over vaccination

Recently, i have been hearing more cases of dogs apparently getting really ill and eventually dying from over vaccination.
It is said that instead of vaccinating our pets yearly, we should do a titer test and determine if a booster shot is really needed

Is/can routine/yearly vaccination be unnecessary/excessive for our 4legged babies?

Living on a navy base, we are required to have our dogs vaccinated yearly.
How often do you guys vaccinate? What are your opinions on it?


  • edited November -1
    I'm pretty anti-vaccination. Besides what's legally required I prefer to get titers first and then see if the pros of the vaccinations outweigh the cons.

    I don't vaccinate my cats besides what's required for boarding, surgery, etc.

    The only shot my son has ever received is the hep B shot when he was born. I didn't even want that done but they didn't get the memo in time.
  • edited November -1
    Ki has had all of the normal vaccinations every year (or three...depending on what they require) since he went into the shelter system around 1 year of age. That being said, I have no experience with vaccines for puppies, but I've never had issues with his vaccinations as an adult. Where I used to live a lot of vaccines were required if you dog was doing training, daycare, boarding, or even living with you in your apartment so it was never a question of whether or not he would be vaccinated since I wanted to have those options available.
  • edited November -1
    I do all puppy shots and booster shots at the 1 year of age mark only. Then Rabies when required =), as it's manditory in California. During Distemper & Parvo season I may or may not re-vaccinate depending upon how "severe" they are during that season.

    You really don't need to continue yearly vaccinations unless you plan on boarding your dog, part-take in doggie daycare or flying out of the country.
  • edited April 2010
    I vaccinate for all the puppy shots up to one year of age. After that I give the Rabies and DHPP (Distemper, Parvo, Parainfluenza, and Hepatitis) every 3 years, and I give the Lepto vaccine every year because my dogs are out in the woods and in ponds a lot throughout the spring/summer months. I have never given the Bordatella shot to either of my dogs and I only use Frontine and Heartguard from May to October. Technically you can't overdose an animal from giving it a vaccine, but a lot of animals have allergic reactions to them and some studies have shown sarcomas in cats have been linked to vaccinations.
  • aykayk
    edited November -1
    Sometimes dogs get a reaction beyond a regular allergic reaction. Some dogs get autoimmune hemolytic anemia whereby the body attacks its own blood cells. It takes potent steroids and blood transfusions for the dog to survive once it starts.
  • edited November -1
    We had a thread on this a couple of months ago: Shots. [ I know you weren't here Ling, but there's some good info in there so thought I'd pass it along ;) ] ~
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