Which of the six NK would you not own?



  • That made me really sad. I hadn't heard anything about Tojo lately, but was still kind of hoping maybe he'd been found.....Nothing to say, except I'm really sorry for your loss.
  • Ok, I'm bumping this, simply because I had a really sad moment today. Frustrated with my Shibas, kind of scared by girl Shiba's behavior (see the thread I started on canine seizures for details). And I just thought...I don't think I'll get another Shiba. I love my Shibas, and really thought they are the perfect dog for me. I feel more strongly about them than any other dog I've had.

    But they are so damned difficult. I think if a Shiba were to be an only dog, it might be easier, but they just are not mixing well with one another or with my other dogs. I even thought today, damn, maybe I should just get a nice Elkhound!

    I love my Shibas. Toby is a dog who is so close to my heart I can't even explain how much he means to me--even if he is fat, lazy, totally uninterested in almost any activity other than eating and lounging. But since I'm very much a multiple dog person, and like having big and smaller dogs, I just don't if I'll get another Shiba after these two are gone. It's just too damn hard.
  • I would likely not get an Akita. They seem too sweet to be forced to share with a bunch of Shibas ;) Probably not a Shikoku either, just based on the dog reactivity to strange dogs and general mischief making, which would just be chaos here with all the bitchy Shibas comming and going. If I had no Shibas, or very mellow Shibas, I would have Shikoku(s) for sure.
  • Hmmm...

    ---> would you not own? Shiba - simply because they are too small for me. I tend to like larger dogs.
    ---> have never considered owning? Shiba - for the reasons above.
    ---> show the least interest in? - Shiba - same as above
    ---> would not own again? ~ can't answer that yet...

    ok, I feel a little bad about my answers because the Shiba seem to be on the lower side for many. However, I wonder what this thread would be like on the Shiba forum ;oP.
  • ha! we should post it over there and see!

    I love, love, my shibas. But damn, they are difficult dogs.
  • Shiba. I like their size, actually, but I don't think I could tolerate them.
  • Scratch what I wrote earlier. I've gotten pretty interested in Akita these past couple months :)
  • @shibamistress - I'm with you. I really love my shiba, and to me, there's nothing more rewarding than those moments where she chooses to cuddle up beside me or give me kisses in passing, but I'd never own another. Raising Mitsu has been one of the most difficult things I have ever done, and while it has been rewarding, I don't think I could do it again! I also think my husband would veto me if I did try to bring home another shiba, because as much as he loves her, I know Mitsu drives him crazy.

    I don't think I'd ever own a hokkaido, simply because it's so hard to find information about them. I also get the sense that they may be extremely difficult dogs from what I have read. Since I probably will never have the opportunity to meet one, I don't think I will ever really be interested in owning one.
  • I came here earlier this year to find out more about NK as my wife and I plan to bring a dog back from Japan. My wife grew up with Shiba and is partial to that breed, but I wanted to learn more of other breeds. You have all generously shared a terrific amount of experience and knowledge about many NK breeds and I've learned quite a bit from this site! As we are now expecting our first child, we've decided to put another new addition to the family on hold!

    Based on my research of the discussions and posts on this site, here's how I'd answer:

    ---> would you not own? Hokkaido (simply because I really don't know much about them), Shiba, Shikoku, Tosa

    ---> have never considered owning? Shikoku, Tosa

    ---> show the least interest in? Shiba, Shikoku, Tosa

    ---> would not own again? ~ I can't say as I have never owned a NK breed.

    I came here most interested in JA and shiba, but after reading the discussions here, and the posts on Shigeru-san's blog, the breeds which I am now most interested in are JA, Kisshu and Kai.
  • Just to be clear, my breeder shibas are fabulous pets and very easy to live with. My BYB shiba, is the one that is the trouble maker and stirs things up with all the other dogs. I will definately own more shibas, but I anticipate they will mostly be from my breedings or from dogs in my breeder group that are also equally fine pets and dogs. I think it's unfortunate that most people in America don't get to have the experience of meeting really nice well bred Shibas since the byb and miller dogs are so much easier to get or meet, and they are not bred for temperment or health. I will never own a non breeder shiba again.
  • I know what you mean Lindsay, even though I have a well bred difficult Shiba. He'd be a WONDERFUL and easy dog (now that's he's an adult) if he were an only dog. He's just difficult as part of a multidog household. Bel, who is not well bred, is the real problem, but Toby isn't easy either.

    I also agree that it's really sad what's happening with Shibas--lots of problem dogs being turned out, and people who really should not have them are getting them, and it just makes their reputation even worse, and is bad for the breed and for people who love them. It's really sad.

    Like I said, of all the breeds I've had, I love Shibas the most, and it's their bad habits and general punkass-attitude that I love about them, too. If, when mine are gone, I could find one who was well bred and would get along in a multi-dog household, I'd get another, but I suspect that will be hard, and at the moment I'm just overwhelmed with how difficult my two are.

    I think I would like a Kai someday...... :)
  • edited December 2010
    My shiba is a well-bred breeder shiba and compared to a lot of the horror stories I hear (a lady at the vet's told me her brother's shiba ate furniture until he was 5 YEARS OLD. eek!), Mitsu is a piece of cake. She doesn't destroy my home, she's extremely well-socialized with both people and dogs (though this of course took a lot of work), and she only argues with me occasionally (haha). I probably shouldn't say she's a handful when I know that there are a lot of shibas that are even more than she is. But she still has some major attitude and what drives me crazy is how much of a drama queen she is! Never mind how much both I and the breeder handled her - she acts like she is being murdered every time we are at the vet! Also, she was HUGE into "talking back" as a puppy and this has come back now that she's an adolescent.

    I do adore her, and I also agree that breeders are the way to go. I can't imagine how Mitsu would act if I hadn't gotten her from a breeder - I'd probably be way in for it. :)
  • I concur about breeder dogs are the way to go...but branch that off to breeder animals are the way to go. I recently put down a breeder only rule on any new critters coming into our home, whether it be dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, snakes or penguins.
  • Just have to say that while I have seen plenty of nice Shiba over here, I see A LOT of nasty ones. Even in the ring, I see a lot of handler aggressive dogs biting their owners :(

    Anecdotal blurb for you.
  • That's a shame. I thought that was sort of encouraged tho (or not exactly discouraged.)
  • I have also seen some nasty Shibas that my family members had in Japn. My Aunt and cousins had three shibas and I hated them when I was a kid. Those shibas left me with a soure taste.
  • I've only encountered 1 bad shiba in Japan. It was my great uncle's dog and he was so..I can't think of the right word, disturbed? that he chewed his own tail off. He'd bite my great uncle everytime he had a chance along with everyone else. I was the only one he never bit. He loved me haha.
  • Wow he chewed his own tail off? Ow!

    ---> would you not own?
    Akita Nothing wrong with the Akita I'm more of a medium dog type owner.

    Never know though I never meet a akita up close so can't give a good opinion

    ---> have never considered owning?

    ---> show the least interest in?
    Not sure really don't know enough about the breeds to give a good opinion on that

    ---> would not own again? ~
    I've only had one NK which is Saya my shiba inu I wouldn't mind getting another one through a good breeder or rescue not sure..

    That's too bad about bad shiba experiences.

    Saya would never bite me or hurt me.

    Saya is pretty well behaved listens and does things without treats and has decent recall coarse she is allowed freedom via 50 feet or 100 feet long leashes.
  • ---> would you not own?
    Shikoku, they are beautiful dogs, but from what I have heard, not really the one for me...
    ---> have never considered owning?
    Ehm... I think kishu and shikoku would fit here. Not that I wouldn't like to own a kishu, but I haven't ever considered it, since I'd rather have kai ;)
    ---> show the least interest in?
    That would be kishu, shikoku and hokkaido. Mostly shikoku...
    ---> would not own again?
    I have only owned an akita so far and I'd definately like to own more akitas in the future...
  • ---> would you not own?
    Shiba. They have such quirky personalities and i love this, but I def need a laid back, "easy" dog. Shibas seem too energetic for my lifestyle. Plus, with their popularity, it seems like it would be difficult to find a good breeder. The dogs seem to be extremely varied in temperament, even amongst show dogs. So. No. I would never own a Shiba.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    Kishu and Kai. I am way more partial to white and brindle akitas than their nihon ken counterparts.

    ---> shown the least interest in?
    Kishu and Kai for the above reasons.

    ---> would not own again? ~
    I've only ever owned one Akita and I don't think I could ever not have an Akita. If I had to chose another nihon ken, I would def choose Shikoku.
    They look badass? (i know, terrible reason to want a dog, lol! But hey, i at least chose my akita for the right reasons, right? ;)
  • This is a neat thread.

    @sangmort--"I would never own a Kishu" circa 2010

    ---> would you not own?
    Kishu--they seem too drivey now after seeing Kishin and Julie's sister kishu play. I think they are super cute though, it just their tenacity!!

    ---> have never considered owning?
    Akita (they are too big for me)

    ---> shown the least interest in?

    ---> would not own again? ~
    Shiba...they are like the chihuahuas of NK...except they are much much cuter than a chihuahua and not as barky.
  • Wow, can't believe it's been 2 years! { & man...almost 4.5 years since I joined this forum...time flies! ]

    @ttddinh - We all know this forum has a way of making us eat our words, just ask anyone who has been around 2 years or so. ;)

    & in my defense...we probably wouldn't have gotten Dragoon if it weren't for Brian. He made the call on that one! LOL

    Ironically, if I refilled this questionnaire...my answers would be vastly different. Always interesting what time & experience does :) ~
  • Oh good for me! I said Id only look into kai, and I did! I am also now more inclined to consider an akita some far day when my pack dwindles down, but not with my current roster of personalities. Though I am appreciating kai size now, I felt I was a 'big dog person' before. Im also more interested in laika, as I watch Brad's Anya grow up.
  • @Sangmort So Osy, how would your answers be different now? Inquiring minds and all....
  • Oh man frankenstein thread!

    ---> would you not own?
    Kishu - From the small amount that I know of them it just seems like their personality is the least of a match with mine.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    Kishu - Like I said, I know almost nothing about them and as such have not given much thought to owning one.

    ---> shown the least interest in?
    Kishu, and JA at first... but the more I read about them the more I'm interested in Akitas. Just need to figure out more about their outdoorsiness, they're used as police dogs though and they're quite active.

    ---> would not own again? ~
    I've loved both my Shiba and Kai, so I don't have an answer for this one lol. I know for a fact that I'm no longer interested in standard non-NK breeds, or "American" breeds.
  • ---> would you not own?
    If I had to pick one...... Hokkaido (But never say never, right? LOL) Only because I do not have a lot of hands on experience with them.

    ---> have never considered owning?
    I have considered each of them and then determined which ones would best fit our family.

    ---> shown the least interest in?
    Hokkaido and Shiba

    ---> would not own again?
    I have no answer here =)

  • Well, my answers looks relatively true for me still, though I don't really know why I wanted a Kishu. Now I think no, not really the dog for me. Shikoku either, though having met Brad's, I can now say they are lovely. Just not the dog for me.

    I would still like a Hokka! And probably more Kai. And Akita, though now I think I do not want a JA. I used to, but now I prefer the AA.

    Least interest in the Shikoku and Kishu.

    Would not own again? Sadly, still probably Shibas. I know I could find a good breeder if I wanted to get one, but I find them too difficult, I'm afraid.
  • @Edgewood - Don't think I'll own any NK ever again. It feels like they have too many problems, temperament & health-wise. Who knows tho? Maybe when I'm ready for another dog [ hopefully, a LONG time from now lol ] they'll be different, but as they are now...nope.

    If I was going to get one of the six again, it'd probably be a kishu. I don't like the white, & Goon has some weird skin problem, but at least temperamentally, she's close to perfect. [ sharp, drivey, smart, confident ] ~
  • Wow, it's interesting seeing what I wrote all that time ago. I actually really want another shiba now. I think I've had enough time since losing Tojo that I could handle it, although Noah still says we should get a female B&T so it's as different from Tojo as possible. I sort of agree. I do want a female B&T, but since I'm looking for working shibas, I think colour has to be the least of my considerations, although I still want a female next. Another red, male shiba is probably in my future eventually, though.
  • I think I would not get another shiba. Sasuke had problems that I could not help regardless of how hard I tried. Another shiba feels like I'm replacing him.
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