Little Koda Update



  • edited November -1
    Sage says yer doin it right! The back of the couch is the place to be!
    Koda-Kai is growing up so big now...can't get over it.
  • edited November -1
    lol. He learns quickly. I'm sure he would invite Sage up there with him.

    He's getting huge! He was playing with a cute B&T Shiba yesterday, Bella who is about 4 months old. He looked so big next to her. She was only 12 pds, but he must be at least 36 and he's really a lean boy. Somedays he looks really thin to me. I wonder how big he will get.....
  • edited November -1
    Tara: Love the updates on Koda. He is getting to be such a big beautiful boy! The pics bring me back to Josephine's puppyhood! Funny thing --- she loved to get onto high places when she was a pup, then she went through a long time where she would not climb on anything at all! Now (ripe old age of 2 1/2) she once again tries to be the queen of the picnic table at the off-leash dog park. We do have a rule in the house of no furniture climbing, sitting, sleeping --- otherwise I think she would love the back of a couch as well.

    And I so wish to come and join in that park by the Golden Gate... S.F. is one of my favorite places I have ever been. I have been lucky to be there about a half-dozen times or so. If my hubby and I come out again, we will look you up...
  • Koda is getting biiig!
  • edited November -1
    Looks and sounds like Koda is doing great! He really is getting big. He's a handsome guy. :o)
  • edited November -1
    Awww Koda! He is so handsome! And I agree with everyone, he is getting big!
  • edited November -1
    Wow... Koda is growing up. :)
  • edited November -1
    Thanks everyone.

    Koda went for his pre-op (neuter) check up this morning and he's 37 pds!!!! He turned 5 months old on Sunday. I'm wondering when he's going to stop growing. lol. Especially since I was told by the vet that he is on the skinny side. He's not underweight, but he is thin so I was surprised to see 37 come up on the scale. :0

    Bev if you come to SF you should look us up. Koda would love to meet you and anyone from the forum. He's still a puppy whore who will love and kiss on most everyone. he he. You said that Koda reminds you of Josephine, but Josephine reminds me of Koda! The pics and video from the meetup, were dead on Koda. Have you by any chance seen Koda's sister lately?
  • edited November -1
    I dropped Koda off for his neuter this morning. Wish him luck. I can't wait to pick him up. :(
  • edited November -1
    Am sure Koda will be fine, sending lots of love via the magic of the interwebz, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be away from him so you can feel free to take some of the love I sent :) he'll be back before you know it.
  • edited November -1
    Good Luck, Koda! You'll be back home soon and feeling fine!
    And hang in there, Tara, your brindle buddy will be okay!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks! I just got a call from my vet and he said that Koda has a slight case of Anemia. Now, I'm feeling really bad for not going RAW with him as a puppy when my cat is fed so well.

    Is this something that could be related to his breed? Has anyone else had experience with this?

    It's a slight case, so he has recommended moving forward with the procedure but wants Koda back in 3 weeks to chech his blood again.
  • edited November -1
    I'm sorry about the Anemia I'm sure Koda will get better soon I'll keep him in my thoughts.
  • edited November -1
    Anemic, huh?
    Did the vet give any indication as to why he thinks Koda is anemic? Did they do a pre-op blood panel? Do you have to give him anything?

    I have a spreadsheet I can email you (excel) about daily intakes for dogs- you just plug in Koda's projected adult weight and activity level, and perhaps look into naturally supplementing iron.

    In raw feeding, I make sure to do an annual blood test for deficiency levels, so far so good - but its always good to have a baseline when they are growing or when they are changing a diet (and raw is a constant change/variety).

    Best of luck in recovery, Koda!
  • edited November -1
    Good luck, Koda!

    And I am sorry to hear about the anemia. Hopefully the vet can help give you an idea why he is anemic.
  • edited September 2009
    They did a pre-op blood panel and found out, but I will say it is slight and my vet moved forward with the neuter. I haven't found out about supplements yet. He wanted me to email Koda's breeder to find out if this could be breed specific. But she has never heard of an anemic Kai. (Great it would have to be mine!)

    I'll find out about supplements when I pick him up. Jen, I would love the spreadsheet. My email address is public, I have really been feeling guilty about not transitioning Koda to RAW. My cat is 18 and she is fed RAW. I know the benefits. I was just a little intimidated by his breed being so unique and him being a pup. I'm sure that a diet change is exactly what he needs, and at least him being anemic will get me motivated to meeting his needs and doing the switch. Plus Koda will love me so much more! he he I'm also going to check out your blog. Time to read up.

    On a good note, Koda's sister won best in show!!! And we are going to see his breeder in mid-October. She's coming to SF so I'm super excited. I'm sure Koda will be too when he sees her. He has a very good memory. (Which is good and bad. lol)
  • edited November -1
    Sorry to hear about Koda, Tara! Wishing you luck <3 ~
  • edited November -1
    [ where's my spammage?!?!? ] :p ~
  • Poor Koda man. Feel better bro!
  • edited November -1
    Poor Koda. :o(

    You can't blame yourself, RAW or no RAW you may have had this issue. I have never heard of this in the breed, but perhaps we should ask Marian?

    Good luck Mr. Koda! Keep us posted!

  • edited November -1
    Oh great thought Brad. I should put it on her thread. Has she visited the forum recently?

    Thanks everyone. He'll be fine. He just needs some more Iron. Iron supplements will make him constipated though. :0 Poor guy will poop crying. He's really a baby when it comes to pain.

    Osy, I will spam you all with some post-op embarassing Koda pics. he he.
  • edited November -1
    Awww more Koda babe. Anemia runs in MY family, didn't realize dogs had the ability to suffer from it :\

    YAY! So, I hear you're getting a new satellite dish? ;p ~
  • edited September 2009
    Tikani was anemic due to being ill and what really helped was mixing in some cooked red meats with his kibble. For 3 weeks or so he was fed home ground beef and venison. Any type of red meat is brimming with iron, so feeding him it would help. And mixing in a little rice can help the flow, if you know what I mean. If anything, he'll get a really nice treat for dealing with the snip
  • edited November -1
    Good luck Koda. Do you happen to recall what his hematocrit was? Hopefully some red meat will help.
  • edited November -1
    Thanks. Koda is going to get some red meat for a few weeks.

    Jen, I did get Koda's results. His red blood cell count was down at 5 rather than 5.5, HCT (I'm guessing that is Hematocrit) was also down 5% lower than it should be. His hemoglobin are 2% down. His platelet count is up 19.

    OK, now do you know what any of this means? My mom is out of town and I can't ask.
  • edited November -1
    If only I could find that one website that was helpful when Tikaani was sick, it gave a basic eplaination of each area of the test as well as causes/illnesses that cause or are caused by too high or too low levels.
  • edited November -1
    ha ha ha. I'm glad I'm not the only one who Googles her dog's blood tests.
  • edited November -1
    Tara: Wishing all the best for a speedy recovery for Koda... Not sure what that anemic condition is all about, but it seems it is not severe, and I agree with everyone else that some good red meat and/or supplements will get him back to where he needs to be. I am not sure Josephine has ever been tested for that (or most likely before her spaying and everything was ok)...

    LOL about that Koda "He's still a puppy whore who will love and kiss on most everyone. he he." So, Miss Josephine continues with this behavior to this day... in her case did not get lost after puppyhood... I think you will be amazed at how much lovin' one dog can give to so many people as Koda grows older... Would love to take you up on your invitation if I get a trip going to the West Coast.

    Wishing a speedy recovery to Koda... Take care, and take care of him...
  • edited November -1
    I think this was the link that helped me understand some of what was happening to Tikaani (everything was either too low or too high with him):

    It's dog related, so it kind of gives the explanations a bit differently than the human cbc
  • edited September 2009
    Thanks Beth. That site helped a lot. Bev, lol, if Koda grows up as well rounded and happy as Josephine I will be truly blessed. I kinda' like his whoreness. he he. It makes everyone ooh and ahh over him. Plus, it gets him into stores with me. The butcher loves him and he gets free raw meaty bones.

    All of his test results the ups and downs relate to Anemia. I'm moving forward with a diet change, liver for dinner tonight. mmmm mmmmm.

    My vet called this morning to see how he's doing and to ask me some behavioral questions so we can get started looking at what is causing his anemia. From what we can decipher, he was probably more anemic a few weeks ago. He had lost some weight, was panting shallow and fast when he shouldn't have been hot, his energy level was down, and he wasn't eating much. All signs of a more severe anemia than what his blood test is showing now. I had done some changes to his diet. More cooked food, and getting off the kibble. He may have had some kind've infection. His tests came back negative for hookworms. He's on Interceptor so I expected they would. Hookworms can cause anemia too. His white blood cell count at this time is on the low end of normal (which is normal) but it means that he doesn't expect it to be cancer or a current infection. It's something that we are going to keep an eye on, but it may have been caused by something a few weeks ago and now we are on the recovery, like Tikaani's case. Hopefully that is what it is. He goes in for blood tests in 3 weeks and then 6 months after that if they are normal. He is still doing the panting thing even when it's 60 degrees in the house.

    On a side note, it was also when he was having some issues. His fear problems. I thought that maybe it was his fear that was stopping him from eating and causing lethargy, but it may have been illness or anemia that caused his fear/reactiveness. Just a thought.

    He's doing really well. He had some breathing issues last night but I was warned about it because of his low blood count. He has taken to laying on the couch and my bed to get better. Which is something he never does. He usually loves his Kuranda my dad got him. I don't see any signs of pain, and he wanted to go on a walk this morning. He's napping on my pillow right now. :-}

    **Update- Koda loves his new diet. He had liver, cooked brown rice and carrots, with slightly wilted spinach. He is in heaven!!!**
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