Little Koda Update



  • edited November -1
    Wow Koda has gotten bigger. He so cute.
  • edited November -1
    Koda is so cute and stealable... I mean huggable.
  • edited November -1
    lol and I haven't given all of you more pics. I need to work on that.
  • edited November -1
    Wow-- Koda is adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics and the story on his growing up! What an adorable puppy!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    I will put some on tonight. I'm the worst with pics. He is getting so big, 22 pds already. On a side note, his ears are much better and he didn't fight me quite as much this morning. He can thank Chrystal and Jessica for the Peanut Butter. ha ha.
  • edited November -1
    thirdeded! or something. Your turning me to the Kai side.
  • edited August 2009
    Here's some updates on Koda pics. I really need to take more. He's getting too big too fast.

    I love this pic of Koda because he kind've looks like his mama did the first picture I got of her and the pups. It's the top of his head. His ears go all the way to the side when he's relaxed or sleeping.


    ha ha ha Koda and my niece, Cierra. He looks so scared.

    Now she's strangling him. lolz

    Koda in Lake Tahoe. The Prince tried not to get his paws too dirty.

    Taking Lil C for a walk

    Koda was dreaming so hard that his eyes were flickering open and his tongue kept coming out. This is what he's doing right now. It was cracking me up.

    I woke him up bugging him with the flash.

    I also added more pics to my flickr account.
  • edited November -1
    Love the pic with him and your niece. "Why are you touching me." He is getting BIG!! How tall and heavy now? He's so handsome. I like his harness too, the blue looks nice on him.
  • edited November -1
    Awww. I love the top photo! he does look like his momma! so fun to watch the boy grow up...someday he'll be a big guy like Kona.
    loving the kai spam.
  • edited August 2009
    oh Koda looks so cute...can't wait to see the next batch of spam
  • edited November -1
    YAY! Thanks Tara I need a good dose of Kai and Koda sure did it! :)

    He is adorable.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone. He is getting so big, 22 pds. I need to measure him though. I usually just keep an eye on his weight.

    He actually did love Cierra. We spent most of the weekend on walks and in the cabin. It was a great introduction weekend for the two of them. He's so gentle with children.

    Other than his ear infection, which is a lot better no more gunky stuff and boy did he smell on Saturday, he is a happy and well behaved little man. Soon I will have to do kind've a complete write up of how different it is to raise a Kai then any other dog. They are so unique, and I'm sure my house will be filled with Kai puppies for a long time. Already thinking about a girl in the next year or two.
  • edited November -1
    Such a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~
  • edited August 2009
    Man Koda is getting so big he's still a cutie too and I love his Harness I'm going to get Saya a blue one I think it looks good on the black coloration. =)
  • edited November -1
    Koda is adorable. And I agree, the blue harness looks very good on him!
  • edited November -1
    Since Koda felt better today and ate really well, we went and met up with some of his b-fri's that we've met around the neighborhood. Here are some pics of the gang.....

    George aka The Mayor He's Koda's best friend. They can play for hours.....

    Zoe aka The Regulator

    Koda gettin' some tongue action from his girlfriend Tyra the Puggle

    She's an aggressive little one


    He never looks at me when I have the camera in my hand

    Me and Koda Bear

  • edited November -1
    My goodness he is growing! Looks like a good day!
  • edited November -1
    How did I miss the beach pics??? He's so Fing cute! he's so yummy :) :)
  • edited November -1
    Awww, I love the little family pic! Koda sure is getting big!
  • edited November -1
    Wow--- Koda is adorable, and growing up so fast! Looks like he is getting along well with you and with all he meets...

    Sorry I missed some earlier parts of the thread...Just getting caught up on some forum things...
  • edited September 2009
    Koda and I have spent our 3 day weekend so far hiking and going to new places. He has a lot of endurance for such a young man. He loves hiking, but most of all likes it off leash. We have been going to a couple trails lately where he can walk with me, but can't run off anywhere scary. He does great! At first, I was really nervous. He's only 4 1/2 months old, but he sticks mostly right next to me and if he ventures off ahead it's only about 10-15 feet and then he looks back to make sure I'm right there. He does get excited when other dogs come by, and will run off to meet them. :0 But it's all off leash, and we have had good experiences with very nice dogs. We also bring Roxy the Boxer with us. If anyone messed with Koda she would correct them right away. lolololol. Here's a little spam from today. We went to Pt. Isabelle. It sits on the Bay and you can see the Golden Gate from it. San Francisco is right across the border. It's a nice cool spot, doesn't get over 75 degrees, 23 C.

    Koda's butt...lolol


    Roxy watches out for Koda.

    If Roxy can run off so can I.


    Koda looks like his dad's puppy pics in this one...

    He had to romp around with a black lab who was soaking wet Koda=muddy

    Stayin close

    Little man

    This little guy followed Koda forever. Turned out his owner's sister had lost him. We returned him to the association and called his owner. They were reunited an hour later.

    Scared of the water. Thank goodness!!!!!!

    Koda actually really liked this guy

    Koda meeting Belle. She is 5 months old and went blind from a bacterial infection. Don't feel sorry for her though. She can kick Koda's butt! They like playing together, but then again Koda likes playing with any little girl. He's still a bit of a whore.

    Belle making sure it's really Koda.

    Making sure again...lololol. She can smell him out from at least 20 feet away.

    She kicked Koda's butt..

    Roxy guarding Koda while he chews a stick.

    Happy Boy!


    And finally.....This is why we are called the Bay Area!

  • edited November -1
    He's soooo handsome!!! *envious* ~
  • edited November -1
    Nice spam! Koda is a real handsome fellow and I am liking his tongue spots. That's cool he has so many dog friends.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, yay! A heapin' helping of Koda spam to go with my blueberry pancakes this morning- this is a treat. It looks so nice and great day to be outside with your dog... :)
    Our hero is growing up nicely, too.

    His tail is quite full, and he looks very happy!

    Do kai tongue spots cover more tongue as they age? I swear Sage's tongue has less pink on it than it used to...
  • edited November -1
    Baww, adorable :) it's great that he gets on with so many other dogs, what a gentleman eh? great pics, thanks for sharing!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone.

    Chrystal, When Koda came home he only had two small tear drop tongue spots. I used to call him my Vato. lol. They are birthmarks that develop more over time. We'll see if he has any pink left by next year. :p I think his tail is so full, and I brush it a lot to get the loose hair out, because of his Omega-3's. He gets fish oil and Salmon oil due to his MAJOR dandruff issues.

    Miss_Mallinson- Koda get along with most dogs, but he is still chosey about who he will play with. He has an aloofness to him with people/dogs that he doesn't feel sure about or just plain isn't interested in. He can stand next to someone and completely ignore them like they're not there. He mostly likes little girl puppies around his size who are 4-5 months old. He likes older boys who are his size or at most just a little bit bigger. For some reason, black labs who are big intrigue him but the play is limited. He gets tired of them easily.

    A couple of weeks ago there was a thread about social v. tolerant dogs. Koda is a pup, so ofcourse he's social. He wants to romp and wrestle. However, he may not be that way when he gets older. I don't mind if he choses to play with other dogs or not, but I do want him to always mind his manners. If he doesn't like another dog, I would rather him just ignore the other dog and I encourage him when he does this with dogs he's unsure about. Koda's attention should always be on me when we are out not on running off to other dogs or people. He's a quick learner, and when another dog upsets him (and it does happen he gets scared) he knows to come back to me and watch me. He can hold a stare into my eyes for about 20-30 feet while we walk after he gets upset. The pics look perfect, but he still has some fear issues and we work on them together. Large open spaces, with fences, are great for this. He used to get scared and jet off. Scared the crap out of me!! :0
  • edited November -1
    He's really cute:)
  • edited September 2009
    Just a quick update.....

    Koda is doing really well. We went for a couple private lessons at what I can only describe as Doggy Disneyland. They have everything there! Koda got to try out a few different activities, but he really liked the agility course. It's been great on building his confidence and he does really well.

    I also learned that Koda just doesn't like small dogs, who are not puppies. If they bark at him he will run off tail between the legs, but big dogs are no problem at all. Our behaviorist did some tests with him and some well behaved dogs that go to daycare at the Disneyland for Dogs ($45/day phew!). Little dogs who bark scare him, but big dogs like her Pyrenese that she had growl at him did nothing. He wasn't effected at all. So, lessen learned he plays with nice big dogs now or only puppies his age. He is really doing well.

    Another outcome from our play sessions is that Koda wants to be on top of everything. I took this at my mom's house. He's watching the cat on the floor. I tried to get one of him walking the ridge of the couch back and forth, but my camera phone stinks. Sorry for the poor quality on this one.

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