Growth pains for young Shikoku



  • edited November -1
    The vet will come to us by tomorrow. Shousei will get is Rabies vaccination. He will do all inspections for his bones and patella too. He knows what to look for, so by tomorrow we should know a lot more.
    In a few months we will meet in Danmark right? Cool to see more and more shikoku will be entering the show ring :-) I guess little shousei will be in the same class as Kekko will be, so tough competion. But more pleasing for the public too.
  • edited November -1
    Okay, dear friends, good to let you know Shousei is perfectly healthy! The vet did a very complete check on him. No bone pains (growth pains), no other abnormalities as far as he could see. Also the patella was very stable (1), impossible to unlock. Will only get better in the future when he gets stronger muscles.
    He got his second shot + rabies so is well protected now. We are so happy nothing seems to be wrong with him. In a year or so we can get a HD-test done, but so far all looks okay. No more worries, which is a serious relief. Thanks for all the support.
    Today he was outside and actually making the most outrageous jumps and moves like he's made from rubber. I guess he doesn't have much of a brake and so can hurt himself like Jessica said. And don't show pain until he gets very stiff for muscle pain or something like that. Anyway, let's hope it will not happen again. Now lets watch the other new puppies coming in, with lots of spam and funny stories.
  • edited November -1
    Awesome news! Glad to hear evth is in order and accounted for LOL
  • edited November -1
    Great news!
  • edited November -1
    That is good news! Health scares can sometimes be more traumatic on the owners than on the dogs. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Glad to hear that Shousei is OK!

    I just took Sukoshi in for her annual checkup. (No problems! But she could stand to loose a little weight...) I live in an area with lots of wildlife (raccoons, possums, skunks, coyotes, deer, turkeys,etc.). Because of this potential exposure to wildlife, my vet recommended vaccinating Sukoshi for leptospirosis, which we did. Thought I would share this recommendation with folks on the forum.
  • edited November -1
    what a relief!!
  • edited November -1
    It is what Dave said: it makes you feel so bad if you don't know what's wrong with the dog. You feel helpless and think about the worst case scenario. But after all, as most times, thinks aren't as bad. But think if this forum wasn't there. You just don't know what to do and feel bad about it. Funny part where I have no solution for right now; I thought I was overfeeding him, however the vet said his puppy fat level is kinda low and should get higher. How do you do this, without making him grow to fast? He actually looks pretty skinny, also since all his puppy fur is gone. Any suggestions here?
  • edited March 2010
    Himiko was quite skinny as a pup. I was feeding her 2 cups of sweet potatoes a day (at the suggestion of her nutritionist). To the point that I started to grow them my self because it was getting so expensive. Adding in sweet potato or yam is a nice way to up their calories with messing too much with proteins. That said even with her raw diet being fed considerably more than my 50lb pit bull that we had at the time, she still looked like a string bean.

    Miko and Joey Playdate11

    It wasn't until she was about 15 months hold that she started to actually fill out.
  • edited November -1
    I LOVE that picture Jess! Joey needs to come visit his first crush again. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Awesome news Nico!!!
  • edited November -1
    Yay for Shousei!

    I'm glad he is doing well...maybe he just needs to do some morning stretches to loosen up those muscles! =)
  • edited March 2010
    Thanks for all the best wishes. Yesterday he was very fine. We met up with Mikki, she's the sister of Kekko from Stina. After a little bit of bickering, they became very good friends. It looks like they felt in love. Mikki is 13 months now, Shousei close to 7. He's already a tad higher then her, he's 50 cms/19.6 inches. Yuu, Mikki's other brother is 51,5 cm. So I guess Shousei will be a sligtly bit bigger in the end, maybe 53 or 54cm. But it was so nice to see him play with an other shikoku and both being so friendly. Shousei loves to knibble on her ears or back.
  • edited March 2010
    I'm so glad to hear all is fine with Shousei, really a relief ah :))
    Thanks for the nice pictures, Mikki looks beautiful, all in good coat and everything :). Kekko looks at the moment something like Shousei...all the coat is gone :)). Are you sure Kekko's brother Yuu is only 51 cm, I do think he is bigger. Kekko is 54 cm high right now and Yuu did seem bigger than Kekko last time I saw him.
    I don't think Shousei is too skinny, probably the loss of the coat makes him look much skinnier.

    And yes in Herning we will hopefully all meet, will be very interesting. I think Kekko, Shousei and Yuu are all in the same class. I'm looking forward to see all the shikokus :).
  • edited March 2010
    Hallo Tini,
    Willem measured Yuu just yesterday, he was standing maybe not perfectly standing up straight. But he was 51,5cm. He looks bigger though, due to the fur, but that doesn't count. But at the pics you can see Shousei is a bit heigher than Mikki, but she is way more mature than Shousei. More volume and such, but in 6 months or so he will look different too. It will be fun to see all the boys together in the ring. Little Shousei will be the youngest I guess, from the boys. So he can look how the others do the job and learn from it. The best part is more shikoku's are entering the show, that's more fun for the public too. And good to promote the breed. MIkki and Mitchi will do the female show, don't know if there are others too, bringing their dogs, but maybe they are no longer in this class.

    Mitchi is very cute, great looking. She's one month younger than Shousei. It's a lot of fun to see Yuu play with Mitchi, she a pretty girl, knows how to handle Yuu to get whatever she wants ;-) Guess they will make a nice couple in the future!
    Here's a photo of Mitchi. She's almost 6 months here.
  • edited November -1
    Cute pics!
  • edited November -1
    Puppies in love, always cute… thanks. Will post more in the future. Shousei is doing very well, getting his coat back and getting a bit more muscular.
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