Small World

edited January 2010 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
It is such a small world. My husband was over his friends house the other day and was in the yard; he happens to look in the neighbors back yard and what did he see?! SANDY, an 11 yr old Kai Ken!!!!! There has been a Kai Ken only 5 minutes away from me and I never even knew. I haven't seen her yet because its been so cold out so shes been inside. But my brat husband got to pet her a couple times. I'm sooo jealous he even had to rub it in that she was soo soft. The owner has had her for about 9 yrs. Sandy was given to him by his aunt who had her shipped from somewhere, not sure a breeder in the US or straight from japan. He told my husband that she has been such a wonderful dog and really loves her. I can't believe I'll get to meet a Kai Ken soon, stupid weather! The pictures are not that great quality cause they are from my husbands phone.
Thought you guys would like this story, I couldn't believe it!


  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    What a curly Tail!
  • edited November -1
    wow...she reminds me an awful LOT of someone...
    someone in my living roooooooom...

    what state is this dog in?
  • edited November -1
    Small world!

    Now how funny would it bee if Sandy's parents were forum members?
  • edited November -1
    I live in South Jersey. That would be funny but i don't think he is. From what I know, he doesn't know anything about the breed itself. His aunt had the dog and for whatever reason had to give up the dog so he took Sandy under his wing. He loves her and says how good of a dog she is but he has no clue how lucky is really is!
  • edited November -1
    Awwww adorable!

    Very jealous of you guys :p ~
  • edited November -1
    wow, that's really cool! She is very pretty too! :o)

    Kai make wonderful companions.

  • edited November -1
    That is amazing... That was kind of like my run in last Fall (Fall 2008) with a Hokkaido!

    When you go meet her, make sure you take a TON of pictures!!! :)
  • edited November -1
    Oh believe me I have ALL intentions too! My camera is all ready to go!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Yep she's a Sagey Kai! That is so cool that you get to meet her. I think you will fall even more in love with the breed, but then again I am totally bias. I could never understand someone wanting a dog and not wanting a Kai. lolol. My house will always have at least one or two.
  • edited November -1
    If I fall in love anymore I might die of a Heart Break soon! I cant take it anymore! I keep doing research on them but the more I learn the more I torture myself and want one! AHHHHH And it doesn't help with all these cute pictures of everyones dogs.
  • edited November -1
    Jenine - Wait til you hit the 2 / 3 year marker on waiting like some of us. You WILL cry. Trust me. :p ~
  • edited November -1
    Uhhh 2-3 yrs?! Are you kidding me. I will take my invisible private Jet and go to Japan and get one if I have to wait that long! HAHA
    I still have to wait till I'm in a better situation to even have a dog, so add another year or two to that 2-3 years! Boooo!
  • edited November -1
    Yep. I just hit year #2, & Jessika had waited almost 3 years I believe. [ She's getting her pup now tho ]

    There are more. I know there are some people who even waited 4 years.

    But it's always a combination of getting yourself ready [ knowledge, finances, etc. ] & then "waiting for the right dog." But...I know it'll be worth it in the end! :) ~
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