
Has anyone had any experience with this? Giardia is a parasite that lines the intestines and prevents the dog from digesting his food properly.

Oliver has been dealing with this for the past few months and I'm at my wits end. The vet has prescribed Panacur and Metronidazole which was given at the same time. First time was 250mg and 2 grams and then 500mg and 4 grams but Oliver still has major diarrhea bouts.

His last stool sample showed no eggs but still tested positive........ my vet wants to continue with the drugs.

Anyone with any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



  • edited November -1
    Tetsu had Giardia, and he was only prescribed Metronidazole for about two weeks before testing negative. We gave him an eye dropper full of the stuff twice a day until the bottle was empty.

    Maybe there is something that is making him re-catch it, like drinking infected water or eating his own poop. The Giardia 'eggs' can lay dormant in your yard for 6 months before dying or being ingested.
  • edited November -1
    Sake had Giardia and it took two rounds of the Panacur to get her to test negative. I would ask your vet again, or get a second opinion.
  • edited November -1
    I have an appointment tonight with the vet.

    I've been very careful about picking up the stool right away and rinsing the area and I always make sure that even if I put him in the yard that a fresh bowl of water is out there so he won't drink from the down spouts of the house or any puddles that maybe in the yard after a rain.

    At night I've had to pen him in the bathroom because he went on the carpet one night....I don't blame him, he just couldn't hold it...I feel terrible for him.
  • edited November -1
    Even if there is a fresh bowl of water, sometimes a dog would prefer to drink the rainwater/puddles. Just be watchful of him in the yard, as your yard is somewhat contaminated and any not fresh water can bring it back to him.
  • edited November -1
    Ichi had it at 9 weeks old and it greatly hampered my ability to socialize him for the next 2 weeks. After finding out, we switched his "potty area". Rather than the lawn directly in front of my apartment unit, we walk the extra 300 ft all the way to the back of the apartment (less used by lazy dog owners). He hasn't contracted giardia since. Though it's practically guaranteed every new puppy/dog owner in my apartment unit gets giardia because of that nearby lawn.

    My suggestion, change his poop place, and wipe his feet with baby wipes after every walk outside while he's on a treatment (Costco sells it in bulk). Watch him to make sure he's not eating his poop, or licking his paws immediately after the walk. I'm sorry to hear you've been battling it for months, though I hope it's a consolation to you, albeit small, that many of us have gone through giardia with our pups, so hang in there!

  • edited November -1
    Thank you...hearing that I'm not the only one is very comforting.

    I watch him in the yard to make sure he's not drinking from the down spouts but I can't be there 100% of the time.

    I haven't seen him licking his paws at all but I'm going to start to clean his feet when he comes in.

    Being that he goes in our back yard, is there anyway I can sterilize the lawn in the area that he goes?
  • edited November -1
    This may sound a bit crazy, but we had a bout of Ghiardia with the Shihtz as a kid. My grandmother taught them to go in litter boxes rather than the yard. It kept the eggs contained, and she could bleach the plastic container. None of our other dogs got it, and I don't believe they re-contaminated eachother. It was all pretty quick.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Oliver. I was thinking about how big he must be now last week.
  • edited November -1
    If your dog only goes in your backyard, are you immediately cleaning up after him or does the poop stay on the ground for any long length of time (greater than half a day)? If you're doing the former, then I'm out of suggestions. If it's the latter, then you've found your culprit as to why the dog can't get rid of it. Giardia cysts can live for quite a while outside its host and through extreme conditions. If he's not getting contaminated from other dogs, then he's contaminating himself through some shape or form.

    I'm not going to speak for Dave, but I know he's had a considerable bout with Giardia with one of his own pups. I think he said it took him 2 months to clear it out too.

  • edited November -1
    It could be a combined situation. Coccidia can create the same symptoms as well.

    Giardia however can be tough parasite to get rid of. If there is more rain than usual in your area the cysts can wash into puddles and into other areas of the lawn. Also if your home is on well water you might consider a getting it checked to make sure is not harbored there underground.

    The protozoa can be immune to the medication in some cases, particularly Metronidazole. Interesting that the vet gave you both medications panacure and metronidazole to use at the same time. Generally one medication is given for three to five days and the dog is re-treated in 10 days with the same medication. In another 10 days after the first a different/alternative treatment can be given but generally not both brands at the same time.

    You may want to consider some probiotics for intestinal health. Also reducing some of the kibble and adding some rice may ease stomach irritation. Sometimes the long term effect of symptoms can cause the intestines to remain so irritated that it creates a problem with food sensitivity.

    Make sure to wipe his bum too so that she does not lick there.

    Stick with the meds your vet prescribes or go for a second opinion elsewhere.

    Hope Oliver gets better soon!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks again everyone.

    Yes, I clean the stools up right away and then rinse the grass as well.

    We've had a lot of rain lately...I think they said it's rained 17 of the last 23 days....ugh. So I think that maybe part of the real sun to dry them up.

    I did go for a second opinion but that vet only wanted to treat with the Panacur which really is more for heart worm but commonly used for Giardia.

    I went to the vet last night and we're going to try the Metronidazole again but this time at 250mg twice a day. He suggested that I go to an internalist if this doesn't work this time.

    And yes, Oliver has gotten bigger, he weighed a little over 23lbs last night which is good that he's gaining weight and still eating well despite the Giardia. He's still extremely shy of strange people but he's a very good dog....plays well and only chews on his toys. He loves other dogs but I've been limiting his contact with them as to not possibly infect noted, a dog needs to injest Giradia to get it so the usual dog greeting are And no other puppy contact......mature dogs rarely if ever get giardia because their immune systems can fight it off but puppies because their immune systems aren't full developed can get it easily.

    Thanks again,
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