Wraith --- 11.19 Wraith's New Toy

edited November 2010 in Other Breeds



  • edited November -1
    Well finally! Congrats Osy. I was about to tell you to stop with the damn birds and get a freak'n dog already.
  • edited November -1
    So cute!! Congrats!
  • edited November -1
    LOL Thanks guys :)

    Thought this way of introducing him would be appropriate.

    He met 4 people today, 1 person guessed he was a Dutchie...the other 3 told me he was a German Shepherd D: ~
  • edited November -1
    FINALLY!!! CONGRATULATIONS. Absolutely adorable!
  • edited November -1
    Bout time! What's his name?
  • edited November -1
    Bout time! What's his name?
  • edited November -1
    We're trying to decide between Wraith & Koenig :) ~
  • edited November -1

    Wraith will be a pain to call from a distance.
  • edited November -1
    Man, that's an ugly bird! :oP

    Congrats Osy! How is he so far? Torn up any furniture or anything?

    I love his coloring!

  • edited June 2010
    We keep going back & forth LOL


    Thanks Brad :) I about melted when I saw him in person, he looks so much better IRL than in the photos.

    He's been AWESOME so far!!! No accidents in the house [ yet ] he settles really well in the apartment, but bursts into energy when we go outside. Hasn't tried chewing on anything except his toys, & a stray audio cable & mouse cable. He's also learning really quickly, without any "real" training yet. He's a bit nippy, but he's got a pretty soft mouth. He does the whole "lick & nibble" thing like Ahi does lol

    The only trouble I'm having is crate training :x He keeps screaming his head off & I'm scared the neighbors are going to think we're strangling him & call animal control on us!

    Also, he has no interest in the birds whatsoever. Makes things SO much easier lol ~
  • edited November -1
    He sounds great!

    The only way to get past the screaming in the crate (Chups did this too, it was horrible) is to totally ignore it. Don't correct him, don't givbe in, nothing - just ignore it. Chupa stopped completely within a week once we started doing that.

    If you are truly worried about your neighbors I would just tell them "Hey, we have a new puppy that is not cool with the crate, we need to ignore his screaming until he stops, so please bare with us" ... They should understand, especially if you tell them he will be a quieter dog in the long run if you do this now. JMHO :o)

  • edited June 2010
    haha well we should be out of this apartment & into the house, God Willing, within a few days, or week at the most. [ all our neighbors @ the house are vacation rentals, most of the time they're empty ] Our neighbors here at the apartment are asses LOL [ they blast their music, sub-woofer & all at 7am ] But, I will let them know so that they don't call animal control on us lol

    Yeah, I was NOT expecting a ton of screaming. [ whining / crying, yes, screaming, no ] It literally sounds like we're strangling him!!! He's just SO quiet throughout the day. He's growly, whimpery, but not barking / screming / howling. TBH, I've just been avoiding putting him in the crate for now...wish me luck on his first night in the crate! LOL I have the wirecrate coming in on Tuesday, hopefully he likes that better than the airline crate. [ I think the airline crate is way too big for him too, don't think it will be good for cratetraining / potty training, hence why I've had him where I can keep my eye on him ]

    My only complaint is....he has a doggy odor lol I'm hoping once we get him off that Purina crap tho, it'll go down a bit. [ it's not too bad, but definitely noticeable ] Not a big deal tho, just a random funny thought :)


    He met 2 dogs on-leash today. One was a little bigger than him, & he got on ok. They sniffed each other, but for the most part he just ignored him. Then we met a big mastiff mix [ 6 months old & he was bigger than me! ] & he ignored him. The mix then wanted to play, but Wraith came & hid between my legs D:

    Hopefully later this week, a friend will be visiting with her maltese / yorki mix. [ who is very good with other dogs ] & Then another friend with her lab / chow mix & pittie.


    The other thing was...he did great when we turned the vacuum on! Kind of, "WTF is that?!" at first, but I started feeding him every time I turned it on & he calmed down quickly. He's really food driven, & toy driven.

    Super happy with this little guy :) Can't wait to see what challenges he throws us at us! Right now we're just trying to let him be a pup, don't want to put too many rules on him his first week here. ~
  • edited June 2010
    Oh &...potty training a pup when you live on the 2nd floor is the BIGGEST pain in the ass ever. LOL I don't want him going up & down the stairs so everytime we think he has to go, I scoop him up & carry his 15 pounds down the stairs D:

    The stairs are tiring me out! [ imagine going up & down a flight 15x a day ] Can not WAIT til we move!! ~
  • edited November -1
    "Right now we're just trying to let him be a pup"

    Nice! That is so important.
  • edited November -1
    I say that, but I feel horribly guilty right now as he's howling from his crate :( ~
  • edited November -1
    Ooooohhhhh! I'm SO EXCITED for you! He is beautiful! How old is he? 8 weeks? I like the name Wraith, myself, and feel like you can kind of drag it out into a couple of syllables and make it an ok call name :)

    He is just so beautiful, and you've been waiting so long, I'm just thrilled for you!

    I am familiar with the loud crying in the crate, not the screaming, but it has become a "tradition" of me getting puppies: I stop in a hotel somewhere on the way back with my pup, and the pup starts crying and whining loudly in the crate, and the people in the room next door bang on the wall, and I end up yelling "WE'VE GOT A PUPPY IN HERE!" **

    It never helps, so I don't suggest this as a strategy (Brad's suggestion is better...try talking to the neighbors), but it's happened when I got my Shbias and fully expect if I ever get an Akita pup the same thing will happen!

    Anyway, more to the point, huge congratulations! He is gorgeous, and I want to see more pics and here many stories!

    **with Toby, I took him out of the crate that first night and put in the bed to shut him up. It worked. And of course, he still sleeps in the bed.
  • edited November -1
    Bet the long wait was worth it. Congrats on the new pup!
  • edited June 2010
    It's not just that he howls / screams. He starts jumping around, growling, trying to break out, etc. He does this for about 10 minutes, then calms down for 10 minutes...then the cyle repeats lol

    I went to take him out after a coupe of hours for his potty break expecting him to jump out & attack my face lol [ didn't really expect that, I know better, but it sure sounded like it! lol ] [ I only take him out when he's been quiet ] But, he came out acting like he hadn't seen me in 20 years & I had abandoned him. Made me feel guilty :( Well, took him out to pee, [ which he did ] then back into the crate.

    The growling is pretty crazy, I should try recording it so you guys can hear the sounds lol

    Yep, he's 8 weeks old. :) "Wraith" was the original name we picked months ago, but we ended up getting a very light brindle so we second guessed it. [ this particular dutch breeder picks the pups for their homes ] We said, we'll name him "Koenig" but we keep accidentally calling him Wraith! LOL

    So, guess his name is Wraith :) His "Registered" name is "Grigori" [ since he's G-Litter ] lol ~
  • edited November -1
    Congratulations Osy!
    He's a really cute little pup
  • AmiAmi
    edited November -1
    What a beautiful pup! Congratulations Osy!

    Time to change your signature :-)
  • edited June 2010

    There are some dogs that are really vocal when they have some drive. The crate "tas" (Tasmanian devil) is not uncommon. Just expect some folks to be a taken back when the meet a vocal dog (LOL). From past observation of pups usually that trait does not fully go away as the dog matures. It is what it is.

  • edited November -1
    love him.

    Has he got anything comforting in the crate? Like a chilled kong to work on, or if its nighttime something warm to lay against (the old 2 liter bottle full of warm water thing) or sound of a ticking clock?

    is he tuckered out from play and learnin when you put him in there?

    (basic stuff I know but you didnt say.)

    Best wishes for the brindle boy!:) I look fwd to seeing him grow up...
  • edited November -1
    It's a bird with the head of a dog and the body of a dog! Very mythical.

    Skella barks really loud and tries to dig out of her crate and has even managed to actually open the door a few times. We have a psycho neighbour who has already called the cops because Skella barked three times in the backyard before I let her in, telling them that I was letting my dogs bark early in the morning (it was 8am). They didn't care, but we share a wall with this crazy guy, so we make sure he can't hear Skella. I found the room in the house from which sound travels the least, which happens to be the master bedroom, and put the kennel in the closet with the closet door closed. Sounds mean, but it muffles the sound enough that we can barely hear it in the next room and I can only assume the neighbour can't hear it, or he'd be banging on the wall, leaving us notes, or calling the cops.

    I really just try to make going in and out of the crate not a big deal at all. I put her in and ignore her, I take her out and ignore her when she comes out until she calms down. I put treats in the crate and they're eaten when I come back, but she doesn't calm down enough to eat them while I'm there.

    When we first got Tojo, he screamed for a lot of reasons (not just the crate) and we lived in an apartment building with people on all sides, and if someone asked what was going on, we'd just explain that shibas scream and he doesn't like his crate/getting his feet wet/having something stuck to his fur/whatever and they were mostly fine. Unless you've got a psycho neighbour, it's probably not a big deal.

    And, the only thing I've found that works is ignoring. Just plain ole ignoring the screaming and waiting it out. I would usually try to put as much distance between myself and the screaming dog as possible, so I wouldn't go nuts.
  • edited November -1
    "When we first got Tojo, he screamed for a lot of reasons (not just the crate) and we lived in an apartment building with people on all sides, and if someone asked what was going on, we'd just explain that shibas scream and he doesn't like his crate/getting his feet wet/having something stuck to his fur/whatever and they were mostly fine. "

    *LOL* this cracked me up....the list of things Shibas don't like.....HELP! There is something on my fur! Help! My feet are wet! *LOL*
  • edited November -1
    congrats on the new pup
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Guys!

    The crating is going better. I've been having him go in & out of it at various times throughout the day :) [ like Heidi did, threw some treats in there that he goes in several times to get ] I think his problem with the crate is that he feels like we're abandoning him. Whenever I let him out, he acts like he'd been in there for 50 years.

    Chrys - Yep, he's super tired when he goes in. Usually, he's passed out by the time I put him in there.

    As Patrice says, he sounds like a Tasmanian Devil lol But he's doing TONS better, but still barking / growling.


    A NEW challenge has arisen tho. He's decided that Florida is much too hot & he'd rather not go outside when the sun is out LOL He strongly refuses to cross the threshold of the door any time between 9am & 8pm.

    Had two pee accidents today, our fault, not his. We thought he needed to go, but while we were busy second guessing ourselves he figured he'd go on his own. Lesson learned. [ caught him midstream & got him outside tho :) ]

    He met me dad's cat today, Halo. He did SO good. Basically ignored her the whole time [ was like she wasn't even there ] even when she kept hissing at him. She eventually calmed down after a few hours & began approaching him for a sniff. I think after a few more encounters they'll get on well.

    & of course....I forgot to take pictures again D: ~
  • edited November -1
    Awww <3

    So does that mean the members of NKF could cancel their security systems? Osy is no longer a threat?
  • edited November -1
    LMAO Rina!

    I still want my Shikoku & Kai!!!! :p ~
  • edited June 2010

    or Osy now has a partner in crime.....
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Jessika.
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