Solid Gold VS Wellness Vs Orijen

edited October 2009 in Food, Nutrition, & Health
After some thinking, we plan to put Aki on a regular diet of premium dog food possibly mixed with raw mince meat, and a few times (maybe 3x) raw meaty bones.

We gave her a small raw meaty bone last night. That's the first time we've seen her THAT much into food. Last time she was that excited was chewing on the bullystick.

Are Akitas just drawn to natural stuff?

OK, back to the original question. I've come down to these 2 brands of premium dog food that is available at local store. Both are specially formulated for Large Breed puppy:


Pricing is not an issue, because both are about the same. It's just the convenience.

If we want have it mailed, probably this is the best:

I called a local premium dog food store yesterday, and a lady told me most Orijen stuff are backordered.

So, which premium brand you recommend we should pick up at local store, or just have Orijen mailed?

Thank you very much again.


  • edited November -1
    Just to get this out of the way, are you familiar with ?
  • MnVMnV
    edited October 2009
    Yes. There was a great post about that site by Osy. The site has just updated some of their ratings yesterday I think.

    Orijen puppy for Large breed - 6 star

    Wellness Puppy food for Large breed - 5 stars

    Solid Gold Wolf Pup for Large breed - 4 stars

    I try to find out what are people real life experience in addition to the ratings.
  • edited October 2009
    Honestly, those are all great foods. I think the Wellness is the only one of the three that is not grain free. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them, you'll just have to figure out what works best for your dog. I've tried Orijen puppy, Orijen adult, Orijen 6-fish, Wellness Core Ocean, Evo red meat, and TOTW pacific stream. None of those worked well for my dog. I've finally settled on Evo original which seems to be working well.

    Whatever you try, make sure you transition Aki slowly so you don't upset her tummy. Give her a few weeks on a food before you decided if it works or not.

    Good luck!
  • edited November -1
    A lot of raw blogs will also tell you to not mix kibble and raw. Do one at one feeding, and another at the other. I know there is mention of it on many of the raw threads.
  • edited November -1
    Jessica's right. It's better not to mix raw and kibble. I even think it's best not to give raw bones until a few hours after eating kibble so the stomache can build up enzymes. I know I have an article somewhere about this. I will have to dig it up at home.

    All three are very good choices. Chances are, you will try one and have to try another. We can recommend something, but it's going to be Aki who makes the final decision. I'm not sure about everyone else's experience, but I go with grains, no corn or bad stuff, the first year because of gas and diarhea that a high protein grain free diet can create. JMO though.

    Oh, and I think rmb's are the best thing in life to any dog! Koda can spend a couple hours and will devour the whole bone! It's like I don't even exist when the bone it out. ha ha
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    Got it! Thanks for the inputs.

    I will buy small portion of each brand and try them out.

    We are not currently mixing kibbles and raw, was planning to do that. Luckily you guys stop me. Vanessa is actually cooking the minced meat mixed with puree vegetables, then mix them with kibbles. She's Aki personal cook. LOL. I'm bad, I just rather feed her raw meaty bones or kibbles, too lazy to cook.

    It's really interesting to see how Aki was so happy chewing one a small piece of meat bone.

    On that note, any particular bones you would suggest? She was chewing on a small pork meat bone.

    We bought our first bag of kibbles before doing a lot of research. It is Organic By Nature Salmon. I think it's giving Aki itches, because she's scratching herself all the time even without fleas. I thought Organic must be good...

    I've learned a lot since then from this forum and still have a long way to go.

    Vanessa taught Aki how to do hand "Shake", and Hi Five already. I have no idea how she did that, but I'm just amazed that Aki can differentiate between those 2 gestures.
  • edited November -1
    I go down to this really good BBQ place and have them cut up cow femur's into small 2 in. bones for puppies. Cost is about $10 from them for a whole femur that gets me like 12-14 bones. You can't beat that!

    I would try local butcher's, grocery stores with a butcher, and BBQ or deli places. Call around, you can really get a good deal. It's parts that they wouldn't do anything with anyways, and like my guy you will probably find someone who loves dogs.
  • edited November -1
    The brand is less important than the principles one should adhere to when feeding large breed puppies:

    1. MEAL-FEED the large breed diet for at least 12 months. Do not free-feed.

    2. Feed to maintain a body condition score of 2-3 (out of 5). Do not permit them to get overweight.

    3. Feed a large-breed diet that has a Calcium level of around 1%. (Some of the high protein diets have Calcium levels >2%!! The protein content is not the is the calcium levels.)

    4. Choose a food that has a low caloric density (low kcals/cup)
  • MnVMnV
    edited November -1
    Thanks Sarah. We will follow those guidelines.
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