Animal Hospice

So I was at my Rally Distractions class with the Shibas (it is so so), and I got to chatting with a lady, also a raw feeder, and she is apparently trying to carve a niche for herself in the field of Home Hospice for pets. I honestly have never heard of this in the Veterinary field. The intent of this work is to act as a resource for the pet owner regarding nutrition, T-touch, CAM, and even prescribing pain meds and offering counseling on meds. A big part if this would also involve advocating for good pain control. Although not a Vet, she would hope to be clinical counselor of sorts specifically for pet owners whose pets are given terminal diagnosis. We have these for people with end of life issues, so I guess it isn't a stretch to think the same ought to be available to our companions. Thoughts?


  • edited November -1
    Interesting....a topic I would not have expected at a rally class. But then again the topic of death it usually avoided in American culture across the board. It probably is good to find out what the clinic/vets philosophy and regulations are in terms of end of life. How they answer your questions will tell you a lot about a clinic.

    I really do hope that the veterinary schools begin to incorporate better teaching in regard to the elements of hospice and end of live palliative care etc. As it stands clinics more often than not even at a basic level fail to explain even what the owner’s options are for their pets when they pass, cremation, burial etc etc.

    A hospice service would be really helpful if it could be connected to the clinic practice of choice with the vet as backup. In the past when we have had to make end of life choices for our pets and also livestock animals we had the benefit of the vet coming to our home as a courtesy. This is rarely done now and it makes it so much more difficult from a psychological aspect for pet owners to let go I think. The clinic is a stressful place and I know I just don’t like having to take an ill animal there to make a final decision. Somehow that all seems wrong to me and it is horribly stressful on the owners who have to drive home after they sign the release etc etc. The whole ordeal can be just overwhelming.

    It seems odd to me that psychology wise it is over looked and yet death of a pet is usually what most people will have to deal with more often in family life.

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