Canny Collar

edited December 2007 in General

Our AMAZING daycare camp woof suggested the Canny Collar for our pulling pups.  Sasha could care less how much she chokes herself and Niko wants to be ahead of EVERYONE.  No matter on how much training it doesnt matter.  We got these and they are awesome!  It is not like any collar, haltie or anything I have ever seen or used before.  It takes a while for them to get used to and Niko was trotting like a horse to try and get it off her nose.  Also when they start to get a little ahead if you give a slight tug they are forced to turn and look at you.  It has saved our lives!  Measuring was difficult because you have to make sure they cant pull out of it and we had to switch it out once.  Niko is a size one due to winter coat it is able to adjust.  The only  downfall for us is it could be used for a normal collar but it doesnt have any place to put my millions of tag for the pups.  If you have a pulling problem that wont stop no matter the training I HIGHLY suggest it.  also try and find a local retailer in case you have to return or switch sizes. 


  • edited November -1
    It looks like the gentle leader. we used to use those for my dog Bailey. She was a pit/malamute who weighed more than me or my roommates, and it worked really well. The only downside is some people thought it was a muzzle and were nervous around us.
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