Top 5 Breeds You'd Never Own

edited April 2010 in General
Resurrecting this for some fun.

Please list the top 5 breeds you'd never want to own ;) ~


  • edited November -1
    Chinese crested dog
    Mexican hairless dog
  • edited November -1
    anything named by smushing the name of two breeds together (e.g., labradoodle, shibamo, etc.)
    Did I mention Chihuahua and JRT? I'll list them again because they are that low on my list.
  • edited November -1
    ahhaha Dave!
  • edited November -1
    Lol this is kind've messed up but here's mine
    1. Chihauha
    2. JRT (I had a friend whose JRT bit her every time she came home)
    3. Bloodhound
    4. Great Pyrenese
    5. Puggle but I'll add any designer combined breed
  • edited November -1
    Basset Hound
    West Highland Terrier/Wheaten Terrier (Most terriers actually...)
    Shango (my least favorite customer. I hated this leggy mutt so much that he gets his own "breed")

    This was hard, as I know many great -and many not great- representatives of lots of breeds.
  • edited November -1
    I'm with you all on the chihuaha's & designer breeds :p

    o1. Chihuaha
    o2. Designer Breeds [ Puggle, Yorkipoo, Labradoodle, etc. ]
    o3. St. Bernard
    o4. Great Dane
    o5. Poodle


    Tara - I want a Great Pyrenese as a giant pillow D: LOL ~
  • edited November -1
    -anything hairless
    -anything with dreads
    -any designer dogs (I heard a lady correct someone today when they asked what breed her dog was "it's a Shit Zoo Poo")
    -anything with a brachycephalic skull
    -anything that weighs more than I do
  • edited November -1
    For me, basically anything with a flat face, any designer mutts, and any "hair" type dogs (poodles, shih tzus, yorkies).
  • edited November -1
    -Basset hound
    -Cocker spaniel- A family member of mine had one that was crazy . . . always biting people.
  • edited November -1
    #1- border collie - I will leave it at that because I will become completely uncorked if I have to go into it.
    #2- airedale terrier
    #3- lhasas and shitzus
    #4- boxer
    #5- cav king chaz spaniel

    no purse dogs, no mops, no terriers, no herders. If it doenst bark on the bass clef, its not my dog.
  • edited November -1
    Cocker Spaniel
    Lhasas and Shitzus
    Jack Russell Terrier
    any designer breed
  • edited November -1
    Any breed that cannot whelp on their own, also any breed created with no purpose other than to be a companion. Also any breed commonly seen in a purse in LA. Or any dog that has strangely short legs. And oddly wrinkled dogs like Neos and Dosas.

    Oh man, Basset hound and Blood hounds... so gross looking, IMHO. LOL

  • edited November -1
    oh, I shoulda put cockers instead of CKCS.

    4 of my list are breeds that have either hurt or terrified Sage, or killed my cat- are all of your lists personal like that too? I know I shouldnt paint breeds with a broad brush but...I guess I did. I suppose its better to base dislike on an actual experience rather than looks anyway. I mean, I'd never own a bedlington terrier, but I have met one and it WAS a nice lamb, er... dog. I just feel most strongly ("top 5") about breeds whose representatives consistently seem to piss me off.
  • edited November -1
    Just thought I should copy this, because this pretty much list:

    from shishiinu:

    Chinese crested dog
    Mexican hairless dog

    But I'd also say the so-called designer breeds, and like Brad, anything that can't breed or whelp on it's own. (English bulldog, for example). And I dislike Dachshunds and boston terriers too--bad experiences with both. Oh, yeah, and the Neopolitan Mastiff...too much drooling, and I can't deal with the face that looks like it is melted.
  • edited November -1
    I have to agree with pretty much everything that has already been listed. Of course being a dog groomer, it is hard to narrow it down to 5.
  • aykayk
    edited November -1
    Breeds I would not own:

    English Bulldog
    Mastiff (pooping duty)
    Fila Brasilero
  • edited November -1
    "If it doenst bark on the bass clef, its not my dog." <-- LMAO


    I don't like a lot of dogs. [ correction: I like them, but they're not dogs I would personally want to live with ]

    Droopy / Overly Furry / Overly Wrinkly / Long-Haired / & Drooly dogs D:


    Bloodhounds are strange. ~
  • edited November -1
    OMG! Pugs freak me out...their eyes can pop out of their head!! ~
  • edited November -1
    I'm there with Brad on the dogs that can't whelp on their own, and am also rabidly against breeds that have inherent health issues due to 'type'.

    -French Bulldogs
    -King Charles Cavalier Spaniel
    -Mexican Hairless

    I'd throw the Chihuahua in there but I don't think they're really dogs.
  • edited November -1
    anything smaller than 10 pounds
    breeds with too many common health problems
    and I also agree with the dogs that can't whelp on their own
    now to get more specific...

    toy poodle (I actually like the larger ones)
    yorkshire terrier
    shih tzu
    English bulldog (it just doesn't look natural to me)

    lol Shigeru. I completely agree about the chihuahuas
  • edited November -1
    See I wouldn't own a standard poodle! They freak me out when they look down and to the side and stare at you.
  • edited November -1
    hahahahaha, that could be alittle creepy... :)
  • edited November -1
    anything designer/toy
    cocker spaniel <--I cant handle an animal that pees everytime you look at it.
  • edited November -1
    Cocker Spaniel
    Llasa Apso
  • edited November -1
    Pretty much anything that can be described as toy, teacup, or miniature...or otherwise smaller than my butt and so are likely to be accidentally sat upon.

    St. Bernards...they are cutey faces but much too slobbery.

    Golden Retriever...I really like labs (especially the ones built like tanks) but I just don't see me having a goldie ever.

    Anything built for more froof than function.

    Beagle...I don't really know why...I'm just not a beagle person.
  • edited November -1
    Man, I LOVE the fact that JRTs are gettin' no love on this forum. :-)
  • edited November -1
    I know why, Rainy: Beagles BAY. No dogs that sound like bugles or airhorns! Put that down for me, too.
  • edited November -1
    Hmm... Not sure I can really narrow it down to breed, but maybe category?

    1 - Any breed whose standard weight is less than 15 pounds. (I have no use for a dog that I can lift with two fingers.)
    2 - Any breed that drools on a regular basis. (Give me tight lips and a pointed snout.)
    3 - Any breed that serves no function. (Just me, but I like working/hunting dogs. Even if they are just companions for me.)
    4 - Any breed that has a tendency to be 'needy'. And by needy I mean constantly touching me, not able to spend a moment alone, etc.
    5 - Any breed that shakes if it is less than 70 degrees outside and requires coats. (Again, just me, but I like hardy breeds that would rather eat me than wear a sweater.)
  • edited November -1
    1. Any dog whose nose or face is smooshed in.
    2. Any dog whose stomache almost hits the ground because of short legs.
    3. Purse dog.
    4. Breeds with common health problems
    5. Breeds who can't whelp on their own.

    hmm...the only reason I wouldn't get a dog like any of the above is because if I somehow got turned into a dog or reincarnated as one those are the type of dogs I would never want to be. I didn't list any specific breeds but, most people here can easily figure out what goes into those categories.
  • edited November -1
    Poodle--Any kind. I hate them.
    Cocker Spaniel--I have never met one that wasn't psychotic.
    Pug--Really? What's the purpose for this loudly-breathing thing?
    Bichon--Not a dog. This is what dogs eat.
    Great Dane---I'm not trying to have a dog whose lifespan is ten minutes.

    Otherwise, anything that is small enough to fit in a microwave or giant-sized is out.
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