Probiotics/digestive enzymes
For those of you who use probiotics in your dog's food, which companies do you like to purchase from and what kind do you use? I have purchased a diary based liquid formula from a health food store before. But there are powder formulas available too right? Does anyone just use plain yogurt instead?
I have used Prozyme in the past, but Nemo was always runny on that. Others use it with good results.
I also know people who use yogurt (usually organic) and their dogs do well on that.
Acidophilus pills also work well, I just throw it in the kibble and Nemo eats it.
Standard Process' Enteric System support is what I have Nemo on now, and I like it a lot. He has been very healthy with it.
I have been using NaturVet. It is a powder that you sprinkle a 1/2 tsp per cup of food.
I had dropped the ball on their probiotics for a few weeks and they almost instantly became flatulent. Once I switched to this brand the gas disappeared and their poop became very consistent. Never going back!
We use PB8 - its a human grade powder capsule.
We plan to switch an animal grade version once we are done with the PB8.