Moss GO!



  • edited November -1
    brada1878, no, I do not plan breed Moss with Akebono. I do not mean breed Akebono, because I do not think he is good enough for breeding.
    moss is sweet girl, but I am not sure I will breed her - she is so small for her age! But I hope to...

    Agappe, Daria, she is VERY dark, just what I want :) I think this is a very good colour for breeding.
  • edited September 2009
    I’was asking, coz some people in Poland believe that very dark brindle is defect.. And I remember one show hmm probably in Czech (I don’t remember exactly, it was 3-4years ago) where judge tagged along to dark brindle male because of the color.
    Good for breeding? what do u meen? I’ve heard that it is not good to meet brindle with brindle (especially if in pedigree were many brindles), coz the puppies could have black faces..
  • edited November -1
    In this picture her colour is not so dark.
  • edited November -1
    She is amazingly beautiful no matter what! I love her face, and her white socks!
  • edited November -1
    I like her darkness, it makes her look more exotic and may bring about some really nice puppies if pared with the right male.

    Does she have a white tail tip or is her tail all 'black'? (it's very hard to see in these pictures)
  • edited November -1
    Daria, I never mean to breed brindle with brindle or white. There is a risk of different genetic deceases in this. So, in our breeding the brindle (or white) only mates with red dogs. The result is perfect :) I know that there can be troubles in the shows, but I'm ready for that.

    Clia, yes, she have a white tail tip :) very funny
  • edited November -1
    not always ;) for example this dog: is after brindle boy and red girl
    hmm I think that brindle color is the hardest in breeding. Isn't it?

    how old is your sweet girl? :)
  • edited November -1
    Daria, I know this dog... Well, that's why the better choice is intensive red colour, isn't it?
    But I should say that the colour of this dog is only bad for show - but not for breeding. It can be happened with red-and-red breeding too.

    Our Moss is 7,5 months old now
  • edited September 2009
    Moss is so cute!!! The pic with her licking her nose is priceless!!

    (is intensive red color like a dark red?)
  • edited October 2009
    Moss - 9 months old
  • edited November -1
    oh how pretty, her brindling is becoming more noticeable now.
  • edited November -1
    yes, now the stripes are beautiful... and she looks more like akita, not like little black fox
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    Beautiful! She's growing up nicely. How heavy is she now?
  • edited November -1
    she is nearly 24 kg... when she come here, it was only 16 kg (she was 6,5 months old)
  • edited November -1
    Pretty girl!

    It's a bit late, but congrats on getting Moss!
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    Will Moss grow larger than 24 kg? Since we are not show dog people, I actually like smaller Akitas.

    I like the dark color she has. Like Beth said, it makes her more exotic.
  • edited November -1
    I think she will. But not very much. Now she looks more like other females, but still small. She is only 57cm high.
    Yes, I like her dark colour too. Thank you.
  • edited December 2011
    the new picture of Moss, from September
  • aykayk
    edited December 2011
    Interesting color! When mated to a red dog, will she produce a red, or only brindles and whites?

    Oh wait, I think I already asked this on another thread. :-) Nevermind.
  • Wow, gorgeous Akita!
  • Such a pretty girl:)
  • Wow, she's really beautiful! Love her color :D
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