :P
  • edited November -1
    He's adorable! Congrats!!
  • edited November -1
    Adorable!!! Congrats!

    Glad the shipping & pick-up went well! yay :) ~
  • edited November -1
    He's finally home, congratulations.

    Our Kai is a complete lap dog now as well. She's getting pretty big, but still manages to jump up in my lap to try and curl up.
  • edited November -1
    Awww <3
  • edited November -1
    Finally! How exciting, new puppy!'s official more waiting...Koda has come home -smiles-.

    TOLD YA! -grins- Except...he seems to be a sleepy Kai (for now), lol...long trip.
  • edited November -1
    He's very cute :)
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! Koda is super cute!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! I am so happy that Koda made it home, safe and sound. :)

    He is very cute. And you must post more pictures!
  • edited June 2009
    What a handsome little boy! You should take pictures of him in kodachrome (while there is still some left).
  • edited November -1
    Koda is adorable! Congrats!
  • edited November -1
    OMG He's GORGEOUS!!! What a beautiful furbaby. Congratulations!
  • edited November -1
    Finally! Congrats!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone. He's doing well, but he had a long day yesterday and is a little insecure about me leaving his site. He's actually at home right now. I had to come into the office for a half day. I hope he hasn't escaped and isn't wreaking havoc on the house. I hated leaving him, but both of us are going to have to get used to it until he's old enough to be in Doggy Daycare.

    Shigeru- I think Koda will be a lap dog like Haru! But I'm really small and he's really big so we'll see how that works. He really seems like a big tank for his age!

    Corina- He was groggy yesterday. I'm sure I'm in for it when he's all rested up. lol

    We had visitors last night. My friends Elaine and Tom, and he did really well with everyone. I was trying to keep him awake so we could sleep last night, but *sigh* he has a puppy blatter. lol. He did pretty well though in his crate and did only wake up for me to take him out to pee.

    Koda definitely has a big personality for such a small pup. He's lovable, smart (can sit, comes when I call his name, and is pretty potty trained), but he's STUBBORN! He wants things his way and will vocalize it by talking to you. He doesn't bark, but speaks really. He was telling off the guys at the cargo center and didn't like the first collar I put on him and wasn't going to listen with it on. When I switched it out, he was fine. I'm definitely going to have my hands full!
  • edited November -1
    Aww such a cute kai ken I can't wait to see pictures as he grows. =)
  • edited November -1
    I am such a proud momma today! And as you might be able to tell, I'm really not into working today. he he.

    Koda went to the vet yesterday. We made a 6pm appt. I wanted to make sure to have some good quality time after work before I brought him in. What I didn't realize is that Wed. is their only late weekday and lots of other people were there with their furbabies. At first, we sat next to the door. Koda scoped things out for about 5 minutes. It's so hard to say with Kai. I have heard of very outgoing dogs, Josephine for example, but then there are those who are fearful of both dogs and humans.

    Koda has been great with people coming to the house and on our walks around the HOA. Without all his shots, his experiences are limited but I am inviting different friends over each night and bribing them with home cooked Italian meals. I want Koda to be around different people everyday to see how he reacts. Plus it tires him out so we can both sleep. So far, so good. The only person he kind've made a whining noise about was my next door neighbor who moved here from Japan 6 months ago. Go figure! But I think it's the fact that she does not pick up her feet fully when she walks. He is fine with her in front of him standing still.

    Back to the vet visit. He did great!!! I couldn't have been more proud of him. He loved the vet assistant and really like rubbing his nose on his beard. He gave lots of kisses to both the assistant and the vet. He wasn't nervous at all, and took everything really well. He didn't like the de-wormer up his butt. He gave a little yelp, but quickly kissed the vet afterwards.

    I had to give them all the pet ins. papers after and sign some stuff. We also had to wait for other people to be helped. In the waiting room was a JRT, Maltipoo (who was a little scared of Koda since he was bigger, but warmed up after Koda totally charmed him with a nose nuzzle to the belly), a Bassett Hound (who ignored Koda and Koda allowed him to do so), another small terrior mix, a HUGE Rott, a puppy Pit Bull (too cute brindle 8 weeks old), a Puppy GS/Golden Mix, and a Shiba Rescue named Kimmy. (I gave Kimmy's owner the website address so he might be popping in. Hopefully he will.) Koda did great with all the dogs and their owners. People took pics of him. He definitely was the star of his own show! I was so happy to see that he could get along with everyone. He is quiet, doesn't jump, bark, allows other dogs to sniff him (if they are not barking), and waits patiently for puppies to calm down before he will go up to them. Nothing fazes him really.

    A Behaviorist came out to watch him. I think there was a little buzz about a rare breed coming in. We had 3 vet assistants visit us and the other 2 vets came in to see him. The Behaviorist said that he had great puppy manners and that she was amazed that at 9 weeks he responded well to other dogs cues, respected their space, and allowed dogs to enter his. I am still beaming! Especially since I want Koda in her classes, but she has a wait list and interviews dogs before she will work with them in a group setting. I think he is in for sure!

    All this was great, but then on the way home I realized that Koda is a puppy whore! ha ha ha. I thought that he just really loved me from the first moment that I saved him from that crate, but NO he LOVES EVERYONE! I stopped feeling special in his world. lolol. He better not become a Tabasco! :-]

    OK, I'll stop bothering you all with my ranting. I just had to get it out before I bothered everyone at work.
  • edited June 2009
    Gosh those pups are adorable....

    Well better a puppy slut now than an antisocial nut later. : ) Keep up the good work with socializing.

    You state "He didn't like the de-wormer up his butt." They are putting dewormer up his butt?? Can you explain, it seems like an unusual practice.

  • edited November -1

    Great that the visit went well!
  • edited November -1
    "Well better a puppy slut now than an antisocial nut later"

    Glad it went well, and yes, um, PICTURES!
  • edited November -1
    Oh...Sorry Tsukitsune not trying to offend.
    Puppies that remain really friendly have a one up when it comes to working later so it is a plus to have an over the top character in wanting to meet and greet. It is relative based on breed, but still one wants a decent amount of social interest even in a nihon.

  • edited November -1
    No I think thats a perfect way to put it! I might even use that saying more!
  • edited June 2009
    "You state "He didn't like the de-wormer up his butt." They are putting dewormer up his butt?? Can you explain, it seems like an unusual practice."

    I was typing fast. It was a test to check him for worms since it was his first visit there. He already has had a de-wormer, but they want to make sure. oh, and lol puppy slut! ha ha ha.

    Jen- Pictures are hard with Koda. I had a Canon EOS, and lots of equipment. I worked as a photographer through college, but four years ago my house was robbed in a string of robberies in the neighborhood. I haven't spent the $$ to replace my equipment. I have just been using a little digital, but his eyes, nose, hair are all black. It doesn't take good shots of him. When we are outside it's impossible without a second person there. I will work on pics this weekend.
  • edited November -1
    OK this is a terrible quality picture, but Koda tries to play with the camera, so I could only use a cell phone.

  • edited November -1
    He's freaking adorable.
  • edited November -1
    Adorable! He is growing fast.

  • edited November -1
    Tara: Sooooo cute! Reminds me of Josephine when we found her ---- one ear drooped just a little just like that ---- now they are both perky! I know what you say about photographing a black doggie... so hard! Sounds like Koda is a lover of people and other doggies! Glad all is going well in your first days with him. Enjoy! I think he will be the (puppy) love of your life and all he meets!
  • edited November -1

    Even blurry, grainy, cell phone spam is GREAT!
  • edited November -1
    he has a Star on his chest! (Sage has a star on his tail- tip)

    I love Koda...another cute lil Kai-Guy. more pics when you can, please!
  • edited November -1
    Bev, his ears are adorable. On our walk this morning, they looked like two tiny wings trying to lift him off the ground bouncing up and down. lololol. He is the love of my life already.

    Chrystal, I love his star! He likes being rubbed right there with lots of nail scratches.

    I'm wondering if he is big for his age. His brother is posted on a yahoo group and is smaller. I might have a BIG Kai on my hands. lol.

    Thanks to everyone for your compliments. They make me smile with pride!

    PS. Koda slept through the night without waking up once. Perfect timing since I caught a cold and am a little under the weather. I actually had to wake him up this morning to make sure he was all tired out again before I went to work. He is doing great and really falling into his schedule. He reminded me with a quick whine at the door this morning that I was a few minutes late for his walk.
  • edited November -1
    He is really adorable! So happy for you now that you finally have him!

    [ sorry to hear about the photography equipment theft, I would've cried if it had happened to me :( ] But now you have an excuse to invest in a nice camera again ;p lol ~
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