Got a new camera!



  • edited November -1

    Brad, I think Loa's my favourite, too.  It's kind of funny to think that it could have been you with Rakka and me with Loa!  I had the contract all ready to send back when I heard about Rakka and I had expressed interest in getting a female from that litter.  I'm glad things are the way they are, though.  Loa looks like she's fitting in really well with your crew and we love Rakka to bits.  

    By the way, I have secret favourites, too, but don't ask  me who they are.  

  • edited November -1

    Im telling brad!!  I will take Kaia since you dont love her anymore...(<ducks so I dont get hit>)

    Both my girls are favorites for different reasons.   Sasha is my baby though.  As chads states, she would so stalk me and want to be my girlfriend if she were human.  I think that is part of the rescue (and also her breed).

  • edited November -1

    Heidi - I didn't realize that... that's kinda cool! I too am glad it worked out the way it did.

    Rachael - Don't love her????? I didn't say that! Kaia knows she is my 1st fav.

  • edited November -1
    I know im just picking on you.  How can anyone not love kaia?
  • edited January 2008

    My husband got a new camera for Christmas and I decided to take some pictures of the kids, eventhough its not as "high tech" and Brads Tongue out

  • edited November -1
    Great pics Jaime!  Kenji looks big!!  and Keira still looks like a baby puppy! 
  • edited November -1
    I seriously think Keria is one of the smallest Shibas I have ever saw. Looking at all of your guys' pictures and comparing her, she is half of everyones. The owner I got her from said she was the runt though so maybe that has something to do with it.
  • edited November -1
    Keira is just so pretty. Brad's female black and tan is teeny too. Maybe there is something to that. My little boy is right at the big side of standard. But I think he has about ten pounds on Kaia. Keira looks even more petite.
  • edited November -1

    I love Keira - sooooo cute.  :c) 

    and Kenji looks handsome, is he mostly black? Kai Ken are so hard to photograph.

    Love the pics!

  • edited January 2008
    Kenji is really black around the head and face but hes starting to show more brindle on his back alot more ive noticed. I thought he stopped growing but its like hes getting bigger each day. I think Kais dont get any taller really after the 7-8 months but I think he may be gaining more weight, because for the Kai Ken standard they say they can be between 35-55lbs and last he weighted 30ish so maybe hes gaining weight. He is so much more solid than Keria yet Keria is a big dog in a small body and she thinks she can take him on everytime. Its so funny. lol.
  • edited November -1
    I adore Hilo's ears!
  • edited November -1

    oh yea, never underestimate the tenacity of a Shiba.... lol... I have many videos as proof.

    I think Kenji is handsome - very... He does look biger to me.

  • edited November -1

    All black or mostly black, cats and dogs are so hard to take pictures of.  It can be really frustrating.  They tend to look like black blobs with eyes

  • edited November -1
    That is the exact reason why I love taking pics of Sasha with her brown dots.  When we leave we never see her looking out the window except we see her brown dots above her eyes.
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