Dog constipation

edited July 2009 in General
Since starting to give Mylo Omega 3 capsules once a day for his coat (which is working wonders by the way. He's practically puppy-soft) I've noticed he's a little bit constipated...

Any tips on how to treat constipation? I was thinking maybe plain yogurt? He loves the stuff, and it's a wheat-free way that regulates people...


  • edited November -1
    Miso and Sake get plan, non-fat yogurt and they really enjoy it. They also get a probiotic enzyme with their food to keep them regular. :)
  • edited November -1
    Beautiful. I figured if anyone knew, it'd be you lol. How much should I give him per day?
  • edited November -1
    You can also use canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling), or bacon grease (I kid).
  • edited November -1
    I second the canned pumpkin (not pie filling, 100% pumpkin). It adds fiber if that is what is lacking and causing the constipation.

    Is he drinking enough?

    Adding pre/probiotics help digestion in general a great deal, it couldn't hurt to start giving him some plain active cultured yogurt.
  • edited November -1
    He always has fresh water in his bowl and certainly knows where it is. He pees about 10 times every walk lol. I think he's getting enough water. At least I hope so.

    I'll probably pick up a tub of plain yogurt with active cultures when I go to the grocery store this afternoon.
  • edited November -1
    Well crap, I had no idea the fish oil makes a dog constipated. Guess we're getting yogurt tonight (at least it'll be for human consumption as well, pumpkin...not so much).

  • edited July 2009
    Fish oil should not make a dog constipated. Are you sure he did not ingest something off a toy or debris outside? Sometimes dogs play in the heat or away from home when out and about thus not drinking enough water so they will get a little bound up the next day etc. I would consider changing food also. Kibble very high in protein (33% or higher) can cause binding as well. If you feed kibble you might want to consider adding some warm water to it to up your dog's water intake. Regardless pumpkin and yogurt are good as additions to a regular diet if your pup can digest them.

  • edited November -1
    It might not be what's causing it... I just know it's one of the only things that's changed for him lately. I thought the same about the yogurt vs. pumpkin. lol I know I should be eating more yogurt too, so I might as well get something we can both have.
  • edited November -1
    I've noticed his constipation for the last week or so... He was with my parents before that (for a week) while I was on holiday. god knows if they followed my rules or not with feeding. They think they're 'treating' him to some things lol. He's still pooing, but it's more difficult for him.

    As for his Kibble, I'm feeding him Acana, which has a lower protein level than the Orijen I was feeding him before. When he was on the Orijen his stool was a bit too soft (which is weird, because, as SNF mentioned, higher protein can have the opposite effect). I've also noticed him trying to eat grass lately... any insight into that?
  • edited July 2009
    Some dogs are grass or plant nibblers. As an option for grass you could try putting green beans in his food to give him some fiber.

    BTW grass can cause constipation since the blades don't digest well and get twisted in the bowels a bit. (Same with hair if the dog is shedding heavily). If he is not throwing up and does not have blood in his stool, you could try to giving him some lax-stat in small amount til debri passes in 24 hrs or so.,1675.html You can pick it up at Petsmart too.

    If the output does not change or he is vomiting and in discomfort then I would take him to the vet asap to make sure there isn't something blocking his digestive tract.

  • edited November -1
    SNF. I don't know if anyone ever told you, but your like a fount of dog related knowledge. I think I'll try some yogurt with Katsu.
  • edited November -1
    My vet also suggested can pumpkins for constipation.
  • edited November -1
    Pumpkin works wonders for dogs and cats with upset stomachs. Whenever one of my pets have constipation, diarrhea, or throws up (just happened once, I think Sushi was chewing on pom-poms), pumpkin fixes them up by the next day.
  • edited November -1
    Orijen just added pumpkin to all their formulas!
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