marking stuff...

not sure if this is the right forum or not....

anytime i take duke for a walk (at the park, camping, around the block, etc) he starts marking his territory (peeing on every bush in sight). after a while, he will start pooping on bushes instead. after the first time, its just a few liquidy drops and nothing more, but he still tries.

what is the cause of this? what is he doing? the peeing on bushes and trees, i get but not the other


  • edited November -1
    Hi bstevener

    Dogs mark with urine AND feces - sounds like Duke is completely normal. My males will often back right in and hang their poops on bushes. Doesn't seem like the most comfortable thing from my perspective, but obviously it's important to them ;)

    They will also often rub their bodies under low hanging branches or against bushes.

    If Duke is scooting around on his rump in the house, then that is often a sign of anal gland impaction/irritation and he may need to have them expressed. If not, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • edited November -1
    Dogs like to leave their odours behind and they like the smell the odours that other dogs have left behind. So, it's win win. Unless you're the bush.
  • edited November -1
    LMAO @ Heidi!

    Even my older female marks... When we go for a walk, she pees just about every 3 or 4 minutes... After the first 5 or 6 times... She has no more pee, but she still tries!
  • edited November -1
    oh ok, i didnt know they marked with feces as well. this is a first for me and never had a male dog that did that.

    he only rubs his bum on the ground when he thinks he may have got some on his bum while squatting on a bush awkwardly. only seen him do this a couple times.

    i guess i will not worry about it and carry more baggies.
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