Shira's "Anorectal Prolapse"

Well at work yesterday my mother called for the vet's number because Shira was straining to poo and only a "pink bubble" was coming out and she was crying and trying to sit on it. So she calls the vet and they tell her to come in immediately. I drop what I'm doing and leave right away.

By the time I get to the vet, I get the recap: Shira had pooped/diarrhea'd all over the exam room, the vet's lab coat, pants, and shoes. She was Shiba screaming and trying to kill everyone helping her. They finally held her down, wrapped her snout with gauze to get it closed, and put a little muzzle on her. The vet put some lidocaine on a cotton ball and inserted it into her butt and rubbed it around to numb the pain a bit. (He said she would poop this out fine and she did) He had poked around looking for obstructions, but she had none and she doesn't have parasites. She looked MISERABLE when I got there it broke my heart.

I was instructed to keep an eye on her and to rub her anus with a warm washcloth after she does her business. The vet also tried to explain something about her sphincter being weaker because she is a puppy, so her straining had pushed rectal tissue out of her anus.

So far she has pooped last night, which got rid of the cotton ball too, and this morning. Her anus has looked kinda red and sore, but she hasn't cried. Though I don't know how long the painkiller lasts. I've poked a tiny bit of the redness back in as instructed since the bum-hole looks a bit loose.

She is doing well, I guess this is more common in young kittens, and if it happens again we have to take her back in to get a stitch to keep her insides inside. I just had to come tell the whole story to you guys since you would understand better than anyone the terror of that kind of call when you are away from your furbaby!!
Needless to say, I will be desensitizing her to the muzzle and using this anytime we go to the vet.


  • edited November -1
    Oh man that would have broken my heart if I gotten a call like that about Saya. =(

    I hope your Shira gets better.
  • edited November -1
    Oh my goodness, that's awful to hear! You are very lucky that she was this old when it happened because -like you said- young cats and other immature animals are expecially prone to it, and it can be much, much worse. We took a kitten from a friend once and all was seemingly fine except that one evening he got really sick and within an hour he had completely lost his insides through his anus. Poor kitten didn't even have a name yet, and to die in such a painful and traumatizing way really affected us for a long time. All I can say is GOOD LUCK and keep a sharp eye on her for any developments. I'm glad she seems to be feeling better, I'll keep her in my thoughts!
  • edited November -1
    Oh wow. Scary. I hope everything heals properly and her insides stay inside. We are thinking of her!
  • edited November -1
    Poor poor little Shira. That would've broken my heart. Did the vet say how this happens or a leading cause for something like this? Thank goodness your mother was there with her.
  • edited November -1
    My goodness! How scary for all of you!
    Oh Shira! Good job, mom!
  • edited November -1
    THat's crazy! I'm glad she's alright, I would totally lose it if something like that happened to us. Sending healing vibes to Shira's bum bum hole.
  • edited November -1
    Poor little Shira...Tons of healing vibes coming your way
  • edited August 2009
    Thanks for the vibes everyone, I think they're working. We haven't had to go back and her bum bum hole seems to be getting better. It's still a little red after she poo's though, I think I'll go to the organic puppy store sometime next week and look for a natural stool softener or something since is seemed a little hard today. Doesn't help that the Acana I ordered last week is going to be a couple weeks late because the FDA demands that they change what's printed on the bags before they're imported(from Canada). So we just ran out :( Back to yucky grain food til it gets here.

    Tara - The vet just mentioned that younger animals usually experience this because their muscles (that keep the hole closed, I think) are weaker, so the straining to poo kinda of inverted her rectal tract a little bit or something. It's usually caused by straining from diarrhea or constipation. Which is odd because her morning poo before that was just fine. Either way, she's doing better.

    And also just lost her two bottom incisors yesterday and this morning! Yay for gums!
  • edited November -1
    Glad she's better!! I guess it's hemorrhoids but worse? Glad you guys caught it in time!
  • edited November -1
    Aww poor puppy, I'm glad she's getting better! If you want to soften her stool, you can wet the kibble it usually works well!
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