tenshi and her weird limpy thing

So, my little one started limping last night. Naturally i checked her out and all her joints were fine and she did not respond to my touch on any part of her leg.
This morning she seamed okay again no limping or anything but as the day went on i noticed she was starting it again. I was going to bring her to the vet but she started to run around and play like nothing was wrong. no limping or anything!
So later on after dinner i take tenshi and toru out to potty went we came back in tenshi laid down on our tile floor and her one paw is swollen... I've been keeping an eye on her all day and no swelling. I don't understand? I have a vet visit scheduled for 10 am but any thoughts on what it could be. i gave her some of her left over pain med's from getting fixed and am keeping her still ish since i have noticed the swelling anything else i could do to make her comfortable?


  • edited September 2009
    Back leg? I'm thinking probably a mild luxating patella. Mild grades usually have the joint slipping out but going back when the muscle relaxes. .. then they just continue on their way as if nothing happened. But I would address it with the vet, because progressive wear can make it worse..
  • edited November -1
    it's her front right leg and it seams just to be her paw when i noticed it was swollen i touched her pad on her paw and she started to whine a little. the med's seam to be helping. the only good thing is my oldest pup is protecting tenshi and is trying to keep her calm.
  • edited September 2009
    Hm, swelling and it being a front leg isn't LP.. maybe insect bite?? bee sting? Splinter?
  • edited November -1
    that is our thoughts but if it went away and came back it rules out a splinter, and i walk them bare foot so i have little hope of it being a bug bite. but who knows i hope it something as simple as a bug bite .
  • edited November -1
    Well, sometimes you gotta step on a splinter just right to feel something? Here's to hoping it's nothing serious!
  • edited November -1
    thank you for your well wishes and trouble shooting!
  • edited November -1
    Well it was a sprang. I have no idea how it happened but she is on paid med's and basically on bed rest for two days but nothing to serious. Thank you again for your well wish's.
  • edited November -1
    a toe sprain? :( that sucks. feel better soon!
  • edited November -1
    well basically it's a toe sprain, The doctor said the bone in which it applied to but not going to school to be a vet it went over my head. But she seams to be doing better slight limping still but much better. The only problem is keeping a puppy calm.lol
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