Akita Inu as an outdoor companion

I have current discussion running about the Ainu Dog, I've now decided to also look at the Akita. I'm looking for evidence that the Akita can be a good outdoor companion. For this to be possible I would need to have reasonable control over the dog whist not on the lead. I've read alot to sujest they have in the pass made good hunting companion, I can only assume that they weren't on the lead for this. The time when I'll need the dog of the lead will be such time as when for example we're in the canoe, when going ashore, when setting up camp etc. I don't want a dog that has to be tied up all the time or a dog that will run off the second I release it from the lead. Obviously going out for general walks or when other people, dogs and car are about the dog will remain on the lead but when I'm hiking and canoeing in the middle of nowhere I want to be able to allow the dog some freedom. Because bitches are smaller, I’d go for a bitch. So now for a question or two to start of the discussion. Are Akitas obedient enough to be able to have time of the lead in areas like Dartmoor, Snowdonia, Scotland etc on occasion when there’s no one around? Does anyone have a female Akita that is good of the lead? Or should an Akita never be allowed of the lead no matter where they are? They are quite large dogs, I do lots of running probably around 20 to 30km a week. Would this dog cope with that distance? I usual break it down into 5km a time with the occasional 10-12km run. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. There’s a fair amount of information on Akita’s but some personal story of how your Akita acted whilst of the lead would also be good. So for main question. Can an Akita make good reliable outdoor companion the way they use to make good hunting companion?
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