Mihku is missing



  • edited November -1
    This website has some helpful information about how to recover lost dogs.

    For instance, small flyers can be hard to read from the roadway. Make big fluorescent ones instead http://www.missingpetpartnership.org/recovery-posters.php

    Also, do you and your friends have vehicles? Tag your cars and the info will be out in the community when you drive around http://www.missingpetpartnership.org/recovery-tagging.php

    Good luck!
  • Rina if you really feel that Mihku was stolen out of your yard, file a police report. That way you start some sort of paper trail just in case you locate Mihku in some ones yard and you need to call the Police.
  • Any update on Mihku? :/
  • Oh I know he got out of the yard on his own Gen, I'm just thinking whoever found him isn't trying very hard to find his right home. It's just a bad feeling so I'd feel bad filing a police report with no proof.

    Someone has also informed me that people like to take loose dogs, drive really far and drop them off in random places but not sure how accurate that story is.

    No update. He's still missing and no one has seen him.
  • I don't know what to say except that I'm so sorry....this most be just awful for you. I'm hoping you'll be able to find him still, though I'm beginning to wonder, too, if someone found him and decided to keep him.... :(
  • So is Mihku still missing?
  • Yup, still no word anywhere. I've kind of given up.
  • I'm so so sorry....I'd really hoped for some good news. It does make me believe someone stole him....

    Nothing to say here of use, but my sympathies....

    (And after reading about this, I'm watching my pup like a hawk!)
  • I'm so sorry that had happened.
  • I'm familar with the area...I'll keep a lookout. If somebody has him and is semi-active in the pet community, I WILL find out about it!
  • so sorry to read this...
  • Thanks Corina. I'm sorry I haven't called you. Everytime I find my phone, Micah walks off with it again. Last time it was under the fridge >.<
  • So, did you ever get him back?
  • Nope we never did and now we never will since we're 400 miles away. We moved 2 weeks ago.
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