Krabloonik Kennel - Dog Sledding - Aspen, CO

edited December 2007 in General

When we where in Aspen we visited a Kennel that gives dog sled tours to rich people (I say rich people because one sled ride is like $300!).

Anyway, we went to visit the dogs and chat with he mushers. Here are some pics - I have lots of vids too but they will take a while to get online. There is one of ALL 200+ dogs howling - it's great!

Here is the Kennel's website:



  • edited November -1

    Here is a video of them howling at dinner time:

  • edited November -1
    Wicked cool!
  • edited November -1
    Oh, if only you could have seen Motos face when I played that one.
  • edited November -1
    Maybe I'm the odd one out, but I don't like any dog living most of it's life on the end of a chain.  I know that sled dogs love to mush, but I just don't agree with keeping them on chains outside all the time with little wood sheds.  If you want to have 200 dogs, build a kennel with indoor-outdoor runs and I'll find that acceptable.  Or just have a small team for yourself that lives in your house.  Profiting off the backs of dogs that live on chains, is to me, not better than running a puppymill.
  • edited November -1

    Sasha is looking everywhere for those dogs.  I totally agree Brandon.  There are better ways to do it than to have them all chained.

    Beautiful pics Brad.

  • edited November -1

    Yea, When I play the clips our dogs totally freak out too!


    Brandon - I have mixed feelings about it. Even when I was there with the dogs I was at the same time thinking "is this really ok?". I can tell you this tho - I spoke to a few of the mushers (this was the real reason why I went to visit) and I talked to a lot of the people that where tending to the dogs... and they said every dog in that place, with the exception of a few very old dogs, gets mushed / run everyday. I was blown away by this since they have like 300 dogs.

    Also while I was there, there where at least 20 guys constantly walking from dog to do cleaning up poo, giving water, and checking the dogs feet and condition. One of the keepers I spoke to said that the dogs get run for like 2 hours a day and spend most of there time sleeping - in the clips they are not sleeping because Jen and I where there.

    I took note of any issues I saw - I saw a few dogs that could use a few more pounds (but not immaciated or anything), I also saw a dog with an injured paw and one with a hurt nose... but other than that they all looked pretty good (for dogs that spend 100% of their time outside). I didn't think that was to bad for having 300 dogs.

    I do see your point tho and feel similarly, I certainly wouldn't keep my dogs like that. Seems cruel to have that many dogs tied up just to take them out and mush them so you can get paid. However, all the dogs where very well socialized and seemed in pretty good condition...

    (I knew this post would get some mixed reactions - I had similar feeling when I visited)

  • edited January 2008
    That is good that the dogs are getting exercise and their needs are being taken care of. However with a staff that large, I just wonder why couldn't the staff take care of a large dog housing unit with an indoor outdoor kennel run for each dog? My gut feeling tells me that, that isn't done because building a structure like that would cut into their profit. I tend to think the worst when I see dogs who live on chains. These dogs might have it better than a lot of other dogs, but couldn't their lives sill be even better? Just like you, I have high standards for the life my dog leads, and I want every dog to be just as spoiled as mine.
  • edited November -1
    It was my understanding that in more northern climates such as Greenland and the Lapp-lands, their mushing dogs were never allowed to go inside because it would make they not as hardy to the cold, I don't know if that makes much sense.
  • edited November -1

    I have heard that too - from what I understand, the owner of this kennel is from Alaska and has a great deal of "old world" style dog sledding experience.

    I'm pretty sure this kennel is a member of this as well:


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